Wednesday, April 6, 2016


I had a horribly stressed-out week last week - and got absolutely nowhere with Optus. They called yesterday, and I called back twice but they haven't been in contact since; even though I gave out my home and mobile numbers. 

So, I'm still stuck without my internet and I'm using my Mum's Telstra Hotspot device... it's a little slow, but it works. Something is better than nothing, right?

This past weekend, has been so busy! I was a my folks' place to use their wi-fi and then on Sunday, I was at Geoff and Vivienne's place to get out of Logan for a bit to work on a self-portrait I began. It was fun as little Zoe and was wonderful entertainment while I was working on it.

Then, on Monday, I had my craft day. But before that, I received a phone call from an old friend who I was just thinking about over breakfast: Bobby Bhana. When he called, I told him I was thinking about where he was and what he was up to, and he said it was fate! Well, we chatted for almost an hour and he suggested we catch up as soon as possible.

And we did yesterday. 

We were supposed to go to the Logan Art Gallery, but the place was closed for installation of a new exhibition. So, Bobby suggested I go to his place to see some of his new work. I had my needlepoint with me (as I got the dates wrong to take it to the gallery and had to explain to Jillian that my internet crapped out on me. Michael asked if I was with Optus, and when I said yes, he said, 'Yeah, another one... see a lot of people have been dumped by them.' I said I'm trying to get it back on, but it's like talking to a brick wall). Anyway, you all know what's been going on by the post below. 
Well, I got to Bobby's house and he said he had been living there for over 3 years; and I have been past that place a few times without realising I passed his house and his street over the past year. He said it was strange to see me pull into his driveway in a car - as he's never seen me drive before - but it's good to see me. We talked for over 3 hours and he showed me what he's been working on and looked at my needlepoint. He'd never seen one up close like this and was amazed at how much work had gone into it. I told him there was around 6 hours a day for about a month went into it, but the background just did itself pretty much... it was the flower itself that took a long time. He loved the frame - which I had polished up on Monday night with bees-wax furniture polish - telling me it's worthwhile doing that to it as it'll give it a great shine. 
At around 2pm, we both had to take off. He had work to get to, and I had to get home. We really do need to hang out again and talk; over some food next time (he forgot I was vegetarian - oh well, doesn't matter - it's been a long time between seen each other). 

Last night, I was feeling really burnt out. I was in bed by around 10:30pm - yep, very early for me. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light. Even when I woke at 1am, I was still feeling burnt out, but after that I didn't wake until my alarm went off at 6am; and I was feeling better. And today was shopping day... a lot was done: vitamins were bought, a layby was partly paid for, fruit and veggies were bought at the Rochedale Fruit and Veggie Market... I got home before midday and the rubbish truck had already been - darn! - I was hoping to beat it home so I could throw out my boxes and last bag of rubbish. Oh well, can't win them all! Until my next post, take care, stay safe and remember, I'm always here. 

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