Monday, May 11, 2009

Art Vandals and Job Offers

Okay, I've had the most extra-ordinary month... well, half month. Work on another blog of mine has been vandalised and it really ticked me off something bad! And I've had a job offer and I've begun another blog! Yes, I've been busier than usual.

My most recent work on 'A Natural Background' was vandalised in the last month. It's a pretty little brown and beige piece put up in Logan Central and I got photos of it and it was brilliant! Then I walked off to my volunteer work that day; thinking it was would be a great plug for the Logan Art Gallery. Not five hours later, I came back to find my tag I used for it had been ripped off there! Not cut or undone but ripped! Some small-minded idiot who never even thought of coming into the gallery and asking if we knew about the art (or that the artist may have been working nearby) thought the tag was just for them! Idiots! Didn't they think that their phone has a camera on it for a reason? There aren't many phones that don't have them now! I was so peeved that I nearly screamed my anger on that blog... but I didn't. Instead, I was nice and pleasant and said that 'I wish' and 'please don't do that'. Hhmph! Next time, I will not be putting anything in Logan Central.

During the last few weeks, I was offered a job on There's no pay packet, just the joy of sharing what I've read... and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with it. It's been a little while since I hear back from Peter... however I'll see what happens. I'll be reviewing books that I've read that I think are FlashlightWorthy and I get do to my own blog too... that's where my third blog comes into it.
The new blog is called 'My Reading List' and that's exactly what it's about. I've been reading lots of books since I was young; and thus when I was offered this gig at, I thought it would do me a lot of good to get myself a reputation as a reviewer with a difference. So, I've attached my blog's url ( to the listings I was offered. So far, I've done around 10 or so books in the last week or so with book covers, a review, when I read the book and what the author's up to now. So, enjoy it when you look into my profile and find it.

Otherwise, I'm working tooth and nail through my third Fry Nelson novel... all short stories just like the other two and it's getting very interesting. So is the other books I've been doing. I'll have to get into looking at them again too! The stories in this Fry Nelson are longer than the previous novel; I don't know why, but they are just are.

Anyway, Mother's Day has just past here. I went to my Mum's house and dug up a tea chest full of my brother's and mine old childhood books from the late 1970's and 1980's! Wow! Talk about walking down memory lane! It was so good to find all my Enid Blyton books and 'The Neverending Story' by Michael Ende that I knew I had but I never knew what happened to it! So, I collected together all my books that I wanted and the ones I never wanted to get rid of and I took two 'green bags' (they are green synthetic bags with recyclable plastic bottoms in them) home with me! There are so many books I have now that are printed in the UK and I have two that are made in Japan; and you imagine that! Japan! I'm definately not letting them out of my sight! They are most definitely collecter's items.
While I was in the mood to look at the books, Mum and I got on the computer and looked up some of the books on to see which ones were worth how much. Mum was absolutely astounded at the prices we could get for them if we sold them at auction. She said that I knew which sites to use and loved it that we could e-mail and get them to help us when they weren't there too.
For her special day, I bought her two packets of TimTams and gave her a card from my Claude Monet stationery kit. She loved them and even gave me four before I went home... I didn't want them, but she insisted. I had made them breakfast with scrambled eggs (with cream, milk, paprika and seasoning) and cooked up some bacon, tomato and mushrooms. They both enjoyed breakfast - even though it was Mother's Day. Dad forgets that I don't get to cook for people very often; just a cute little budgie, and and even then, it's a matter of just changing her seed from budgie seed to finch seed for some variety...hahaha.

Well, this is my blog for now. Take care until next month. Who knows what's going to happen? Only the Universe in its infinte wisdom! And Happy Birthday Buddah!

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