It all started when I opened my eyes yesterday morning. I was clogged up to my eardrums with sinus! Horrible and debilitating sinus! I took a walk down to the chemist and picked up some Clarintine and two boxes of tissues and thought I'd be over it by dinner time.
On the way home, I spotted a Hi-Lux van that was broken down turning from Kingston Road into Park Road and the guy behind it got out and offered to help push. Well, the moment he began to turned red, I rushed across and offered to help too. Before we knew it, another two people from other cars had come up and were pushing as well. Traffic from the other direction didn't pause to let us through until the lights changed again and we got our momentum up and going again... then once we got it into Park Road, we all realised how hard that was; how out of shape we were. But I knew that my car was definitely lighter to push than that van!
By the time I got home, I had was tired and really needed to take something for my sinus... so I did and began doing some serious housework. First, though, I jumped on the net for a few hours and got into some serious internet time for about two hours. Once off that, I put on a few vinyls and turned them up loud as I dusted the entertainment unit, the window sill, television and the piano. Then, I opened the lid and cleaned all the keys before I sat down and had a practice of a few drills. It was fun to enjoy that for about an hour! I loved it. In between all the housework, and piano playing, I had a boiling hot shower and washed my hair, sat outside and began cleaning up the office.
First, I put away the oscillating fan that usually sits just outside the hall of the kitchen. I took the feet off it and took it upstairs and put it all into the wardrobe for another year. It's given me a lot of space not only in the closet, but also downstairs. Then, I cleaned up the office area in front of it and made sure it was usable and I could get into the closet easily. I've tossed out a bag of handbags and given away a few other smaller ones I don't need. I feel good about this; as the charity bags by the front door are getting bigger and my house is looking better.
The air condition is being used to clear out the dust and mothball smell from the office and I've used the Glen 20 to kill off any germs that have been hanging around since yesterday.
Yesterday, I was so congested I could hardly breath; and the Clarintine didn't work at all. So, I was feeling pretty bad. But today, I'm a lot better and the Clarintine is working. I slept more last night - around 5 hours - and now I've put my pillows out on the line to air so the germs can get away in the fresh air.
I really hate being sick, but what I really hate is getting a virus; as you can't do anything about them. You just have to ride it out and wait until it goes away. Well, until my next post, take care, keep well, and stay safe; and remember, I'm always here.
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