Well, what a month this turned out to be! At the beginning of it, I was sick... so much so that missed two of my shifts at the Logan Art Gallery. One of them I called in and said I couldn't make it and the other I clean forgot I was supposed to be there! Well, that was the same day I had to pick up Stevie's food and other essentials at Garden City; which was supposed to take only about an hour or so but ended up taking half the day.
And while I was out on that day, I had bought two books from the QBD Stock Take Sale and the most gorgeous little fluffy figurine of Clifford, that I knew where he was going to go before I got him home... on my Mt TBR shelf, of course!
On 3rd, July, I found myself out and about being the social Butterfly for once. Some people moved in to unit 26 and they've ended up being really lovely. And so, that weekend, most of their family arrived and on the Saturday, I chatted with a few of them and got some of the kids around the unit complex to become friends with the kids from Bundy who were visiting. It was really cool. The main reason why I got myself outside was because the weather had cleared up and warmed up too; and I didn't want to miss any of it.
Between 6th and 10th July, I wasn't feeling all that great. In fact, it wasn't to any virus or colds, I had an allergic reaction to a generic brand of Topamax. Now let this be a big warning to anyone who wishes to try this out; and doesn't know if they'll be affected; you might be. If your doctor says to stay on the brand name, do it.
I tried out the generic brand of this product and I felt as though I hadn't taken any of my meds at all. I was dizzy, nauseous and very tired. So, I called Mum and told her and she came over with my regular brand and I took that which made it worse! So, she called an all-night chemist and they said that I may be allergic to an inactive filler they were using; and advised us to take the generic brand back to the chemist I got it from. The next day, I had to go shopping and just barely remembered to get what I needed... it was a complete fog that day. That afternoon, Mum took me to the chemist and we got the meds replaced and I took the regular, brand name Topamax and I took another few days to recover. What a week!
On 11th, July, I had friends dropping by so I had to clean the house up a little and then there was the game between the Hawks and The Cats playing live at the MCG which I had on the television. So, I did the tidying up and practiced the piano a little and my friends - Geoff and Viv - dropped around. I made raisin toast under the grill (as the one I buy is too wide for the toaster) and we all sat and ate the delicious hot toast! Well, I thought it to be a little rude to watch the game and talk at the same time; so we turned off the t.v. at half time and about an hour later they made tracks home. However, when I went to turn on the television again, I found I had no power. So, I called Energex and was told that there was indeed a power outage and it would be fixed by 5pm. I decided to get ready to go out that night... it was only 3pm and I had hours to go, but I didn't like getting ready in the dark. So a shower was called for and I put on my make-up too. By 3:30pm, I was ready to leave the house, the power wasn't back on, I had the battery radio going and I was sitting outside reading a book with my mobile next to me.
5pm came and went and the power came back on and went off just as quickly. We were told that it would be another two hours before it came back on. So, Mum and Dad came and picked me up to go to Katrina's Birthday Party at the Punjab Palace on Melbourne Street, West End. We had a great time with fantastic food, funny people and we went off to The Boundary Hotel to listen to a band where as soon as I found a place to sit, I was chatted up by a New Zealander... haha... no matter how long I've been out of the pub circuit, it always happens. I don't mind, they're nice people.
13th, July... 25 years ago was the most important time of any X-Gen's life! It was when Live-Aide was performed all over the world in three major cities at once. It was fantastic and I remember watching it! The one thing that really stuffed it was that some of the news channels here in Australia got the dates wrong.
I gotta say it: vinyls rule! Also... Rockaways rule too! There's this great shop not far from where I live and it has the most wonderful array of vinyls I've seen in a long time. I can walk in with $10 and walk out with 3 vinyls in relatively good condition. Or walk in with $25 - $40 and walk out with 1 vinyl in mint condition! And vinyls aren't your thing, they have a huge range of dvds and cds. They had a sale recently and I went there twice... and scored great bargains.
On 18th, July, the Hawks kicked butt! They played the Brisbane Lions and slaughtered them by a mile! Way to go, Hawthorne!
Also on this date, I went to see my brother's band play at the Music Cafe on Boundary Street. It's a cool place which a great atmosphere and his band is 'The Spruce Moose'. My niece, Riley was there as was Katrina. We all had a great time and it was fun to catch up with everyone. Gotta do it again!
On 27th, I went to see 'Inception' with Mum... and what movie! It was absolutely amazing and I loved it! What a multi-layered thriller this thing is; and believe me, you'll need to see it twice to get it all into your mind right. I'm still going through it in my head... and a lot of it still doesn't make sense. But seeing it's about the one thing we understand the least, it's little wonder any of us will ever get the movie on the first viewing.
Well, this week, my paint from the Urban Smart Project people was supposed to arrive and it didn't. So, I called them yesterday and nobody answered. I left a message and nobody got back to me. I'm wondering where the paint has gone and if they are going to deliver it at all. Dad's under the impression that I have to colour the TSB one colour and one colour only... yeah, it's exactly like a house. He has absolutely no imagination!
Today, I am hoping to see my niece at Mum and Dad's house and take her to see the last day of an exhibition at the Logan Art Gallery. It ought to be great for her as she will love the paintings in there... as well the work from the Wilderness Society.
Well, this was my post for Do Something Different. It may not have been all that exciting, but it was different. Until my next post, keep warm - or cool - whatever your case may be.