Loved and Lost Treasures Delivered At Last!
Today, the most wonderful, beautiful thing arrived in my home. It was the piano I talked about a few posts ago. There was a lot of excitement about its arrival and much cleaning up and a lot of clutter was thrown out to make the room needed for this instrument; because even though it may have looked small when it was at Grandma's house, it looks massive here at my small house. So, this morning, I moved all the furniture by 9am and sat around for a little over an hour. It was so good to see it being trundled out of the back of the huge van; which made my darling Palings & Sons piano look rather tiny packed all the way in the back in the dark covered in a large felt blanket. But once the sun hit its gorgeous chestnut surface, I remembered all the times I played it at Grandmas and wondered if it was going to fit. But there were no problems as it easily fitted through the side door and was maneuvered into place by the two guys who made it look so easy. Mum got quite a few photos and then got a final one of me and guys standing next to it. It was a joy to see my piano finally sitting by the wall.
Then, Dad opened it and began informing me about how to care for it - I really didn't know that he knew so much about caring for a piano as much as he did! - and I listened as he showed me how to open it and pull off the panels. After he began to get technical, I thought it would be a better idea if I left the more technical stuff for somebody who cleaned and tuned pianos for a living; but I didn't
say so. I just let Dad keep talking until I thought it was time to put it back together and finish wiping the dirt and dust off the outside. The seat which hold the music was the next thing I had to look through; and I knew it. But still, Dad told me I had to go through it all. I nodded saying that was the next thing on my list. So, after they both had a coffee and went home, I took the piano stool
outside, opened it and laid out last Sunday's newspaper and then, one by one, I carefully pulled out the sheet music and books; judging which ones I'll be keeping and which ones I'll put to one side to see what I can do with them. I ended up putting a lot the stuff that was too fragile into a backpack... I seriously don't know where to go from here with them. So, this is my treasure. Not yet lost, but it's loved. All I need to do is learn how to play it again... well, my right hand anyway; the base of the left hand always got me! Unless I look up the concertos written for people with the use of only their left hand to get it going! Now, there's a thought!
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