Weather features a lot in this month's posts... and for good reason. February is one of the hottest months of our calendar year here in Australia and this year is no different. But in the past few months, we've had the same amount of rainfall as we did back in 1974. So, when we were told we were going to get hot weather this month, we braced ourselves.
In one of my posts, I'd had been working on a new book and it consumed me so much, I lost sleep (which isn't so unusual when I'm working on something new) and seeing the hot weather was keeping me awake anyway, I didn't see much use in sleeping anyway, so stayed awake. I waited until I really needed the sleep and ended up crashing when I needed to.
But all wasn't about the weather, writing books and overtiredness. On 13th, February, the family got together to celebrate Dad's birthday from the week before at Gabe and Kat's place. It was a weekend when Riley was around and so it was perfect for Kat's family to come by and join in the merriness. We spent a good amount of time hanging out in the heat and chatting, eating snacks of cheese and biscuits and chips. Then, Gabe got in and made his famous pizzas.
During that afternoon, Dad was away driving a limousine for a wedding; so on the way to Keperra, Mum and I dropped him off to Tony's to pick up the car, as he was the only limo driver who drive this particular model limo (it's one where if the motor cuts out or is switched off, your foot brake doesn't work, and a lot of younger drivers don't remember that). Anyway, while there, Mum and I took some lovely photos of a Rolls Royce around the corner under a carport that was dressed and ready for a wedding; a nice old one.
That night was a fun night of pizzas, music and cooking marshmallows over an open bonfire in the backyard. All the kids enjoyed it and I showed them how to get their marshmallows charcoaled just right and make sure they don't fall off their sticks... but then, it takes a lot of practice to keep them from falling off.
Then, this year, I decided to join in the World's Greatest Shave! It was a spur of the moment decision and instead of shaving my red tresses off, I'll be colouring; deciding on blue and purple hair spray. Very fun and cool punky colours which are completely opposite to what I have currently. I put my goal down as $500 and have reached almost $200. Even if I don't get to my goal amount, at least I've raised some of it to go to a worthy cause. And I've done this because a lot of my friends on Bookcrossing and across the globe - as well as in my family and friends - have fought and survived and are currently living with, fighting and working with doctors to survive Cancer. So, seeing I'm a survivor of a type of cancer, I thought to get in and raise money for this very worthy cause.
Last week was last week. I got my hair cut, spent some money, worked on getting more sponsors for the World's Greatest Shave and bought a birthday gift for a great friend of mine. I'm sure she'll love it.
The weekend has been busy and I'm paying for it with sore muscles now. I've been cleaning out my old units that held my television, dvd, VCR and HD box with cds and a lot of other stuff I need to put away into a new television unit my Uncle Allan gave me when he updated to a new one for his house. Now it's here, I've got a bit of work to do to get it all back into it and my lounge room looking somewhere near normal.
After we got the whole entertainment system hooked up again - which wasn't that hard really seeing it was all very new - Mum, Dad and I had about an hour to get ourselves ready to go to River Hope at the Greenslopes Bowls Club. And what a place! There were so many bands and so much entertainment! On two stages, bands played; on the outside stage, were the cover bands and the inside stage was where the originals played. Gabe and his band - Blue Honey - played. And it was great when they did!
During the day, there was Barefoot Bowls and other entertainers enjoying the days. Kids ran around after Captain Jack Sparrow and there was music floating through the air as bands came and went all day to raise money for the flood victims of Brisbane and the Lockyer Valley (where they're still working on bringing life to some kind of normal for them all there). I stuck around with Geoff and Vivienne Treagus for Darren Percival who was amazing at the end of the night! He's a one man band where he makes all the noises of base, electric guitar, harmonies and then gets in and sings too... you've gotta see him to believe how much goes into his acts. Then, he gets into the audience and totally enjoys himself; getting us to join in the act... great fun!
I got home at 8:30pm and was completely stuffed yesterday. I didn't watch that much television... instead I sat on the computer and tried to upload my photos of what was taken yesterday. But alas! All the photos of Blue Honey's concert didn't upload... none of them! So, I have nothing to show to say that Gabe and the band played there... now that just sucks big time, doesn't it?
Well, today, I'm on the last day of the month. I've nabbed a couple of small Egyptian Sage's from outside unit 6 (I did ask if I could first; and didn't just take it. The resident was pleased I asked first and didn't just yank 'em out). Then, I've put the furniture outside I don't want in the house... that is two lots of shelving, and soon, my old television unit... to be taken to Endo's for somebody else to love and enjoy in their homes. Now, this is it for the month of doing something different. Let's see if I can get in next month and throw out more junk, eh? Now, that'd be great! Until next month's Do Something Different, take care... and I'm always here.