It's not so much madness - per sae - but I'm getting into the habit of buying bigger pots for the garden and repotting the plants that badly need it.
Yesterday, I bought my first larger pot and today I potted the first plant that was becoming too big for its tiny pot. It feels good to get out there into the garden and make it look better - even if it's just one plant.
But I didn't buy the planter from Bunnings - as I normally do - I went to Masters at Browns Plains to see what selection they had and found they didn't really have a lot of planters to pick from... well, they did but they weren't exactly what you'd call packed to the roof with gardening things - not like Bunnings. I did find a nice pot to put my Cardboard Palm in, and that was the main thing - the only thing - I was there for, to find a planter for that plant.
Otherwise, I'm looking at buying more potting mix in the next week - two more bags - and putting away more money to make sure I have enough money for new pots for out the front. These ones have to match each other otherwise, it just won't look good... and the ones from out there will be reused in the back yard for other plants there (not the Frangipanni's - they need pots with open lips, not rose planters).
As the weather has become cooler (which I really do love so much), I can look at my garden more and get in and work on it. It's so much fun to plan on what I can do with it in the time when the plants are sleeping and dormant over the next few months... and so much easier to repot them, organise them and make my garden into something bigger and better than before.
And that's just the thing. As the years have passed by here, my garden has gone from weeds and lawn, to a vegetable and herb patch and turned into a place filled with flowers, plants and greenery. It's grown so much and I've enjoyed every minute of it; watching it grow. But it's not just watching it that makes it fun, it's putting the hard work into it that makes it worthwhile. I love getting in and working on it and seeing how the plants grow so much when the weather starts to warm up - knowing that I've done the right things for them to grow so well.
If you have a garden, what have you done to make if flourish? Have you got any secrets to share that may make a difference in other people's gardens? Until my next post, take care, stay safe and remember, I'm always here.
Yesterday, I bought my first larger pot and today I potted the first plant that was becoming too big for its tiny pot. It feels good to get out there into the garden and make it look better - even if it's just one plant.
But I didn't buy the planter from Bunnings - as I normally do - I went to Masters at Browns Plains to see what selection they had and found they didn't really have a lot of planters to pick from... well, they did but they weren't exactly what you'd call packed to the roof with gardening things - not like Bunnings. I did find a nice pot to put my Cardboard Palm in, and that was the main thing - the only thing - I was there for, to find a planter for that plant.
Otherwise, I'm looking at buying more potting mix in the next week - two more bags - and putting away more money to make sure I have enough money for new pots for out the front. These ones have to match each other otherwise, it just won't look good... and the ones from out there will be reused in the back yard for other plants there (not the Frangipanni's - they need pots with open lips, not rose planters).
As the weather has become cooler (which I really do love so much), I can look at my garden more and get in and work on it. It's so much fun to plan on what I can do with it in the time when the plants are sleeping and dormant over the next few months... and so much easier to repot them, organise them and make my garden into something bigger and better than before.
And that's just the thing. As the years have passed by here, my garden has gone from weeds and lawn, to a vegetable and herb patch and turned into a place filled with flowers, plants and greenery. It's grown so much and I've enjoyed every minute of it; watching it grow. But it's not just watching it that makes it fun, it's putting the hard work into it that makes it worthwhile. I love getting in and working on it and seeing how the plants grow so much when the weather starts to warm up - knowing that I've done the right things for them to grow so well.
If you have a garden, what have you done to make if flourish? Have you got any secrets to share that may make a difference in other people's gardens? Until my next post, take care, stay safe and remember, I'm always here.
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