Well, I haven't really done much around the place lately, thus the no need to really post anything here lately. And the last time I posted was around early January this year.
I wish I had more to tell you.
I have a new next door neighbour, who not many people like - yeah, I don't like him either - because he's still figuring out you can't be noisy in a unit complex.
I'm just getting back to my social painting days at the local art school, when I'm off to get myself tested by doctors for skin allergies. Oh, yay, great fun! Not. I've been getting severe itching and hive-like reactions from bamboo over the past 5 years and yet it's just now I'm getting it done. It's mainly because I'm sick and tired of my neighbour (who grows the stuff) telling me she wants to clip it and I have to not be home in the two hours she gets somebody in to do that... well, I don't want to leave my house anymore because she decides to clip her garden. It's my house and my life - not hers. I hate being told what to do. and the body corporate is wanting her to get rid of the plants... So, getting tested now is a good idea.
My garden is looking beautiful, and I'm acquiring large pots from friends and family without paying any money... which is great! I just have to wait until Winter and I can repot some of my plants! Yay! Great stuff.
I'm getting back into writing - slowly but surely - and it's feeling good to sit for 3 hours and just write 2,000 words in four chapters on a book I've been thinking about! So, when I get the ideas onto the computer screen, it's a good thing.
And my cleaning out is going really well. The home office has had 3 rubbish bags of crap - gone! I'm working on the desk next! As soon as I post this post? Yep, it'll be all cleared out and worked on. Well, how's your cleaning out doing? As good as mine is I hope. Until my next post, stay safe, and remember I'm always here.