My house has been a right mess! And I'm not kidding! Over the last week, I've been battling a cold. I caught it at my last Craft Group just before Easter, had the fever last Saturday night and have had the blocked nose, feeling yuk and broken sleep at night for the first few nights of this week. But now, it's all going away because I'm getting better. I ate nearly every scrap of food in my pantry (which I seem to do when I'm sick for some unknown reason) and then found after a few days that airing the house and spraying every last thing I've touched with Glen-20 was a good way to get rid of this cold. I've also gargled with hot salty water and had a few hot showers a day to steam the virus out of me; both of which work wonders.
And now, it's a week later, and I'm back into the swing of cleaning up again. I opened my iPod to the weekly chores list and found it all ready to use. I put on the laundry, opened up the house and finished breakfast before getting in and making sure I had everything there to get done.
So far, the downstairs toilet has been cleaned, with new toilet paper put into the basket next to it. The rubbish has been put out, so has last week's Sunday Mail into the bin. I had swept the car port during the week. Then, I borrowed the wheelbarrow and went into my back garden and pulled out all the creeper that's been invading my yard from over the fence. I really wish the lady over my fence would take better care of her yard instead of letting it grow weeds... it looks disgusting and invades on my garden.
Once I got all my plants back in place, I added a new job to my To-Do list on my iPod - gardening - and added in the little things that may need doing around the garden each week (weeding, mowing the lawn and watering and repotting plants), so I can keep on top of the weed situation until the fences get done. I looked at how much was done on my iPod by 10am... and there was the above and one load of laundry, which I hung out but quickly brought back in half an hour later as clouds gathered and looked like rain - and it did a few minutes after I hung the towels out on my clothes horse (how's that for timing!).
Anyway, I'm hoping to get more of my housework done and tidied up this afternoon and tomorrow as I've just begun to feel better. The floors have to be washed, the vacuuming done and the dusting. Then, I want to get back in and do more of the massive clean out for the last time ever... and make the house look and feel like a real home. I want to be able to bring people back here without feeling as though it needs to be cleaned all the time.
Anyway, that's been my week... being crook with a cold and getting better. How has your week been? First week of school holidays and all? Fun? Busy? Or over-run with school holiday activities? Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm/cool and remember, I'm always here.
And now, it's a week later, and I'm back into the swing of cleaning up again. I opened my iPod to the weekly chores list and found it all ready to use. I put on the laundry, opened up the house and finished breakfast before getting in and making sure I had everything there to get done.
So far, the downstairs toilet has been cleaned, with new toilet paper put into the basket next to it. The rubbish has been put out, so has last week's Sunday Mail into the bin. I had swept the car port during the week. Then, I borrowed the wheelbarrow and went into my back garden and pulled out all the creeper that's been invading my yard from over the fence. I really wish the lady over my fence would take better care of her yard instead of letting it grow weeds... it looks disgusting and invades on my garden.
Once I got all my plants back in place, I added a new job to my To-Do list on my iPod - gardening - and added in the little things that may need doing around the garden each week (weeding, mowing the lawn and watering and repotting plants), so I can keep on top of the weed situation until the fences get done. I looked at how much was done on my iPod by 10am... and there was the above and one load of laundry, which I hung out but quickly brought back in half an hour later as clouds gathered and looked like rain - and it did a few minutes after I hung the towels out on my clothes horse (how's that for timing!).
Anyway, I'm hoping to get more of my housework done and tidied up this afternoon and tomorrow as I've just begun to feel better. The floors have to be washed, the vacuuming done and the dusting. Then, I want to get back in and do more of the massive clean out for the last time ever... and make the house look and feel like a real home. I want to be able to bring people back here without feeling as though it needs to be cleaned all the time.
Anyway, that's been my week... being crook with a cold and getting better. How has your week been? First week of school holidays and all? Fun? Busy? Or over-run with school holiday activities? Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm/cool and remember, I'm always here.
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