I haven't really been feeling in the spirit of the Season lately. And I know why. But it doesn't mean I have to be a Grinch or Scrooge at this time of year... and I'm not going to be either. I'm also not going to force myself to be into the Christmasy thing all together either.
What I'm going to do is clean up a little, put out some of my Christmas decorations and see how I feel. If I'm going okay, I'll decorate the whole house...
So far, I've done the trees out the front of the house and I'm feeling okay. Last year, my little bird was alive to see me do this decorating thing... this year, she's not around. What I might do this year, is put her cage away in storage after the New Year. It'll help the healing process and I'll be able to keep a clear mind about whether I want another bird in the future or not.
So far today, I went out and bought the streamers for the trees out the front and two boxes to put away all my knitting yarn. And I now have 3 extra 'green' bags and all my yarn in two boxes I bought from a cheap store, which I'll be storing in my wardrobe in my spare room until after the New Year... then I'll get another few boxes to put the rest of the yarn I couldn't fit into the boxes and they'll be nice and neatly piled in the corner in the lounge room next year so I can use them when I want to; instead of being in bags all the time.
The next thing I need to do is get my Christmas Tree down from the office. I put it up here last year when I found putting it into the storage room under my stairs only attracted creepy-crawly things with more legs than a gecko... so having it in a wardrobe where I don't have to be scared of what's going to jump out at me is a good idea. Plus if I'm looking for something in the boxes, I'm not fumbling around in the dark.
But mainly, over the next few weeks, I'm going to be wrapping presents, sending out Christmas Cards (yeah, haven't done that yet, naughty me!) and getting my butt into gear to pack my bag for the coast. It'll be good to get away from the city for a few days and work on my reading instead of my painting. And you know, I'll be hanging out to paint stuff while I'm away too - I just know it! - so I'll take along a sketch pad and pencils so I don't have to spend money on those things every time I'm there (which usually happens).
So, what are you all up to over this time of year. Seeing I've been so caught up in the Creative Markets and working up to it, my house is still slowly being tranformed from being the aftermath of a dorm party and into a liveable place... slowly but surely... and my house will look like my house again soon. Otherwise, I'm tired and sleeping well again. And there's party after party, get together after get together coming over the next few weeks. So, my Christmas shopping has been planned and I have attacked it quickly and made sure I have had most of the it all done and dusted over the last week... how exhausting! Now all I need to do is wrap everything and put it under the tree - once I put that up. Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.
What I'm going to do is clean up a little, put out some of my Christmas decorations and see how I feel. If I'm going okay, I'll decorate the whole house...
So far, I've done the trees out the front of the house and I'm feeling okay. Last year, my little bird was alive to see me do this decorating thing... this year, she's not around. What I might do this year, is put her cage away in storage after the New Year. It'll help the healing process and I'll be able to keep a clear mind about whether I want another bird in the future or not.
So far today, I went out and bought the streamers for the trees out the front and two boxes to put away all my knitting yarn. And I now have 3 extra 'green' bags and all my yarn in two boxes I bought from a cheap store, which I'll be storing in my wardrobe in my spare room until after the New Year... then I'll get another few boxes to put the rest of the yarn I couldn't fit into the boxes and they'll be nice and neatly piled in the corner in the lounge room next year so I can use them when I want to; instead of being in bags all the time.
The next thing I need to do is get my Christmas Tree down from the office. I put it up here last year when I found putting it into the storage room under my stairs only attracted creepy-crawly things with more legs than a gecko... so having it in a wardrobe where I don't have to be scared of what's going to jump out at me is a good idea. Plus if I'm looking for something in the boxes, I'm not fumbling around in the dark.
But mainly, over the next few weeks, I'm going to be wrapping presents, sending out Christmas Cards (yeah, haven't done that yet, naughty me!) and getting my butt into gear to pack my bag for the coast. It'll be good to get away from the city for a few days and work on my reading instead of my painting. And you know, I'll be hanging out to paint stuff while I'm away too - I just know it! - so I'll take along a sketch pad and pencils so I don't have to spend money on those things every time I'm there (which usually happens).
So, what are you all up to over this time of year. Seeing I've been so caught up in the Creative Markets and working up to it, my house is still slowly being tranformed from being the aftermath of a dorm party and into a liveable place... slowly but surely... and my house will look like my house again soon. Otherwise, I'm tired and sleeping well again. And there's party after party, get together after get together coming over the next few weeks. So, my Christmas shopping has been planned and I have attacked it quickly and made sure I have had most of the it all done and dusted over the last week... how exhausting! Now all I need to do is wrap everything and put it under the tree - once I put that up. Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.