Wednesday, June 30, 2010

End of the Month...

You wouldn't believe it... it's the middle of Winter, and usually it's not that cold here in Brisbane, but we're freezing our butts off.  Today it's going to be 18 degrees Celsius and yesterday it was only 16 degrees Celsius!  And what made things worse was that I've come down with a head cold... blech!  Not my favourite time of year to be sick.  Well, I don't really mind it, so long the sun is out and I can sit out in it and sweat out the virus until it's gone.  But I can't, so here we all are freezing instead.
Yesterday, I was supposed to get some tidying up done, but with a runny nose and sneezing all the time, I played some piano and made some raisin toast with a hot cup of ginger tea instead.  The heater was brought out of hibernation and wiped down and switched on for a good part of the afternoon and into the evening until around an hour before I went off to bed.  And even then, I put on an extra layer of warmth onto the bed... my Grandma's heavy orange bedspread (that thing will keep anyone warm) before I put the feather-down duvet on top.  Well, once I hit the pillow, I didn't move until 5:30 this morning!  Yep, I was out like a light.

This morning, at 9am, while I was walking to the post office, I could still see my breath as I walked there.  I was wearing a beanie and all my warm clothes and I could still feel the chill seeping through!  And now, I'm on here in what has got to be the coldest room in my house!  I'm still rugged up and rubbing my numb hands together once in a while to keep them warm (nope, typing does nothing to keep them going; and what's more is that I have bad arthritis... and that's horrible in any weather... which more often than not effects only my hands).  I hope it all gets better soon.
In the past day, I have had two boiling hot showers a day, been eating enough garlic to keep even the most vicious vampire away and making sure I get enough sleep at night... with the help of Polarimine.  It's a great antihistamine that makes your nose dry up but also makes you drowsy too... so is best taken at night an hour before bed.  Clarentine is being taken during the day and that's been working okay for now; I still need the odd few tissues once in a while, but I'm okay.
All I want is to get over this cold, the weather to warm up a little bit and the sun to come out for a few days.  If that can happen for just a little while (especially in Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart and Adelaide too; as Brisbane isn't the only city shivering away here), that'd be wonderful.

I hope you are all enjoying your holidays in one way or another.  Until my next post, keep warm (or cool); whatever your case may be.

Monday, June 28, 2010

It Begins Again!

As the Winter School Holidays have begun, so has my Big Tidy-Up begun again.  Actually, I began it yesterday after I got offline with the washing up of absolutely I could get my hands on in the kitchen.  It felt good to have it all nice, neat and tidy.  Then the cupboards got wiped down and then the stove was attacked by my cloth (and a new sink of hot water too).  Even the fridge got a good wipe-down.  So, by the time I was thinking about dinner, I had a reasonably clean kitchen.  A stir-fry was in order for dinner; and after I finished that, I washed up, put away the left overs and then watched television.

This morning, I was up early at around 7am.  Despite it being freezing cold, I bolted downstairs with my cothes, pulled out the heater, wiped the dust off and plugged it in.  Once it was hot enough, I warmed my clothes up on it and got dressed.  This happens every Winter when it gets this cold as upstairs is just far too cold to get dressed; even if I close the windows up there.
Once that was done and my last bit of medication was taken, I did the hand washing, hung it out and cooked breakfast after feeding Stevie (who wasn't too pleased that I was interrupting her warmth of three covers this morning).  But after I fed her, I placed the covers back over and left her alone until the morning got going a bit more and I had finished breakfast.  
After I had checked the mail, put away all my backpacks, handbags and other kinds of bags, shoes and magazines, I cleared up the lounge and put out some of the rubbish.  Then, I sorted out the washing up and left it on it sink until lunch time; for when I'm going to wash up next, and I
thought to make my coffee drink I normally do to take to upstairs for the morning.  Well, as I pulled the thermos down I used for this, the lid toppled off and landed on an angle on one of my favourite mugs; breaking two big chunks out of the side!  This is a mug I received for my birthday last year from Mum and I was mad about how it broke!  I phoned and told Mum; asking where she got it from and she told me to relax, that she bought it at a chemist and she'd get me another.  This is a lovely mug that holds the heat of tea really well... I do love it very much.  Also because Mum gave it to me.
After we had a chat about things that have happened over the weekend and what she's going to be up to this week, we said our goodbyes.  It was good to talk to her again (even thought I spoke to her only last night).  Anyway, while I was on the phone with her, I changed out Stevie's cage.  It really needed it as the newspaper was covered in poop, feathers and seed husks.  And boy, was there some feathers!  Little Miss Stevie really changed over her coat in a big way!

Well, this afternoon, I'll be washing the kitchen floor, tidying up the kitchen table and taking out the rubbish and recycling too.  I might even mow the lawn for the last time for Winter; before I really get into the garden and repot everything that needs attention.  Until my next post, keep warm (or cool) whatever your case may be.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

June's Something Different!

Wow!  What a month!  It seemed from the very first day to the last, I didn't have a single day free to scratch or to myself; and once I went to bed, I zonked quickly into the dreamworld... only to be awoken by my alarm or my neighbours slamming their way out of their house to go to work at 6am.
On 1st, June, I was off to Doug Cartwright's house bright and early to help him design a blog for an interstate artist.  Once we got it under way, we ate lunch with his house mate and another visitor who had dropped by and Doug let me into his lead lighting studios to make a gorgeous little jewelery box from his design.  It took all afternoon, but the end result is absolutely wonderful and I use it to house my rings and Grandma's watch.
Within the first week of June, we had some really cold
weather.  But that's okay really.  I like the cold and enjoy getting out into it.  It makes me work harder to keep warm and keeps me going at what I want to do for the day.  And one of those thing was to go out and see the Ron Mueck Exhibition.  I had heard about it on the radio and television and resolved to go and see it when it came to Brisbane.  And so, I did; taking my camera with me.  What an exhibition!  I loved it!  Actually, I had a pass-out stamp on my hand in case I had to go back in... luckily I got one because some of the photos were blurry and I wanted to look at some of the stuff again.  

By the 8th, June, I my fortunes had turned around and things were beginning to happen in a positive way.  I checked the mail that day and found I had won a double pass to see 'The A-Team' the night before it opened from Triple-M radio!  And I took Mum with me.  It was so much fun!  She loved it that I chose her to come with me.  
But on the previous day, I had picked up 'The Golden City' by John Twelve Hawks from QBD at Garden City and by pure chance brought home a 'Clifford' dog with me... he just looked so cute and bright red by the register that I knew he'd find a good home amongst my books!  And now, he's guarding my Mt TBR with vigor; making sure I read as much as I add to it.
Also, my 'Mixed Favourites Book Baggie' came home from its extensive trip around Australia.  And a lot of books arrived home in it that I wanted to read; as well as the pencil case I sent off in it being so full I couldn't repack it once I had opened it!  What a lot of stuff there was in it!
I began 'The Big Tidy-Up' around my house.  This is
happening due to the success of 'The Big Clean-Out' in February.  And so, I've cut up my big jobs into little jobs and put things away in such a way where they can't get messy anymore.  It's a good way to do a clean out and a tidy up at the same time where I may have missed a spot in February.  But this has turned out to be a little harder than I first expected.  Downstairs is going okay; but upstairs isn't.  I think I have to look at it from a different angle up here as a lot of things don't get moved around here for a while and then suddenly they do.

During the Queen's Birthday Long Weekend, I had a good go at cleaning up downstairs.  It was good.  The kitchen was three-quarters there, as was the lounge room.  Then, I jumped on the piano for about an hour or so (I lost track of time to tell the truth).  And I decided to try out the new book full of exercises for both hands to follow each other.  Well, not long into them, I found them really challenging and my neighbour went off her block about me stopping playing (which I didn't until 10 minutes later when I realised I wasn't going to be a genius at them immediately).  I went for a walk and she watched me leave and watched me come home... what a creepy person to live next door to... really creepy.
On 24th, June, Mum and I attended the Epilepsy Symposium at the P.A. Hospital.  It was a completely full day of information from researchers, professors and neurosurgeons and neurologists alike.  Also, I got the chance to talk to people who were living with the disease/condition and parents who cared for children with it.  So, it was a good day, but very tiring.  The best thing about this kind of day is that you can talk to the guest speakers about your medications, operations, the Ketogenic Diet, lifestyle and other things that may improve on what you're already doing free of charge (well it does cost to go to one of these, but not as much as an appointment with one of these people).

The shortest day of the year was yesterday... a day after Michael Jackson died last year (and the television stations played all his movies and concerts) and Mum and I went out to a photo course at Photo Continental on Creek Road.  But when we got there, it had been cancelled and it seemed that us and on other person were the last to know.  That put us in a bind.  We could've stayed home and slept in.  
Instead, we hung about at the shops across the road and waited for the Life Line to open.  Here we found 3 handbags that I loved and bought.  Mum found all these winter tops that I tried on and they fitted!  There was even a jacket that looked awesome!  So, all up, we spent about $70... I did put in $20 of that and mum bought around $44 of the rest... it was lovely of her to buy the clothes.  But she kept on saying that I had to stop buying handbags and coin purses.  When you're a collector, it's an obsessive thing that makes you look at them and buy them... then you have to find a time to use them all! 
Then, last night, we had our partial Lunar Eclipse for this year.  And what wonderful night for it!  Even though it wasn't the clearest night, I took some lovely photos of it and was up until midnight to watch the moon clear up completely.  And did it get cold!  Wow, it was freezing!  

Well, that was my month of something different.  It was most definitely a lot fuller than past months; and I'm hoping my life gets a little less hectic in the next week or so.  I want to catch up with some reading.  I've only read 8 books this year... not a good score compared to last year's 27.  Until next month!

Partial Lunar Eclipse

Last night, we had a partial lunar eclipse!  It was lovely!  But first, we experienced one of the most beautiful moonrisings I've seen in a long time; and to match it, a just as gorgeous sunset.
But I had forgotten all about the lunar eclipse until Mum called me and asked about it.  When I got outside, there was the moon beginning to shade over; and what a sight.  However, I always notice that whenever we get a lunar eclipse, the clouds arrive just when it begins to cover it over.  A bit of a bummer really.  However, I got some lovely photos of it nonetheless.

This one we saw this time will be our only one for the Southern Hemisphere this year.  The next one will be in December and only the Northern Hemisphere people will be privvy to it!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Shortest Day of the Year

Today, here in the Southern Hemisphere, is the shortest day of the year.  Yep, after today, our days will be getting longer; but that doesn't mean they'll be getting warmer.  We're still suffering through our Winter, it just means we're exactly halfway through this particular season.

Well, today, I woke at 6am and snoozed until 7am when I got out of bed, dressed and readied myself to go out to a camera course put on by Photo Continental at Upper Mount Gravatt.  They do these  things for people to get better at photography and to know their cameras.
Anyway, Mum and I arrived while it was still coolish.  The low cloud and fog was still touching the top of Mt Gravatt and hardly any shops were open when we parked the car.  Well, we were the only people - along with another lady - to show because the guy who was conducting the course was horribly sick.  The man who came out to greet us said that they had been trying to call us since around 7:40am but couldn't get through; yet we were there before the course was to start.

So what now? 
We decided to go to the shops across the road and look around the post office there.  I knew of a Life Line store there and so waited until it was open to look through its supply of handbags and coin purses.  They didn't have much in the way of coin purses, but their handbags were just lovely.  So, I bought three and Mum looked around the shop at other
things.  We then looked at some of the clothes and I tried on a collection of clothes that didn't look much; but they were just beautiful once I had them on!  I even spotted a jacket (after Mum spotted it) that was brilliant once I put
it on over one of the shirts Mum got me to put on.  And in the end we scored the three handbags (which I paid for) and about 5 or 6 tops and a jacket.  My handbags came to $20 and the clothes came to under $50.  Not bad for an hour's shopping in a charity store if you ask me!

We took off to MacDonald's for a coffee and some raisin toast.  I asked for a standard De-caf latte.  What came out was a very tall glass of hot coffee milk... so big it was that I couldn't finish it.  Normally, coffee from Macca's makes me feel a little bloated, but having this much milk would make me ill.  So, I drank around half of it and left the rest saying it was too much.  Mum said we could stay a little longer, but I said no, it was far too much for me to drink in one sitting; and besides we had our own things to do.
On the way home, we dropped in on Aunty Heather.  Well, she's not really my Aunt, she's my Mum's best friend from school; and they've been such wonderful friends that my brother and I have called her Aunty Heather for as far back as I can remember; and so we still do.  Well, Aunty Heather has been very sick for the last few weeks and Mum had to drop off some things to her house; and after around half an hour of chatting out the front, we wish her well and drove off.
Mum drove me home and I unloaded my gear into the lounge, took a look around and realised my house was really messy so I began cleaning up and putting things away downstairs.  It'll take a little while, but I'll get it all done and back to what it was before Gabe arrives next week.  

Also, I was expecting a friend over.  So, I jumped online, uploaded my daily 365 photo, checked the mail, fiddled on Farmville and did some things on 'My Reading List' and then jumped off by around 1:30pm.  I cleaned up a little more and practiced some of the piano until Geoff arrived; and we chatted for about 2 hours until he had to leave to pick up one of his friends from a bus station to play cricket before the sun went down.

What's really gotten to me is that I've let my Big Tidy Up fall by the wayside.  I hate it when I want to finish something I've started and I don't.  It's just sheer laziness, I tell ya... really it is.  So,  got back into it again today just before Geoff arrived; and I'll keep at it if there's nothing else to do tonight... otherwise, tonight, for me, it's going to be a nice quiet night.  I might watch a movie or a dvd yet.  I'm not sure.   But it's going to be an evening of making sure my house is nice and warm as next week is supposed to be getting really cold!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Epilepsy Queensland Symposium

Yesterday was a big day out for me.  Mum and I attended The Epilepsy Symposium put on by Epilepsy Queensland at the Princess Alexandra Hospital here in Brisbane.  This is where professors, scientists,
neurologists and researchers can tell us what's been going on in this field of study in one place over a full day of speeches.  It's a great opportunity to talk to other people with this condition and parents who care for children who have this condition as well.  
We had one Mother talk about their own life experiences of how their own young children's lives were changed completely by a particular type of Epilepsy and how the Ketogenic Diet turned their lives around after a few years.  Their child is now
seizure-free and on only one type of medication instead of about three different types.
Another young lady talked about how her life was turned into hell when she had experienced Epilepsy her whole life.  She couldn't finish high school and was bullied because of it.  Surgery was her
only hope left; and it's helped her greatly with completing her education and obtaining the freedom she so badly wanted when she was younger.
We were told about other surgeries where brain surgeons were placing electrodes right onto the brain to help control horrible seizures; and they were successful in doing it.  It was an amazing sight to see the inside of somebody's head and how they were placed.
At lunch, I talked to a professor who had talked about the many medications and the history of them; starting with the very first myths and the first one that came on the market at the turn of last Century.  He had said that Topamax has a lot of negatives; however when he met me, he found that I had encountered only a few of the negatives (such a the dietary

problems of not being able to eat much and sleeping problems) and found a lot of positives.  I told him that when I pushed myself to eat, I felt sick, but if I grazed during the day, I felt okay.  He said it's best if I did that and not forced myself to do what I don't want.  He was amazed at how much I've been able to sit on a computer and work; and he said that it's good that I read and play an instrument (not many Epileptics have the patience).
My neurologist came in after lunch to talk about what Epileptics can do in life; that we can live a very full life without pushing the envelope too much.  Beforehand, though, she walked straight up to me and said hello.  I followed her inside and chatted with her; she hadn't seen me for a long time and I thought to let her know about my learning the piano.  When I told her about it, she was absolutely thrilled that I was learning.  I said that before I was stablised, I couldn't get my left hand to do anything with a keyboard, but once I was, I found I had the patience for it and wanted to learn.
She turned to one of the ladies from EQ and said that I was one of the more creative patients she sees; very creative, that I do a lot of great things.  When she walked away, the lady smiled at me and I said that if it weren't for Dr Lander putting me on Topamax, I wouldn't be stablised.
We had another doctor after Dr Lander who worked with children.  I found his videos a little distressing; but I was very tired from taking in all the information all day.  By the time we left the hospital, it was around 4:30pm and both Mum and I were very tired.  I had a light dinner of noodles with tomato, spinach and soy/oyster sauce; then had an early night of 10pm.  Yep, it was a very full day of learning.

For those who wish to know more about the Ketogenic Diet, I've put in a link on the sidebar that will lead you to a reputable site telling you all need to know.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Beginning of Another Week

The weekend was interesting and a little boring at the same time.  But I did enjoy it.

On Friday night, really missed 'Collectors' something bad.  I felt like there was nothing really on until 8:30pm.  So, I concentrated on painting the rest of the pegs on the coffee table (yeah, I'm trying to finish them up and then I'll buy more and do a set or two and see what the art gallery thinks of selling them as a set of 20 for $18).  But one of my favourite series came back on ABC2!  It was 'Being Human'... I love that show; and it hasn't been on for a such a long time either!  And when it advertised for it on ABC1, I just switched over to it until it came on and loved it!  Now, I can't wait until next week!  By 9:30pm, I was watching the last half hour of a repeat of NCIS and then it was a new episode of 'Numbers'.

Saturday was a good day.  I sent off a cylindar of goodies to my lovely niece just before School Holidays too!  So, by the time she sees her Dad again, she'll have mail waiting for her from me.  I included a letter in her own coded language, a couple of bookmarks, two keyrings (one is hand-made by one of my friends with butterflies on it) and a couple of cool rings that don't fit me but I know she'll love.
For the rest of the day, I fiddled around on here, changed the template of two other blogs I have (they're my book blogs) and then I jumped off and played the piano for what was supposed to be an hour, but ended up being 20 minutes.  I just didn't feel up to it.  So, I ended up outside reading for an hour instead; zooming through about 35 pages of 'The Traveller' by John Twelve Hawks.  It was a good afternoon of reading; until it got chilly and I had to go inside.

Sunday had me reading the paper, chatting to my little bird and pretty much doing not too much.  A lot of the pots and pans were washed up in the morning; only to be used again last night.  And then, I played the piano in the afternoon for about an hour; but wanted to play more and more.  There was a thirst in me to play more music and I didn't know why.  I just did.  Then, after a few more exercises, I put all the music away and put the lid of the piano down and went for a walk.
During the walk, I visited a few units to say hi to some people. I was away for about an hour.  It was lovely to talk to some people for once instead of being holed up here at the unit.
Last night, there was Dr Who on television.  The Doctor took Amy to see Vincent Van Gogh in the last few months of his life.  It was a great show; as though it wasn't a Dr Who show at all... and seeing how much I love the artist, I felt as thought I was taken long for the ride as much as Amy was.  Aren't there times where you wish could meet people like that in history and just talk to them?

Anyway, today, I met a new neighbour.  He moved in two doors down and is living in his daughter's unit while she's been transferred by the police department.  He found a job here in Brisbane because there's no jobs in Bundaberg and his friend has done the same thing.  So, they moved in over the weekend.  He called out to me while I was going out to check the mail at the Post Office and we chatted.  They seem nice enough and he said that it's good that this unit complex is so quiet.

Well, it's the beginning of another week.  I've got a few things that are going to toss my usual workings out of kilter for this week.  On Wednesday, I'll be going to the Epilepsy Symposium and so my shopping will have to be done on Thursday.  This means anything I need done at Garden City will have to be done on Friday. 
Next week, all will be back to normal... well as normal as my life gets!  Until my next post, keep warm (or cool) whatever your case may be.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Old Music and Donations

Currently, I'm working through listing my late-Grandmother's piano music; and believe me, there's a lot of it!  So, this week, I split the whole lot into three piles.  There's the 5-page sheet music, the Songbooks (these are larger ones that have more than three songs in them and are written by a variety of songwriters) and then the single-sheet music; which is very fragile and hard to handle.
Once that was done, I used two of Grandpa's briefcases to store them all in and called the Queensland Archives.  They advised me that they only collated and collected Government papers; and not what I've got.  But they suggested the Queensland State Library would be most interested in my collection of old music.
So, I called up the QSL and they jumped at me donating the lot to them.  However, they needed a list of it all.  And I'm in the process of doing just that.  I'm writing out the titles, authors and song-writers.  It's not a hard thing; but it's an exhausting exercise.  

But I do find it a great pity that elderly people who have passed away leave their music, records and belongings to their relatives only to have them either sold off, given away or thrown out.  Seeing I've seen the worth in this music, I'm only too happy to give it to the right people who will care for it not only after my Grandmother had passed on, but also when I'm not here as well.  It's only right.
You see, I inherited Grandma's piano and all the show tunes that went with it.  However, I don't wish to learn those; that was Grandma's thing.  They were lovely and a great memory of my Grandma.  What I want to do is play jazz and blues on the piano.  I wish to learn improv and be able to sit at any piano and just play anything that comes into my head wherever I am; or jam with anyone who's playing a guitar or a saxophone if I feel like it.  
To me, the joy of music is not only written down in the old songbooks and sheet music, but it's also running through our veins when we're brought up around it.  Even though I never played it when I was young, I always envied people who could improvise and play jazz as I'm a classically trained flautist; I was never trained - or taught - improvisation.  My teacher taught me to read what was in front of me; and that was it.  Nor was I taught that much theory either.  So, learning the piano and it's theory is something I've had to look up myself and find on the net; and it's been a lot of fun and very challenging.
And if it weren't for people like myself and others donating music to the State Libraries around our countries, we wouldn't have such a great historical archive of them to look at and play and remember what the good old days were like.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Thank God For Fridays!

I'm so glad I got into the laundry yesterday.  This morning, I awoke to an overcast morning and not wanting to get out of bed.  But then, I had weird dreams about cycling down strange side streets, crawling through low windows and attending award ceremonies where the awards themselves were shampoo bottles.  Really weird stuff.  I was thankful when the alarm went off!
But the last few days have been interesting and full me doing a little housework, reading a lot and painting.  I have been getting better at the piano thanks to the Schmit book and its exercises and the temperature has been really showing it's beginning to look a lot like Winter around here in Brisbane and on this side of the globe.

Yesterday, I got into calling the Queensland State Archives to find out if they'd like to have my late-Grandmother's old piano music.  However, they only gather Government information and suggested that I call the Queensland State Library.  And so I did and they were delighted to find that I wanted to donate the music.  However they needed a list of what I had; which I hadn't written out.  So, I began on writing out the list yesterday afternoon; but only the titles.  I have a niggling feeling that they'll need the authors too.  So, I'll go back over it while I've got the time and add on the authors of the lyrics and music before I add on any other music titles.
Then, I went downstairs and played the piano for about an hour.  I really fumbled through it all.  My hands and mind weren't into it; but I played nonetheless, getting better as the time went on.  It was the first time I was grateful the session was over as I sounded terrible.
Reading was the next thing on my list.  I'm currently zooming through 'The Traveler' by John Twelve Hawks.  His book is turning into a good one.  And I can see it's going to be something I won't be able to put down soon as it's coming to a crux in the next few chapters... I can feel it!  Oh, how fun!  I love these kinds of books (writing as well as reading them).  I read about 30 pages while sitting out the front of my unit and then another 25 or so while out in the back yard.  It was lovely to sit on my maroon seat and read where I'd normally sit in Summer; as it wasn't cold but not too hot either, and that was a first in Winter for that to happen.

Well, I brought in the laundry at around 4pm, but some of it was still wet; even though it had been out there for a good full day.  But you see, the sun hadn't been out fully all day. It had been playing hide'n'seek with the clouds - which had been threatening to rain all day too.  So, I was constantly watching the weather from my computer room window all day.  I just couldn't relax and enjoy the day.  But the only things that were wet were two pairs of jeans and a pair of socks. 
I spent my evening painting more clothes pegs and watching television after a stir-fry with prawns... a very nice meal; but I don't think the prawns really suit the stir-fry that I do.  Next time I'll leave them out and put in the bacon.  It was a late night and I got to bed around 11:30pm and didn't bother reading the book; just switching off the light.  But sleep didn't come all that easily.  So, I'm tired today.  It must be the weather.

Well, until my next post, keep warm (or cool whatever your situation may be).

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Interestingly Nothing Day

I had big plans when I opened my eyes for the fifth time today.  I was  going to attack the kitchen table.  I was going to clean the bathroom and wash the kitchen floor and work hard on tidying up the rest of the lounge room.  Yep, I had a lot of things I wanted to do.  But, the morning was crisp and there was a breeze that kept me wanting to stay in bed snuggled under the feather-down duvet where it was nice and toasty with my teddy bear for another ten minutes; which, of course would turn into another ten minutes very quickly.  
I was up and about before 8:30am with Stevie fed and the front curtains open to the nice, cool morning.  The sun shone through the lace of the window and warmed my little darling bird all day as the temperature didn't go as high as expected with a cold wind keeping me wearing a jumper for a good part of the day.  And yet, I didn't get too far from the computer to do anything all that constructive.
I played the piano for about an hour - actually, I lost track of time with it.  I tried out some new exercises and they weren't much without me doing the first ones on the first page.  Once I got into those, I was fine; and the next page was a lot easier, yet harder.  Luckily I do enjoy a good challenge.  And this time, I didn't hear anybody scream for me to stop playing.
By around 2:40pm, I thought to get my nose into 'The Traveler' by John Twelve Hawks; and so sat out the front of the unit with a drink and my cordless phone and read about 50 pages.  It's hopping along a good pace this book.  I do look forward to what's going to happen next... especially in the next two books.  If they're anything like this one, I'll have to keep an eye out for more of his work.
As the sun sunk below the rooftops, and the wind picked up - cooling me more - I looked around and thought it would be best to close up the curtains for Little Miss Stevie.  So, I packed up my goodies on the curb and went inside.  During my read outside, I had heard a noise and thought it was a carpet cleaning mob somewhere (as noise travels a lot around here).  But once inside, I was pulling the back curtain closed and spotted a man up on the roof of the unit complex next door cleaning the tiles with a massive hose.  So... it's that time of year again!  Roof-cleanin' time!

Well, that was my cold, lazy kinda nothing day.  I'll get in and do more tomorrow and be able to write about it.  I know this sounds boring, but really, it was a lovely day of doing nothing but putting away the sheets in my bedroom.  Until my next post, keep warm (or cool, whatever your case may be).

Queen's Birthday Weekend

Well, yesterday being a Monday, and the Queen's Birthday, we had a long weekend.  In the USA, it was Flag Day; but I don't know if that was long weekend there.  If it is, well we all won!
I didn't do that much around the place.  Seeing I had worked a lot during the usual days of Saturday and Sunday, I thought a good lazy day would be fun.  But, I found it was easier said than done; and ended up working on the house anyway.  First,though, I bummed around on here for a good while before jumping off and washing up some pots and pans around the kitchen.
The lounge was the next thing to be tidied up.  I threw out any scraps of wool that didn't have a home into a plastic bag.  All empty envelopes went in there too and tissues I found.  Books, folded clothes and towels went into a 'green' bag to be taken upstairs and put away (and that bag filled very quickly); and this also included any folded socks, magazines and booklets advertising Logan City.  I found other things too and tossed them into the 'green' bag.  Now, the lounge is tidier and I have also found all of the remote controls for everything!  Most of the time I'm hunting for them.
The knitting is still being used so I left that where it is and the painting gear on the coffee table is still in use at night; so I left that all where it is too until I finish the rest of the pegs.  But I'm getting there with the downstairs area of my town house.  

However, I haven't neglected upstairs.  Things are being put away when I bring them up to the office or my bedroom; they have to be.  Otherwise, I'm putting up with a little bit of mess until I come to this part of the tidying up.  It's just how I'm working with the house; and it's a lot easier than attacking the place in one big hit and less confusing.  So far, I think I'm going well.

During the afternoon, yesterday, I practiced the piano - as usual - and found the Schmit exercises frustratingly complicated!  But I stuck with them; slowing them down to get them right, and then playing first the right hand then the left and then putting them together again.  Well, it drove me batty... I took a breath and tried it again and succeeded slowly.  Then, I heard somebody scream at the top of their lungs:  'Stop playing that!' at which I paused for a few seconds and kept playing... mainly to get it right for myself, not to drive them nuts (after all I was already driving myself nuts with these exercises).  After about 10 minutes, I packed up the music and decided a walk would do me wonders; just to the front of the unit complex and back home, to clear my head.  Well, my neighbour watched me leave and watched me come home from the front lounge room window... now that's just plain creepy if you ask me.  It also raises my suspicions that it was her that screamed for me to stop playing; which of course I'm not going to.
Until my next post.  Take care and keep warm or cool, whichever the case may be!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Small Successes and Finds From the Past

I got into some more tidying up yesterday while more music played on the turntable; and it was a lovely day for it.  The sun was out and it turned into a nice day once the front door was opened up.
I pulled out the vacuum cleaner and got into the hard part of cleaning.  I absolutely detest vacuuming as it makes me sneeze and my hair clogs up the nozzle.  So, I try to get it over and done with as quickly as I can.  While I was at it, I also vacuumed the kitchen (as I dropped a jar of vegemite yesterday morning that shattered everywhere!) in lieu of it being washed in the next day or so.  So, once that was all done, I organised and dusted the 3-tiered table next to the stairs.  while I did that, I did out the bowls there and found all the keys that Mum had bought me while overseas in America.  

Then, I found my Lucky Penny - well, okay, I call it my Lucky Penny.  When I was in the UK in 1997, I visited 'The Beatles House' in Liverpool.  While there, I got three pennies squashed in this very cool machine.  One was for me, one for Mum and one for Grandma; I should have gotten about a dozen done; but I didn't.  Well, when I moved into my unit, I thought I had lost this little penny and so I had this down feeling that some lucky person out there had my little penny that I had traveled with for so many years.  And yesterday, I found it in one of the little bowls by the door!  Was I happy to find it!  It was something I was so relieved to find as I know I may not see 'The Beatles House' again for a long time.
Once the tables were dusted and everything was replaced - along with the things that didn't belong there - I sorted out a new home for the cute little keys (on keyrings) so they'd be on display instead of being hidden.  
Then, I sat down and practiced the piano for 45 minutes. 
The exercises I performed from the Schmit book the day before that I found so easy to do were a lot more complicated yesterday.  My hands just wouldn't do what they were supposed to do; and this frustrated me, even when I slowed them down.  In the end, I just put the music away and put it down to a bad day for me and my hands; knowing I'll have a better day somewhere along the line and play better soon.  Well, okay, I don't play 'Yesterday' or 'Alley Cat' yet, but I do wish to one day once I get to that standard.

Today, I've already gotten myself into doing some of the things I wanted to do this afternoon.  I sprayed some 14 pegs that I've been painting to update my peg box.  Unfortunately, I copped some of the spray varnish in my right eye and it hurt like hell!  But the pegs look great!  I photographed them and have been added to the rest of the box.  Don't they look great?  Anyway, there's still loads to do here online before I take off for the rest of the day and finish up some things downstairs to make the place tidy and low-maintenance.  

Until the next time I blog about the Big Tidy-Up - or anything else - take care and keep warm (or cool if that is the case for you wherever you may be).

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Another Tidy-Up Afternoon Success!

I have found out two things about myself:  I clean
better when I'm angry about something and I also clean better in the afternoons.  I think it's because it's after I've been on here and all the internet stuff has been done... and I've had my 'computer fix' that I can get on with my day.
Well, yesterday was a good day for cleaning up the house.  After I got everything done by midday, I jumped off the computer and realised I hadn't found a site online for piano theory.  Oh well, I found one today; which I may be adding onto in the next few weeks.
I pulled out the vacuum cleaner and moved Little Miss Stevie into the nice warm sun in the front of the screen door while I vacuumed behind her spot.  And was there a lot of seed husks and bird poo!  But I got it all; and I found the duster too... so I have a duster for downstairs and one for upstairs now.  So, I changed the dust thing on it and ran it over the stereo system, television and around everything I could see that had dust on it.
Then, came time to put Stevie back in her spot and clean behind the front door.  I moved everything out of the way and vacuumed around the corner and where I put the umbrellas and moved the Jim Morrison print upstairs and sat it behind my bedroom door for storage instead (it'll be safer there anyway until I find a permanent place for it on a wall somewhere).  The piano was next and I pull everything off the top and ran the duster over it and put it all back.  The Swiss glasses were cleaned out and replaced as well.  Then, I moved the seat and pulled off the front foot panel and checked the water.  It was getting down a little, so I changed the glass over for a taller one and filled it and put it in; making sure the bottom of it wasn't wet.  I opened the lid and ran the duster over the keys and front of it.
It was time for a break.  I washed my hands and had a glass of water and sat down at the keyboard and practiced the piano for 1 hour and 10 minutes... all new music too!  I'm going well!  I even got my nose into the practice book for both hands to work together; all I need to do is practice.  
After I finished that, it was around 3pm and I decided it was time to get into sorting out Grandma's old and unusable music for the Queensland Archives.  So, I rummaged through my storage facility in my stairwell and found the two briefcases of Grandpa's and emptied them out (jeez, did they hold some crap!).  Then, I sorted the music into 3-page sheet music, Songbooks and single-page sheet music.  The three piles took shape and I found that I needed to use both of them.  Sometime this week, I'll see if Mum can drive me to the Queensland Archives to drop the music off for preservation; as I can't use it.  I'll see how it all goes this week.
Well, by the time I was almost finished sorting, it was 4pm and time to bring in the laundry.  So, once that was brought in, I closed up the house, turned on all the lights and made sure Little Miss Stevie was nice and warm before taking the laundry upstairs and having a shower and making a dinner of vegetarian nachos.  Yummo!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Winter's Hits Brisbane

Last night, it was a little bit chilly; actually I wouldn't know as I had the house closed up tight!  It wasn't until this morning when I woke to the alarm on my phone that I realised how cold it was.  I took my meds and snuggled down more after 7:30am and didn't want to get out of the toasty warmth of my feather-down duvet.  But my stomach protested and I had to go to the loo as well... bummer!  So, I made the horrible decision to get up and make a mad dash around the bedroom and find something warm to put on... namely my new mad-looking slippers from K-Mart and my warmer-than-warm dressing gown with teddy bears on it (it's pink, but it's warm!).  
After dressing, I had to wake poor Little Miss Stevie and get her food for her and she wasn't about to move from her swing; and frankly, I don't blame her!  She was nice and toasty (and it's almost midday now and I don't think she's budged from her swing to get anything to eat; even though she knows it's there for her).  I made myself a nice hot bowl of porridge after washing up a bit and decided on when to check the mail... when the sun came out to play.
I waited for about an hour... until 9am... and it didn't come out.  And it's almost midday and it's still hiding and the day is still freezing cold!  So, it's going to be one of those days!  I collected the mail dressed in my leather jacket, hat and  gloves with a scarf I bought in Edinburgh (which is made for this kind of weather!) and once home, I was still cold!
So, I'm here on the computer with cold feet (from not moving around) and freezing cold hands (but that's what happens when you're on a computer all the time; your circulation goes on you) and I have to go to the chiropractors this afternoon!  That is not a fun prospect!
This is definitely a time when I would love to change places with Little Miss Stevie.  Being able to stay at home all curled up on my swing in the warmth of the covers that my owner left on my cage is just something I'd love.
So, how did you endure today wherever you are in this world?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ron Mueck Exhibition Photos

I have had problems uploading photos onto Photobucket.  So, while I have some time up my sleeve, I'll upload them here where I am allowed to.  They are not of adult content; they are art.  Enjoy.

This one is called 'Dead Dad'

 The Baby in full length.  I found her beautifully done.

 I'm not sure what this one is called; however it shows the nervousness of man and when he's put into a public situation.

These were the photos that were crossed out of the photobucket album.  So, I hope you enjoy them.  But, they are so much better in person; as the nervous man (the one sitting naked on the seat ready to run) is about 3 metres tall and very intimidating.  The baby is around 3 or so metres long and in great detail.  And so, I do encourage you all to go to his exhibition when it comes to your country, town and city.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Lucky Days!

So far this week, it's been a good few days.  I've had the good fortune to have a third book of a trilogy show up at the bookstore when it was expected to.  It's by a relatively new author and I've just begun reading his first book; which sounds brilliant.  This third book - I was told - was going through a limited print run; so that's why I bought it now instead of later this year.  It's:  'The Golden City' by John Twelve Hawks and again, on the front it's got a motorcyclist.  Seeing I've got all three books now, I can relax and read them at my leisure.  While at the book store,
I saw a little stuffed dog going by the name of Clifford.  I had never heard of him; but I think a lot of younger kids have.  And he just looked so cute; and for around $3.00, how could I say no?  So, I added him onto the bill and he came home with me.  Now, he's guarding the bookcase where my Mt TBR is... very cute!
When I arrived home yesterday, I checked on the mail and pulled out a few envelopes and found one from Triple M
Rock Station here in Brisbane.  I wondered what I had won... as I've won two prizes in the last eight months; one of them a major prize.  I ripped open the envelope and pulled out a double pass to see 'The A-Team' this Wednesday night!  Very cool!  I wanted to see this film as I was a big fan of the television series when I was young.  So, I asked my Mum along and she said yes!

And today, I opened the PO Box and pulled out a blue parcel pick-up card.  I have been expecting a parcel to return from
across Australia sometime soon.  And when I went inside, it was the exact parcel I was expecting!  Yay!  Once home, I opened it on the kitchen table and found plenty of books that had been swapped out and two had returned home.  And the little pink pencilcase was chock full of goodies that had been also swapped out amongst my friends on Bookcrossing.  Very lovely things had arrived in that too!

What a week I've been having so far.

I also posted off a funny film to a video show... but that's for another time.  Let's see if it makes it through to being shown on t.v... then I'll let you know if I've won the $500 just for it being shown.

Friday, June 4, 2010

A Busy Week

This first week has certainly been busy; and good ol' Mother Nature has given us the chilly breezes to go with it.  Winter is most certainly here in the South East Corner of Queensland and I don't think it's going to go anywhere fast.  
But today, seeing the sun was out and lovely and there was a cool breeze to make us pull on a warm jacket and a beanie, I thought an excursion into the CBD wouldn't hurt me.  In fact, I had been planning this one for a while because a great exhibition had come to town
and I was looking forward to it.  Ron Mueck was at the GoMA and I wanted to see his work that had been traveling around the country.  So, with about $80 in my pocket, I ventured into the city with the plan to see his exhibition, photograph some of the Yarn Bombing that had been going
on (and see if it's any good) and then go through the second-hand bookstore on Charlotte Street for more beginner's music to get my hands into more piano music.  The more I work on my left hand better it'll get into doing jazz.
So, off I went via two buses into Brisbane City.  The one thing I promised myself was that I wasn't going to rush or hurry anywhere today.  And I didn't.  I just took my time and strolled from one place to the next.  I took a good slow look through the exhibition of Ron Mueck's and took all the photos I wanted.  But on exiting the GoMA, I found that some of my photos were blurry, so in I went again (how fortunate I had gotten a pass-out stamp on the way out!).  so, I walked through again and got some more photos of the exhibits that had turned out blurry, and I even got some of the others from a different perspective.  At $10 Concession, it's a good price to pay to see such a great artist and his work.
I had heard about an exhibition about hats in the old Queensland Art Gallery not far from the GoMA.  So, I walked there and poked my head in there.  It was a comprehensive look at what passed as hats throughout time; and who would wear them!  And some of these things looked absolutely ridiculous ... while others were gorgeous but were only worn on special occasions.  It also showed the inside of an old hat-maker's workroom in the center of the exhibition; which was poorly lit if you ask me.  The fortunate thing is that the hats on display are all behind glass so nobody can touch them - or photograph them either.

After this exhibit, I couldn't find my way out of the Queensland Art Gallery.  Now, it's not that I'm dumb; I never have been able to.  It's such a rabbit warren of a place.  So, I just looked for those green and white lit signs that said:
Exit and followed those until I found a lift and asked the lady who sat in there all day where I'd need to go to get out.  She happily told me.  And each time I find my way out, I nearly kiss the ground with relief. 
Once I walked out the doors, I found the Victoria Bridge and walked across it where the Yarn Bombing began.  Most of the light poles had been partially wrapped in knitting.  However, I found that some of them had been destroyed by the elements already.  It's unfortunate that the people hadn't thought of this before; that the wind the comes buffeting along the Brisbane River would do this to their work.  But the work I found in the city centre was better
pinned down and more fun and organised.  I found three of the five round metal balls wrapped in 'wool' and they had 'knitting needles' attached to them.  They were the most impressive of the outsider art I found.  The other stuff was more beginners stuff - I hate to say this about how it was done, but really it was.  As I walked along George Street, I found green hearts attached to camera poles and trees that would have taken three months to make.  And in the park on the other side of the Treasury Casino, there's a
statue of a man in a cloak who is covered in a shawl and has a handbag hanging off one arm!  Oh, my God!  Whoever did that one couldn't put it one Queen Victoria (whose statue wasn't too far away from him in the middle of the park facing the casino?  The shawl looks great!  But that handbag is going a little too far!).
Once I had finished photographing that poor statue, my stomach ordered me to feed it.  And so I did at the Pancake Manor on Charlotte Street. Before all of that, though, I had gone to Allan's Music on the Queen Street Mall and bought a beginner's book on piano music.  The piano man there, Rick, was so good about it all.  He asked if I read music and after I told him that I was originally a flautist, he said that it was a good book start with; and he'd be ready for me to come back and buy jazz'n'blues music when I was ready.  Then, Rick asked me who my tuner was and I told him it was Martin; and he knew him well!  He said that Marty was a good tuner and would take good care of my piano; to let him know that Rick said hello the next time I saw him.  I'm definitely going back to Allan's to get my piano music again... they are wonderful people.
After The Pancake Manor, where I devoured a short stack called 'Blueberry Heaven'... yummo... I ventured next door to the Archives bookstore and went through their piano section of music books.  While sitting on their stairs, I found two that would help me immensely.  One would be a good beginners book (kind of like the Schefe book) and the other concentrates on getting both hands to work together in synchronicity; so there's no overlapping of notes from one hand or the other.
On the way to the bus stop, I bought two pairs of 8-hole laces of my Doc Martens (as the ones I have are wearing out and I don't get to 'Shoe City' very much to purchase laces).  Then, I ran into an old neighbour's cousin I used to talk to years ago; and we chatted all the way home.  

What a day!  I got home at around 2pm, but now the afternoon's disappeared on me.  I'm hoping to sleep well tonight and get some serious housework done tomorrow; and some major tidying up too.