Well, I only got home about forty minutes ago from Thornside and I feel pretty tired and wasted. This is normal for me when I go to a party at Geoff and Viv's place; friends of mine who used to live here at my unit complex. They held a Pre-Australia Day Party and I was invited. So, I took them up and went; sending Little Miss Stevie off to Mum and Dad's for the night so she wasn't left here in the heat.
Viv picked me up at around 2pm yesterday and took me out for coffee; as we had another person to pick up but his bus had been late, thus making him miss his train from Robina to Beenleigh. So, we had half an hour to kill; and went off to 'The Coffee Club' at Springwood to have a lovely coffee and something to eat in gorgeous surroundings. I hadn't been there for years.
Anyway, we picked up Geoff's mate, Jeremy, and drove the scenic round to their house at Thornside; near the Bay, where Geoff was just getting home to. We hung out after the initial tidy-up was done and settling in where we put some of our drinks in the freezer to cool them down quickly. Geoff took off to pick up ingredients for dinner and we began on the nibblies as the sun went down and the stars came out... and one of the neighbours - Ralph - dropped by to hang out too.
By around 8:30pm or so, our bbq had been and gone with a great salad, veggie sausages, meat sausages, a cheese platter and plenty of food to go around; with more than enough leftovers for today and tonight. Stories were swapped and we all had great laughs at a gecko that fell from the ceiling of the bbq area, onto our table, dodged around the plates, onto the seat I stood next to, clambered onto and around my leg, then made very quick tracks to the bbq plate (which was still quite warm) and bolted onto the bricks of the wall nearby. That was either one very clumsy and stupid lizard, or one gutsy one; either way, we all thought he was really cute and he managed to terrify himself in more ways than one.
Afterwards, I took a lovely dip in the saltwater pool. this inground pool is in the middle of the complex, well-cared for and has a large fence around it; and at this time of the year, everyone swims in it at night as it's nice and warm and just wonderful to look up at the stars overhead. And that's just what I did.
After that, I had a quick shower and found that the shirt I used to cover up my very old togs and swim in was the only shirt I had brought with me! So, I had to borrow a shirt off Vivienne for the night; and thankfully we're similar sizes. I hung out my wet gear on the clothes line over night to dry and had to wear it home today.
We stayed up talking and taking weird photos, laughing at funny jokes and anecdotes and stories about all kinds of thing until around 1am and then I hit the pillow. Before I knew it, my alarm went off at 6am... blech! But I wasn't the only one up; in fact, Stu hadn't even been to bed! He was wondering around the place sipping on some German beer and smoking all night and he was the first one who greeted me when I came downstairs. I said that once the alarm went off, there's a slim chance of me getting back to sleep; and it's been like that since I was around 18 or so... especially since I'm on medication I have to be up at that time. He said it's not good when I don't have a choice.
Well, the morning progressed as each person rose from their slumber and greeted the day in their own unique way. I had some cereal and a coffee, then we all shared some hot'n'spicy Pringles, French Vanilla Peanuts (which tasted like Cocoa Pops) and German Beer... yep, a crazy, weird kinda breakfast to have, but it seem to suit our feeling of wanting to get rid of the seediness we all woke up with (well, okay, except Stu). Then, Stu went home, got onto Facebook and told us that Obama was doing his State Union Speech and we all watched channel 24 until it finished 2 hours later! Wow... talk about somebody who repeats himself over and over... but that's how it all goes I guess.
Next thing I know, it's almost time to leave. And so, we all pack our stuff, check and double check we've got our stuff and then pile into the car and I was dropped off home. It's been a mild 24 hours; but fun too. Until my next post, I hope you enjoy your Australia Day - whatever you happen to get up to - as I'll be snoozing the afternoon away, no matter what, I'll still be here.