Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wet Old Days of Christmas

Today is the first day of December, and it's also one of the wettest days I've ever thought of going out in.  But from around 10am, while I was waiting for the bus, it rained and didn't stop.  Before that, it was overcast and humid and that was it.  However today - unlike yesterday - I didn't leave any windows open.  Yesterday, while I was at my volunteer work, it poured rain and because the front window was open, it got inside and Little Miss Stevie wasn't too pleased about getting a little bit damp.  So, once home, I wiped down the window sill and closed the window for her.  I don't know if I'm forgiven yet, but she noticed that the window stayed closed today in case the rain made a return; which it did.
Well, I was off to the doctors to see why I was stuck with this coughing.  It's a tight, annoying cough that's bothering me; and seeing that doctor can't find anything else wrong with me, he's said it might be asthma or reflux.  I hoping it's neither.  The doctor offered one of those tests but I refused it; as I don't think it's asthma or my weight causing this.  It's the leftovers of what's been getting into my sinus'.  But then, what would I know, I'm just a patient.
Anyway, I went looking for my newest copy of 'Good Reading' Magazine and do you think I could find a copy?  Nope.  And every time I asked anyone, they acted as though I just stepped off a time machine - or space ship, take your pick! - and talked to them in a foreign yet familiar language.  Some of them had heard of GM Magazine, but hadn't gotten a copy in since late last year (but, here's the funny part, I had seen it in their shelves - a fresh copy - only two weeks ago!) and others acted interested but really it wasn't their section of the store they managed.  Or the worse thing happened to me was that I got a rookie!  A person who didn't have a clue on what the magazine looked like, what it covered, what date it was supposed to be out on or anything I was trying to tell them.  So, I got one of the places to hold it for me and I'd be in when I could (this Friday) to have a look at it.  The earliest date I was given to have a magazine by was the end of this month!  I don't want January's issue, I want this month's issue!  Stupid how what I want I can't find... unless I go out and find it myself.
Well, that's my day... wet as it is.  Until my next post, take care.

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