Normally, my grocery shopping takes me about 3 hours and I'm home for the afternoon, exhausted and ready to chill out on the net for a few hours.
But yesterday was a messed-up day of the total opposite.
I decided to wash my hair in the morning as the night before was muggy and hot. So, as I was drying my ears with a tissue, I felt the wax in my ear move and lodge against my ear drum! Oh, yuk! I had to make a doctor's appointment to get it looked at. I spent a good part of the morning hanging around at Mum and Dad's house waiting for the right time to get to the doctors.
When I did arrive at around 11am, I ran in to Maria Koppenol - my cousin's wife - who had brought in her youngest because she wasn't feeling well. So, we sat and chatted for a bit before her doctor called her in and then I was called in to have the nurse look at my ear. Sure enough she had syringe my left ear (yeah I've had this done before a few times due to wax blocking it up - feels weird, but is better than being deaf in that ear).
Well afterwards, Maria and I caught up for about half an hour chatting about everything. We seem to catch up on a lot of things at this time of year when her kids go on school holidays as we run into each other around the shopping centres. It's always lovely to talk to her as we get along well.
By the time I looked at my watch, it was almost midday, and I hadn't done a scratch of shopping. So, I was off to Woodridge to get my groceries. I had already posted off the Ornament Exchange to Germany and posted off my Christmas Cards to my friends and family... and now I had to get my groceries. It didn't take long and I made sure I had everything too... but I couldn't find my Nivea soap; strange thing that.
So, I went to the chemist - had to go there to get my Biotene toothpaste; which I did. I looked around for Nivea soap, but couldn't find it. So, I left to go to K-Mart to see if they sold it. I was standing at the Woodys' Kiosk, looking at the dvds there, turned to see if I had my purse with me to get some money out, when I had walked out of the chemist with the toothpaste without paying for it! Crap! So, I turned my trolley around and raced back to the chemist where I admitted to them I hadn't paid, saying that I would feel horrible if I hadn't returned to do so. They were very forgiving about it.
Well, I did go to K-Mart, but they didn't stock Nivea soap either.
So, I went off home, where I unpacked my stuff and settled in on the net with an ice coffee... my day was done for me. Then the phone rang and Mum was calling to let me know that a parcel I had found the coupon to on their front door had been delivered to their centre at Loganholme and could I pick it up from there?
Well, okay... so I packed up myself again, grabbed the GPS - because I had no clue where this place was - and was off, again!
The GPS took me the long way around to this place and I found it in an industrial estate. When I walked through the door, it looked abandoned... as though the place had just packed up and vacated the building. Not a good look if you ask me - I even muttered: 'This doesn't look good.' I looked into the warehouse and it also looked abandoned... creepy as hell, I'm tellin' ya. I went back into the office and called out and a man walked in from another room. I told him the place looked like it was abandoned and he said he knew it didn't look nice, but it's how it looks. I said I nearly went home before he walked in, and he realised that they really had to do something about the decor; and I did say the place doesn't look like it's being used at all. He took note of that as I signed for my Mum's parcel and he happily said for me to have a nice day.
My day ended at around 3pm when I finally slumped into my office chair here at home and surfed the net for about an hour... before I knew it, I had to look into what I wanted for dinner... Jeez! My day just didn't end.
Today, I was out the door at around 10am after Vivienne Treagus called me and asked what I was doing after lunch today. I said nothing much - as I looked around my somewhat messy home - and she said she'd love to come and visit with little Zoe, who's turning 2 tomorrow!
Well, I cleaned up half the house before I left to go to Garden City. It was the lounge room I did first, as it's the easiest part. Then, I was out the door with my Harrod's Bag in hand to carry everything home. At this time of year, I get myself into doing the Christmas Shopping in one day, over about 3 hours. Yep, it only takes me that long to get it all done because of my gifts are home made... hand-made too. This is something I've been doing for years. By 4th, December, I have my Christmas Shopping and Christmas Cards all done. Before the second week in December, I have my tree up and house decorated and home stocked with food and everything I need for the Silly Season, so I don't have to go anywhere to get anything - unless it's necessary.
Yes, I'm that organised around this time of year.
It only took me about an hour and a half to get 2 calendars (with a cute little bear for $5.00), my Gloria Jean's Christmas Mug, 2 prescriptions, two music books and a toothbrush holder to replace my old one and more Nivea Soap (which I ended up finding at Woolworths). I also sat down and had a lovely ice coffee at Gloria Jeans.
Then, I had to walk all the way back to the other end of Garden City to get back to my car... what a morning!
I arrived home and had to clean up the rest of the house, dining and kitchen for Viv and Zoe's visit this arvo. Now, I'm just kicking back chilling out with an ice coffee until they arrive. Well, that's my two days for you. I'm giving Zoe the bear I bought with the calendars as her birthday present (she'll love it). She'll be able to him back to Tassie with her, he's so cute. Well, Until my next post, take care, stay safe and remember, I'm always here.
But yesterday was a messed-up day of the total opposite.
I decided to wash my hair in the morning as the night before was muggy and hot. So, as I was drying my ears with a tissue, I felt the wax in my ear move and lodge against my ear drum! Oh, yuk! I had to make a doctor's appointment to get it looked at. I spent a good part of the morning hanging around at Mum and Dad's house waiting for the right time to get to the doctors.
When I did arrive at around 11am, I ran in to Maria Koppenol - my cousin's wife - who had brought in her youngest because she wasn't feeling well. So, we sat and chatted for a bit before her doctor called her in and then I was called in to have the nurse look at my ear. Sure enough she had syringe my left ear (yeah I've had this done before a few times due to wax blocking it up - feels weird, but is better than being deaf in that ear).
Well afterwards, Maria and I caught up for about half an hour chatting about everything. We seem to catch up on a lot of things at this time of year when her kids go on school holidays as we run into each other around the shopping centres. It's always lovely to talk to her as we get along well.
By the time I looked at my watch, it was almost midday, and I hadn't done a scratch of shopping. So, I was off to Woodridge to get my groceries. I had already posted off the Ornament Exchange to Germany and posted off my Christmas Cards to my friends and family... and now I had to get my groceries. It didn't take long and I made sure I had everything too... but I couldn't find my Nivea soap; strange thing that.
So, I went to the chemist - had to go there to get my Biotene toothpaste; which I did. I looked around for Nivea soap, but couldn't find it. So, I left to go to K-Mart to see if they sold it. I was standing at the Woodys' Kiosk, looking at the dvds there, turned to see if I had my purse with me to get some money out, when I had walked out of the chemist with the toothpaste without paying for it! Crap! So, I turned my trolley around and raced back to the chemist where I admitted to them I hadn't paid, saying that I would feel horrible if I hadn't returned to do so. They were very forgiving about it.
Well, I did go to K-Mart, but they didn't stock Nivea soap either.
So, I went off home, where I unpacked my stuff and settled in on the net with an ice coffee... my day was done for me. Then the phone rang and Mum was calling to let me know that a parcel I had found the coupon to on their front door had been delivered to their centre at Loganholme and could I pick it up from there?
Well, okay... so I packed up myself again, grabbed the GPS - because I had no clue where this place was - and was off, again!
The GPS took me the long way around to this place and I found it in an industrial estate. When I walked through the door, it looked abandoned... as though the place had just packed up and vacated the building. Not a good look if you ask me - I even muttered: 'This doesn't look good.' I looked into the warehouse and it also looked abandoned... creepy as hell, I'm tellin' ya. I went back into the office and called out and a man walked in from another room. I told him the place looked like it was abandoned and he said he knew it didn't look nice, but it's how it looks. I said I nearly went home before he walked in, and he realised that they really had to do something about the decor; and I did say the place doesn't look like it's being used at all. He took note of that as I signed for my Mum's parcel and he happily said for me to have a nice day.
My day ended at around 3pm when I finally slumped into my office chair here at home and surfed the net for about an hour... before I knew it, I had to look into what I wanted for dinner... Jeez! My day just didn't end.
Today, I was out the door at around 10am after Vivienne Treagus called me and asked what I was doing after lunch today. I said nothing much - as I looked around my somewhat messy home - and she said she'd love to come and visit with little Zoe, who's turning 2 tomorrow!
Well, I cleaned up half the house before I left to go to Garden City. It was the lounge room I did first, as it's the easiest part. Then, I was out the door with my Harrod's Bag in hand to carry everything home. At this time of year, I get myself into doing the Christmas Shopping in one day, over about 3 hours. Yep, it only takes me that long to get it all done because of my gifts are home made... hand-made too. This is something I've been doing for years. By 4th, December, I have my Christmas Shopping and Christmas Cards all done. Before the second week in December, I have my tree up and house decorated and home stocked with food and everything I need for the Silly Season, so I don't have to go anywhere to get anything - unless it's necessary.
Yes, I'm that organised around this time of year.
It only took me about an hour and a half to get 2 calendars (with a cute little bear for $5.00), my Gloria Jean's Christmas Mug, 2 prescriptions, two music books and a toothbrush holder to replace my old one and more Nivea Soap (which I ended up finding at Woolworths). I also sat down and had a lovely ice coffee at Gloria Jeans.
Then, I had to walk all the way back to the other end of Garden City to get back to my car... what a morning!
I arrived home and had to clean up the rest of the house, dining and kitchen for Viv and Zoe's visit this arvo. Now, I'm just kicking back chilling out with an ice coffee until they arrive. Well, that's my two days for you. I'm giving Zoe the bear I bought with the calendars as her birthday present (she'll love it). She'll be able to him back to Tassie with her, he's so cute. Well, Until my next post, take care, stay safe and remember, I'm always here.
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