Sunday, October 17, 2010

And That's Not All, Folks....

Last night, after I shuffled off to bed, it was wasn't until after midnight that I actually got some decent sleep.  As I was dozing off, some idiot's car horn blasted everyone within coo-ee  awake around here!  It went on for around 3 minutes and absolutely everyone came out of their houses to see whose car it to was tell them to shut it the hell off!  Me?  I was trying to get warm; so I just swore and cursed under my breath in bed.
And if that was bad enough, at around 6:30 this morning, my next door neighbours moved their cars around, pulled out the trailer from their back yard and decided that 7am would be the perfect time to mow the lawn... yep, in the cool of the morning while everyone was still in bed sleeping off last night's interruption.  What an inconsiderate person she is!  But I gotta ask:  what in all Hell have we done to deserve that noise on a Sunday morning; particularly on a day where it's a cold snap in October?  Where does my neighbour get off doing all these noisy things when all we want to do is sleep in?
And if that wasn't enough, she pushed the trailer back into the yard, closed her gate and then slammed all her doors and did her vacuuming at 7:45am!  Yeah, I was really going to get some sleep then, with her bashing around the place doing her housework at this time of the morning.
When I went to get the paper, one of the other neighbours asked me who the hell started a lawnmower at the ungodly hour of 7am, and I told them it was my neighbour and they were furious!  This new neighbour had been nothing but rude and absolute trouble since they moved in.  Our caretaker has had words with her, her husband and her have had massive fights about how she treats people around here and it's going to come to a crux soon where they may have to bite the bullet and move into a proper house and not live in one of these places.  
Now, I'm not whining about living here.  I've been living in this place a long time.  However it really gives me the pip that people who do move into these places from houses just don't get it that when they do, they have to be just that little bit quieter, that little bit more considerate about who they're going to bother when they slam a door or start playing loud music.  Unit complexes are designed for temporary living for some people, permanent for others and not at all for the select few who really don't belong in these places.  And I'm afraid to say that I've had neighbours next door to me (and around me) and belong - more often than not - in the latter category.  It's sad but true.
So, when you're looking for a place to live - for any length of time - please do consider where you will be residing.  If you are looking at a unit complex, think before you purchase.  Will you be able to adjust your lifestyle from a large house to a smaller one?  Will it drive you nuts having people right there hearing almost every single thing you do, say and seeing all you do?  Will you be able to handle that almost everyone will know your business; whether you want them to or not?  Before you rent or buy one of these unit/townhouses, please run these questions through your mind and if you really can't say yes to any of these questions, you don't belong in these places at all.

Until my next post, take care.

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