Monday, July 5, 2021

New Things Happening

 It's been a while since I last wrote here. But that's because not much has been going on really. 

I've been cleaning out the house, painting more at home - then just when I began going back to my social art group, we had a lockdown. I've been reading again and then I'm looking at clearing out the office and starting again. It's a good thing I'm in no real hurry to clear out my place.

But then, I'm in a hurry to get out of where I'm living, mainly because I'm looking at moving. Yes, I want to move from my townhouse. I hate it here. There's so much noise and I want quiet to be able to sleep, to be able to read, to be able to paint, and to be able to spread out in my garden more... you know how goes, I need more room.

I want to move to bigger place out west - as the city has become too expensive to live in. I have told my folks that I'd like to live out west, but they're not sure about living so far from a city, but I wish to because it's out at a place where you see the stars, breath the fresh air and enjoy a small town kind of life.

But that's me.

Anyway, I've begun working at Lifeline in my local area and I'm loving it. It's a good way to get myself out into the world again, seeing I've been away from volunteer work for so long - since early last year. And the irony is that the Logan Art Gallery has offered me to come back to work for them again next month. However, I've been with them for 20 years, and I promised myself only 20 years with the place, then I'd move onto another volunteer organisation and work with them for another lot of time. I thought it would be a good way to live my life, instead of spreading myself too thin in too many places, I'd do one place at a time.

It's turned out to be a good thing for me, as I can work out at Mum and Dad's place (as they have a home gym) and I'm cleaning out the house, then working on my garden, and I'm catching up with my Netflix a few nights a week, and catching up on my reading before I head off to bed each night - well, that's the plan. Most nights, I barely get to bed to read before I'm asleep before my head hits the pillow. This is a good thing. 

All these new things which are happening, are good for me. But I'm looking forward to doing more for myself as I head towards the next six months of this year to see where it goes. Hopefully, I'm going to build a greenhouse in my backyard - that is if FlyBuys lets me in to converts my points to cash to use them to do this. I've been on the phone for 20 minutes on hold only to be told I've got a 20 minute hold to be sent to another person to talk to in 20 minutes... makes no sense, right? No I didn't think so either.

I hope you're all working on yourself in a positive way this year; as it's not been very easy for any of us. I have read that the second year of a pandemic is one of the most difficult; let's see if we can make it easier for each of us. Until my next post, take care, stay safe and remember I'm always here.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Not Much Going On

 Well, I haven't really done much around the place lately, thus the no need to really post anything here lately. And the last time I posted was around early January this year. 

I wish I had more to tell you.

I have a new next door neighbour, who not many people like - yeah, I don't like him either - because he's still figuring out you can't be noisy in a unit complex.

I'm just getting back to my social painting days at the local art school, when I'm off to get myself tested by doctors for skin allergies. Oh, yay, great fun! Not. I've been getting severe itching and hive-like reactions from bamboo over the past 5 years and yet it's just now I'm getting it done. It's mainly because I'm sick and tired of my neighbour (who grows the stuff) telling me she wants to clip it and I have to not be home in the two hours she gets somebody in to do that... well, I don't want to leave my house anymore because she decides to clip her garden. It's my house and my life - not hers. I hate being told what to do. and the body corporate is wanting her to get rid of the plants... So, getting tested now is a good idea.

My garden is looking beautiful, and I'm acquiring large pots from friends and family without paying any money... which is great! I just have to wait until Winter and I can repot some of my plants! Yay! Great stuff.

I'm getting back into writing - slowly but surely - and it's feeling good to sit for 3 hours and just write 2,000 words in four chapters on a book I've been thinking about! So, when I get the ideas onto the computer screen, it's a good thing. 

And my cleaning out is going really well. The home office has had 3 rubbish bags of crap - gone! I'm working on the desk next! As soon as I post this post? Yep, it'll be all cleared out and worked on. Well, how's your cleaning out doing? As good as mine is I hope. Until my next post, stay safe, and remember I'm always here.

Friday, January 8, 2021

And It's Getting Worse

 Well, it's the New Year, and gotta say: things are going from bad to worse. I'm in Brisbane, Australia, and today, we're going into lockdown for 3 days, starting from today at 6pm. This means no going out, unless it's absolutely necessary - and we must wear a mask.

I had to go out today to buy a part for my computer and I wore a mask for the small trip to OfficeWorks. However, there were so many people who didn't wear a mask... and yet there were plenty who did. I was pleased and disgusted at the same time. So, what can I say? This isn't the first time we've been told to stay home, and to wear a mask, but it won't be the last either; and yet people are not taking it seriously.

Anyway, there's new strains of the Covid virus and we can't seem to get it to stop spreading. This is not a good thing... and I'm making sure I'm staying away from people. Today, I was supposed to go out and have coffee with a friend, but she got a cold, and we called it off. I was going to call it off due to the lockdown anyway; and when I called her up, she sounded so stuffy and croaky, I thought it was best if she stayed home.  But there's going to be so many people out and about panic buying things and acting weird, that I'm glad to be home right now.

Anyway, it's just begun to rain again - and it's nice and cool outside, which is strange for January - but I'm glad to see it's the weather is getting better for us. I'm just lucky to have not had to be tested for Covid yet, nor catch it. I've been very careful in where I've been and how I've be participating in public... so when I know there's been problems with everything outside, I'll get my masks going and wear them. And I've got plenty of anti-bacterial gel and wipes as well, which does play well in my life.

I just do hope this gets worked out. The UK strain has hit Brisbane, and it took one person to take it around Brisbane... and that's all it takes - just one person. So, please be careful with where you go. And remember to stay well, keep safe too, and wear your masks. Well, I'm off now, take care, stay safe and remember, I'm always here.