This afternoon, I got a lot done. After I turned off the computer, I decided to get some Crafty Pegs done, but found I was sitting next to a furnace of a breeze. So, I quit that for a few hours and went about what I was hoping to get done tonight.
And thank god I did it this arvo! It's just too hot tonight to do anything!
I pulled out everything from the credenza and sorted through it. After pulling the shelf out, I knew I didn't need it. Then, I threw out 2 rubbish bags of crap that I just looked through and realised I didn't need... wow, that was easy. I searched for a whole lot of my 'Good Reading' Magazine and found a good percentage of them then found out I had a lot of Yoga Australia Magazines and 'Collectors' magazines from 2009! Well, into the charity box they went! I then found two perches I had bought from a pet store for Little Miss Stevie which she saw me pull out of my bag, gave me a foul look - and made a foul sound - when she saw them, and I never put them into her cage (instead we found some real tree branches and she loved them instead).
Then, I started on the lounge and found out exactly how many receipts I had stuffed down the back of the lounge cushions! Yes, I'm one of those people! I also have way too many plastic bags to count! Those were thrown out along with crap I didn't need, boxes without things to go inside them and old television times from last year... oh dear, they were left on the lounge too!
Man! By the time 3:30pm had swung around I had been cleaning out the living room for 2 hours! I put away Little Miss Stevie's cage - and that took me half an hour to do. This brought me to tears; as though she had only passed away last week... and so I took down her feed and water dishes, her ladder and folded up her towel and put them all in the corner of the cage, closed up the door and brought it upstairs and put it into the wardrobe in the spare room. It's a horrible feeling to have to put away this kind of thing... but I will have another little birdie in a few years' time when I can afford its vets bills.
Well, at around 4pm, I sorted out dinner of a pizza and put the two bags of rubbish in the bin and then sat down and watched television for a bit until it was time to put the pizza in the oven.
It's still very hot tonight... from all accounts it's still over 25 degrees and so it's going to be a very uncomfortable night for us all here in Brisbane. Until my next post, take care, stay safe and remember, I'm always here.
And thank god I did it this arvo! It's just too hot tonight to do anything!
I pulled out everything from the credenza and sorted through it. After pulling the shelf out, I knew I didn't need it. Then, I threw out 2 rubbish bags of crap that I just looked through and realised I didn't need... wow, that was easy. I searched for a whole lot of my 'Good Reading' Magazine and found a good percentage of them then found out I had a lot of Yoga Australia Magazines and 'Collectors' magazines from 2009! Well, into the charity box they went! I then found two perches I had bought from a pet store for Little Miss Stevie which she saw me pull out of my bag, gave me a foul look - and made a foul sound - when she saw them, and I never put them into her cage (instead we found some real tree branches and she loved them instead).
Then, I started on the lounge and found out exactly how many receipts I had stuffed down the back of the lounge cushions! Yes, I'm one of those people! I also have way too many plastic bags to count! Those were thrown out along with crap I didn't need, boxes without things to go inside them and old television times from last year... oh dear, they were left on the lounge too!
Man! By the time 3:30pm had swung around I had been cleaning out the living room for 2 hours! I put away Little Miss Stevie's cage - and that took me half an hour to do. This brought me to tears; as though she had only passed away last week... and so I took down her feed and water dishes, her ladder and folded up her towel and put them all in the corner of the cage, closed up the door and brought it upstairs and put it into the wardrobe in the spare room. It's a horrible feeling to have to put away this kind of thing... but I will have another little birdie in a few years' time when I can afford its vets bills.
Well, at around 4pm, I sorted out dinner of a pizza and put the two bags of rubbish in the bin and then sat down and watched television for a bit until it was time to put the pizza in the oven.
It's still very hot tonight... from all accounts it's still over 25 degrees and so it's going to be a very uncomfortable night for us all here in Brisbane. Until my next post, take care, stay safe and remember, I'm always here.
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