Wow! What a month! It seemed from the very first day to the last, I didn't have a single day free to scratch or to myself; and once I went to bed, I zonked quickly into the dreamworld... only to be awoken by my alarm or my neighbours slamming their way out of their house to go to work at 6am.
On 1st, June, I was off to Doug Cartwright's house bright and early to help him design a blog for an interstate artist. Once we got it under way, we ate lunch with his house mate and another visitor who had dropped by and Doug let me into his lead lighting studios to make a gorgeous little jewelery box from his design. It took all afternoon, but the end result is absolutely wonderful and I use it to house my rings and Grandma's watch.
Within the first week of June, we had some really cold
weather. But that's okay really. I like the cold and enjoy getting out into it. It makes me work harder to keep warm and keeps me going at what I want to do for the day. And one of those thing was to go out and see the Ron Mueck Exhibition. I had heard about it on the radio and television and resolved to go and see it when it came to Brisbane. And so, I did; taking my camera with me. What an exhibition! I loved it! Actually, I had a pass-out stamp on my hand in case I had to go back in... luckily I got one because some of the photos were blurry and I wanted to look at some of the stuff again.
By the 8th, June, I my fortunes had turned around and things were beginning to happen in a positive way. I checked the mail that day and found I had won a double pass to see 'The A-Team' the night before it opened from Triple-M radio! And I took Mum with me. It was so much fun! She loved it that I chose her to come with me.
But on the previous day, I had picked up 'The Golden City' by John Twelve Hawks from QBD at Garden City and by pure chance brought home a 'Clifford' dog with me... he just looked so cute and bright red by the register that I knew he'd find a good home amongst my books! And now, he's guarding my Mt TBR with vigor; making sure I read as much as I add to it.
Also, my 'Mixed Favourites Book Baggie' came home from its extensive trip around Australia. And a lot of books arrived home in it that I wanted to read; as well as the pencil case I sent off in it being so full I couldn't repack it once I had opened it! What a lot of stuff there was in it!
I began 'The Big Tidy-Up' around my house. This is
happening due to the success of 'The Big Clean-Out' in February. And so, I've cut up my big jobs into little jobs and put things away in such a way where they can't get messy anymore. It's a good way to do a clean out and a tidy up at the same time where I may have missed a spot in February. But this has turned out to be a little harder than I first expected. Downstairs is going okay; but upstairs isn't. I think I have to look at it from a different angle up here as a lot of things don't get moved around here for a while and then suddenly they do.
During the Queen's Birthday Long Weekend, I had a good go at cleaning up downstairs. It was good. The kitchen was three-quarters there, as was the lounge room. Then, I jumped on the piano for about an hour or so (I lost track of time to tell the truth). And I decided to try out the new book full of exercises for both hands to follow each other. Well, not long into them, I found them really challenging and my neighbour went off her block about me stopping playing (which I didn't until 10 minutes later when I realised I wasn't going to be a genius at them immediately). I went for a walk and she watched me leave and watched me come home... what a creepy person to live next door to... really creepy.
On 24th, June, Mum and I attended the Epilepsy Symposium at the P.A. Hospital. It was a completely full day of information from researchers, professors and neurosurgeons and neurologists alike. Also, I got the chance to talk to people who were living with the disease/condition and parents who cared for children with it. So, it was a good day, but very tiring. The best thing about this kind of day is that you can talk to the guest speakers about your medications, operations, the Ketogenic Diet, lifestyle and other things that may improve on what you're already doing free of charge (well it does cost to go to one of these, but not as much as an appointment with one of these people).
The shortest day of the year was yesterday... a day after Michael Jackson died last year (and the television stations played all his movies and concerts) and Mum and I went out to a photo course at Photo Continental on Creek Road. But when we got there, it had been cancelled and it seemed that us and on other person were the last to know. That put us in a bind. We could've stayed home and slept in.
Instead, we hung about at the shops across the road and waited for the Life Line to open. Here we found 3 handbags that I loved and bought. Mum found all these winter tops that I tried on and they fitted! There was even a jacket that looked awesome! So, all up, we spent about $70... I did put in $20 of that and mum bought around $44 of the rest... it was lovely of her to buy the clothes. But she kept on saying that I had to stop buying handbags and coin purses. When you're a collector, it's an obsessive thing that makes you look at them and buy them... then you have to find a time to use them all!
Then, last night, we had our partial Lunar Eclipse for this year. And what wonderful night for it! Even though it wasn't the clearest night, I took some lovely photos of it and was up until midnight to watch the moon clear up completely. And did it get cold! Wow, it was freezing!
Well, that was my month of something different. It was most definitely a lot fuller than past months; and I'm hoping my life gets a little less hectic in the next week or so. I want to catch up with some reading. I've only read 8 books this year... not a good score compared to last year's 27. Until next month!