Thursday, February 19, 2015

Storm Watch

Over the last few days, Cyclone Marcia has been carefully watched by the BOM here in Brisbane and Australia as it's traveled over the Coral Sea.  

Now, to start with, there was one other cyclone they were concerned about, but it's not as worrying as Marcia... which is about to make landfall early tomorrow morning around Gladstone (which is about 4 - 5 hours north of Brisbane) as a category 2 storm.  It'll carry with it wind and plenty of rain with high seas as well.

We have had something like this before a few years ago, when I first moved into my townhouse; and it freaked me out - along with my friends overseas.  Now we know what to expect, I want my friends to not worry.  This storm is just something we live with in the tropics.  I mean, one New Year's Eve, we had this type of storm occur during the party and we hunkered down and still kept the music going until the lights went out... yeah!  Great fun with the howling winds, sideways rain and all the trimmings to go with it.  
I also remember when it occurred not long after that here in Brisbane and I was expected to be here at home and had to go out, and one of my friends overseas had called me to see if I was okay - or if my house had been knocked down - and I came home, to her panicked questions on my answering machine.  I phoned her straight back (fortunately it was midnight and off-peak time).  Man, she was so relieved to hear my voice, and that my house was okay, just it was windy and wet and cold.

Now, it's about to start and I'm not worried.  I have enough food.  I've got enough books to read, enough paintings and work to keep me occupied and I have my living room to clean out as well.  Yep, I have things to get done this weekend which will definitely make sure I'll have something to do while it's raining outside, trapping me indoors.  So, what do you get up to when Mother Nature takes a turn for the worst?  Do you do what I do and jump into reading, work and decluttering?  Or do you take a seat and watch it all go by, making it a spectator sport?  Until my next post, take care, stay safe and remember, I'm always here.

1 comment:

  1. All that hype for nothing really! Once TC Marcia hit Yeppoon it was downgraded go a tropical low really fast. Most of the damage would of been done from wide bay to the Gold Coast beaches as they had high tides. Some low line areas in Brisbane and Logan may been affected by flash flooding but we didn't get the same damage hit as TC Marcia hit in Central QLD
