Thursday, April 7, 2011

What A Day!

Today was so long and I started it so early... I thought it would never end.  I was still under the covers of my duvet when I heard my neighbours have a fight in their carport... and their loving terms of endearment to each other.  He calls her 'Oi!' and she calls him 'What the eff do you want?'... charming, eh?  And at 6:30am, it wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear while still trying to have a bit of snooze until my 7am alarm was about to go off; and yet I did.  
I was out of be by 7:30, dressed and ready to face the day.  Little Miss Stevie was fed, the curtains pulled open and I had put on my first load of washing: towels.  Then, I made breakfast.  But the milk was sour!  Not a pleasant experience, and yet, it wasn't off bad enough that it made me horribly ill, just left a bad taste in my mouth.  Yuk!  So, after my towels were hung out and the hand-washing was done and was in the spin cycle, I went out to get some more milk at the service station.  While there, I spotted a hot Chevrolet!  And there I was without my camera -for once - and so I asked the owner how long he was going to be there and ran home to get it.  After I took about a dozen shots of the gorgeous automobile, I got one of him with it too!  And wasn't it worth it, or what???

Well, by this time, I had to collect the milk and the mail, check up online my internet mail and Farmville and then get my last few things into a bag for a day out with Mum.  We went to the Logan Central Library on Wilbur Street to see Annette Sims talk.  

There must have been about a hundred people show up to see her.  Her husband Bill was there too and she talked about how she had hit rock bottom about her weight and what she did about it; ditching her yo-yo dieting and eating properly and exercising by just walking around the block each day.  It was inspiring to know she had done this all on her own.  And today I got to meet her in person and she signed all three of my first edition recipe books; which she was impressed I owned (and also happy that they were used to having a little food on them).  I said that her books were my starting point in eating healthy and that I now have my own little lot of recipes that I use on a regular basis.  She asked me to send her some of them so she could have a look at them; I promised I would (and I will).  The one thing I didn't do was get a photo with her with my camera; bummer!

The Logan Central Library is where the old Bi-Lo used to be; and it's impressive.  As you walk in, you're greeted with the lift which is surrounded by a huge column of books all arranged by colour... very artistic!  I had to sit on the floor in a corner to get the full affect of this photo.
Then, once inside, you see around four or five columns of books surrounding the front desk which also has books curving around underneath it!  Isn't it amazing what they've done with the old books from the old library?  I love the artistic side of the whole affect.  And seeing how much more space they have now, they can have more arty stuff to spread out with.  The decor and really speak for how the people of Logan are now, instead of how it used to be in the past.
Next door to the Library is a Supre Outlet; which unless you're a pixie, you'll never be able to fit into anything!  So, we looked and thought: Nah, I'll stick to Life Line.  Otherwise it was a good place to see... big, but good.  On the other side was a bookstore which was open on Saturdays from 9am til noon.  Pity, it would have made a killing it was open every day.  So, that was my day... I got home at around 1pm, and I pulled in the laundry by around 2pm because it was all dry... and seeing we had gotten two massive downpours while at the library, I thought it would have been soaked, but it was bone dry.  And just tonight, it's begun to pour rain; which shows that I got all my laundry finished just in time for the weekend!  How's that for timing?  Until my next post, stay safe, keep warm and remember, I'm always here.

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