It's a week out from Christmas Eve and I've got a few things I really need to get done. There's still some cleaning to happen around here, packing for the coast and I have to re-charge my re-chargeable batteries for the digital camera. Otherwise, there's the top-up shop and I have to make sure I only buy enough food to see me over for a week instead of 2 weeks... as I'll be at the coast for a few days.
I'm looking forward to being there as I'll be able to get over my virus there. Yep, I've had a sore throat lately and was off to the doctors where they told me to just drink a lot of liquids, get plenty of rest and take it easy. Then my doctor asked me what I've been up to and I told her about what my activities have been over the last 6 months and she was amazed I've been so busy, and I gave her a business card for Crafty Pegs. She was thrilled to see I was on Facebook about it all and took it to look at it.
I've been working on pegs to get them ready to varnish at the end of January next year for the Creative Markets in February and then I'll have another lot of work to sell. I can't wait! I'm looking forward to getting my butt out there to sell to the public. This time I'll be more organised and I have a few more ideas to work with too.
In the last week or so, I've finished up my Christmas Shopping and I'm currently waiting for two items to arrive in the mail from some online shopping I've done last Thursday and Friday. I hope the items arrive before Christmas so I can wrap them up and they'll be ready to give on the big day/night. It'll be great to see them when they arrive... I know one will arrive this week, I just hope the other one arrives before Christmas. If not, well, I'll see it in the New Year and use it to my heart's content, as it's coming all the way from Canada.
So, what have you been doing to get presents together? I shopped online for a couple of things, went to second-hand stores, the markets and Garden City to get some of my presents... and then wrapped everything up and it's all under the tree waiting to be handed over and opened by the people I love and am closest to. However, between now and then, I'm hoping to get my bag packed, work on making sure I have enough stuff to take with me and enjoying myself while I'm at the coast for the few days I am. I'll be working on the last chapters of the Fry Nelson Book 3 and am hoping to wrap it all up. I'm not sure to make it an open ending or wrap up all the loose ends and complete it totally... I'll see what happens when it comes. Might see what other writer friends recommend. Well, until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.
I'm looking forward to being there as I'll be able to get over my virus there. Yep, I've had a sore throat lately and was off to the doctors where they told me to just drink a lot of liquids, get plenty of rest and take it easy. Then my doctor asked me what I've been up to and I told her about what my activities have been over the last 6 months and she was amazed I've been so busy, and I gave her a business card for Crafty Pegs. She was thrilled to see I was on Facebook about it all and took it to look at it.
I've been working on pegs to get them ready to varnish at the end of January next year for the Creative Markets in February and then I'll have another lot of work to sell. I can't wait! I'm looking forward to getting my butt out there to sell to the public. This time I'll be more organised and I have a few more ideas to work with too.
In the last week or so, I've finished up my Christmas Shopping and I'm currently waiting for two items to arrive in the mail from some online shopping I've done last Thursday and Friday. I hope the items arrive before Christmas so I can wrap them up and they'll be ready to give on the big day/night. It'll be great to see them when they arrive... I know one will arrive this week, I just hope the other one arrives before Christmas. If not, well, I'll see it in the New Year and use it to my heart's content, as it's coming all the way from Canada.
So, what have you been doing to get presents together? I shopped online for a couple of things, went to second-hand stores, the markets and Garden City to get some of my presents... and then wrapped everything up and it's all under the tree waiting to be handed over and opened by the people I love and am closest to. However, between now and then, I'm hoping to get my bag packed, work on making sure I have enough stuff to take with me and enjoying myself while I'm at the coast for the few days I am. I'll be working on the last chapters of the Fry Nelson Book 3 and am hoping to wrap it all up. I'm not sure to make it an open ending or wrap up all the loose ends and complete it totally... I'll see what happens when it comes. Might see what other writer friends recommend. Well, until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.
Don't remind me! I started to go Christmas shopping yesterday with my 15 yo. I couldn't really buy her present as she wasn't with me. I need to go to a different store to get hers as it wasn't available at where we were at. Only managed to get her sister's present. It wasn't really expensive but I know she will like it. It's the thought that counts, not the value of the gift!! Still have to shop for 4 people. I know what to get, just I need to visit three stores to get them. Two presents are homemade that were made afew months ago.