It's that time of year again. Yep, where the Easter Bunny hides the eggs for little kids, the Christian Church reminds us that Jesus died on the cross for us - then rose three days later - and we have four days off. In the past, I've had really good, bad or downright ugly things happen to me over this time of year. This year? I got new neighbours; and for once, they're nice.
Another thing I have is time to myself to read... and that feels great. In the last few days, I've been doing some odd jobs around the place so that I can have a worry-free long weekend to do nothing but read or play the piano or watch a few dvds... or nothing at all but play around on the computer and internet. And it's been a great feeling to get a fair bit of the jobs I was supposed to get done in Summer done now (my only reason for putting them off was because we've had a really stinker of Summer). So, I've gotten the few things I've promised myself done.
Over the next few days before Good Friday, I'll be doing a little more gardening, vacuuming the lounge, stairs and my bedroom. Then, there's the office to clean up (I haven't really gotten into it since the Library Book Cull late last month), the bathroom needs cleaning up a little and all the floors need washing and then there's the dusting.
Also over this long weekend, we'll be going in to April and on 356 project I've suggested a challenge to everyone to put up a month of photos of animals. They could be their pets, animals they work with, animals they see every day... just about any kind of animal that is around. And just when I thought people weren't going to take part, I had 16 replies overnight! People wanted to give it a go with their pet rats, cats, dogs, horses, birds... well, you name it, they're going to dig into the archives of their computers and put them on 365 project. I'm so pleased people want to do this!