Thursday, August 23, 2012

Stressed Out

This week, I've been stressed out something rotten.  I was hoping to have purchased a cool, new computer by this time from Super Geek and be back online with everything in my home office... but I'm not. I'm supposed to have everything back to normal; but it's not.  I don't know why it takes so long to do everything in my life and why I have to live with so much stress when it's not needed.  So, I called my folks' house this morning and said to Mum that by next week I will have a new computer in my home and the old one the was offered from my Uncle's house will be back at their house for them to work on.  
But this week has been a week of me returning things.  Yesterday, I went out to do some small shopping.  I had to go and buy some Finch Seed for Little Miss Stevie because she was running low.  Then, it was off to the Spice Mart where I had to pick up some Paprika.  Last week, I bought the wrong one and burnt my mouth.  Thinking I had bought myself the right one - smokey - I went and finished my shopping and came home; only to find the Paprika I had burnt my mouth on was the smokey one.  Jeez, I thought it was the hot one.  So, I didn't open it, instead, I found the docket and put it by the door to return and exchange for plain ordinary Paprika... not smokey or hot... just plain, red Paprika.
After I bought the Paprika, I walked to Woolworths and returned the Prya soap that gave me hives last week.  The lady said it didn't sound good and gave me the money back.  I showed her box I marked (of the one I used) and she thanked me for doing that. 
Then, I took a nice walk to Logan Central Plaza.  On the way, I picked up some sandpaper and new pruners at True Hardware.  It didn't take long for me to find the sandpaper and make my choice but looking for a good set of pruners was harder than I thought.  And the ones I chose weren't the best ones.  They kept on locking up each time I used them; and I mean the little lock on the bottom, swings over and locks them each time I clip something.  Stupid things.  So, I'm taking them back to get something that works better than that.
After that, I ended up at Venus' Cafe drinking a nice ice coffee and eating an Orange and Walnut cake.  Yummo!  Very delicious.  It was nice to sit down and relax before I had to find the bus stop.  Yep, find it.  The Logan City Council had been working on a new one and didn't really tell anyone when it opened, where the buses were going or anything important - like where the traffic was supposed to go.  Silly really.  I had a few people tell me that they weren't told anything about the new road markings and had to find out the hard way that they had changed.  I didn't even know the Woodridge Bus Station had opened... last week it was so far from being finished.  And I was thinking there was going to be a bridge joining them; but there isn't.  I guess the council will learn this as time goes on.  Well, the buses came and went and I talked to the Translink people who were handing out information slips to people, letting them know that a timetable on both platforms would be better than one on each.  They took that down as feedback.
But last night, after dinner, I found that the previous three nights of having a midnight curfew caught up with me.  So, I found I crashed soon after 'Sons of Anarchy' and I'm catching up the lost sleep.  I'm still feeling like my eyes are hanging out of my head by stalks, but then I've gotten in and done some laundry, and checked the mail online and updated some blogs.  Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.

1 comment:

  1. did wonder if you noticed the new road changes on Wembley Road. It did take a long time to complete. My prediction was pretty much spot on when the opening day will be. The main reason I noticed I drive on this road all the time.
