Wednesday, November 20, 2013

All For Beauty And Youth

Right now, I'm sitting at my desk with my hair wrapped in a towel after I gave it a good dousing with olive oil.  Yeah, olive oil.. I heard from somebody recently that it's so good for us on the inside and outside that it's the best thing to put through your hair to keep it nice and shiny.  It'll keep the colour of your hair, stop greys coming through and keep it from getting too oily as well... and well, I just had to try it out to see what it would do to my hair.

I mean, what's the harm?  It's oil... olive oil... it's not a chemical, it's something natural and it's cheaply bought anywhere.  So, why not?  It's not like my hair is going to fall out, right?

Well, I'm one of those people who try out things because it's interesting to try it.  And it all started when I was a teenager and reading Dolly magazine and I found a rolled oats and milk facial mask.  Mum and Grandma helped me with it and they put it on me - but wouldn't put it on themselves.  However, they did say that after we took it off that my skin looked and felt nicer and less oily.

Now, I have done some home dying with my hair - which turned out really badly - and I couldn't get the colour out.  This was until one of my friends suggested I use anti-dandruff shampoo... yay! The colour came out and stripped my hair of anything good.  So, that was the last time I did anything like that at home!  Anyway, I did get my hair permed two different ways... both were great!  But I had to moisturise the crap out of my hair or it would have made me looke like a frizzball!  So, since the perms have grown out and my hair - and I - have grown older, I think it's time I just took care of my hair the best way I know how.

So, what weird things have you gone and done with your hair, your facials, your nails and hands... any tattoos you've gotten and later regretted and now think it's funny you got them?  Well, until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember I'm always here.


  1. Only wished I had known about the olive oil method for my hair about 20 years ago. It's too late to try now as I am already started going like a Christmas tree tinsel.
    I dye my hair at home and never had a problem with it! I don't do it very often. Come and think of it, time to re-dye my hair as it is long overdue and need to look good for a party next weekend.

    1. Actually, it's never too late for the olive oil treatment... it really does moisturise your hair and scalp, but will take a few doses for it to really take affect. The Italians and Europeans have been doing it for generations, and look at their hair...
