Yep, when it's raining outside, and there's not much going on in the garden, I get in and do a lot inside my house.
This weekend, I've been busily working away in parts of my house to make them cleaner, tidier and more appealing to me and anyone else who happens to visit.
First off it was the bathroom. I looked around and started putting away my hair bands and bits to clear up the bench space for Winter. Then, I went through my medicine cabinet and found there was so many soaps and yet I never used the hand-made ones. So, I took them up and put them to one side for Mum to look at.
Then, it was downstairs for me to go and I started on the lounge. First I folded up all the towels sitting around, put away all the bags I wasn't using and then sorted out the receipts, put away the plastic bags and went through all the books, notebooks and anything else that was sitting around - ie: rubbish that needed throwing out - and the next thing I knew, it was tidy. I then cleared the coffee table off and spray-n-wiped it, put the terrarium back on it, polished up the silver heat-proof thing for the teapot and the two large stone pieces and went through the part underneath and made sure there were only 3 things under there (the index of my dvds, my Christmas Box and the green box of things that sit around the coffee table).
The knee rugs were next to be sorted out and organised. I folded them up and put them over the back and one arm and they looked nice useful. I lined the back of the lounge with the cushions and then I threw out last week's paper, anything else that wasn't needed went into the bin, and before I knew it, the lounge was tidy.
But, the kitchen table was messy... darn! I can't seem to win!
So, I looked into that, and it seems that there were only a few things that I have to look into to clear that table up. There's two recipe books I'm copying recipes from one to the other, all my bank statements are piled up and need filing and I'm looking at saving up for a shredder to shred all my receipts from shopping... I have a lot of them in my purse I don't need.
Otherwise, I've gotten the piano nice and tidy, the credenza looks good and the work bench has been a life saver since I built it. The one place I can't seem to get straight is my home office... no matter how much I work on it, it's a mess. Well, I guess we all need something to work on on a permanent basis, right? Until my next post, take care, stay safe and remember, I'm always here.
This weekend, I've been busily working away in parts of my house to make them cleaner, tidier and more appealing to me and anyone else who happens to visit.
First off it was the bathroom. I looked around and started putting away my hair bands and bits to clear up the bench space for Winter. Then, I went through my medicine cabinet and found there was so many soaps and yet I never used the hand-made ones. So, I took them up and put them to one side for Mum to look at.
Then, it was downstairs for me to go and I started on the lounge. First I folded up all the towels sitting around, put away all the bags I wasn't using and then sorted out the receipts, put away the plastic bags and went through all the books, notebooks and anything else that was sitting around - ie: rubbish that needed throwing out - and the next thing I knew, it was tidy. I then cleared the coffee table off and spray-n-wiped it, put the terrarium back on it, polished up the silver heat-proof thing for the teapot and the two large stone pieces and went through the part underneath and made sure there were only 3 things under there (the index of my dvds, my Christmas Box and the green box of things that sit around the coffee table).
The knee rugs were next to be sorted out and organised. I folded them up and put them over the back and one arm and they looked nice useful. I lined the back of the lounge with the cushions and then I threw out last week's paper, anything else that wasn't needed went into the bin, and before I knew it, the lounge was tidy.
But, the kitchen table was messy... darn! I can't seem to win!
So, I looked into that, and it seems that there were only a few things that I have to look into to clear that table up. There's two recipe books I'm copying recipes from one to the other, all my bank statements are piled up and need filing and I'm looking at saving up for a shredder to shred all my receipts from shopping... I have a lot of them in my purse I don't need.
Otherwise, I've gotten the piano nice and tidy, the credenza looks good and the work bench has been a life saver since I built it. The one place I can't seem to get straight is my home office... no matter how much I work on it, it's a mess. Well, I guess we all need something to work on on a permanent basis, right? Until my next post, take care, stay safe and remember, I'm always here.
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