Thursday, October 31, 2013

October's Something Different!

Wow!  Has is been something different alright!  I spent a good part of this month with my parents out of the country and only the last week or so of it with them at home.  They've had the best tour overseas and a wonderful welcome home!  But Mum and Dad have spent the last week catching up with paperwork and looking at their bank statements too.

Anyway, this was mixed in with what I've been up to this month - which made this month very, very busy for me!

On the day before my birthday, Aunty Helen, Kate and Oma took me out to lunch at the Lions Den at Springwood.  This is an AFL Club for the Brisbane Lions.  I don't support the team so I didn't join up there, but the food there was great!  And it was a lovely atmosphere too.  Kate couldn't stay long, but she gave me $40 - as she didn't know what to get me - and Aunty Helen gave me two $20 Bunnings Vouchers, and Oma gave me a Birthday card.  
After lunch we were off to McDonalds for coffee.  It was loud there, but the coffee was lovely.  What a day!
The next day, was my birthday.  I spent half the day at Logan Emergency Ward; but it wasn't for me.  One of my friends had a huge panic attack and I had to call an ambulance for him and follow it to the hospital in the car.  Then a few hours later, I had to pick him up with a friend who had arrived at my house... it was strange.

I bought a new outdoor setting, completed my backyard makeover and am very pleased with the finished product of my garden.  And then, I started looking at working on getting my parents' house ready to be lived in again.  The housework was done, the sheets on their bed was changed over and other things fixed up too.

By 12th, October, I had finished the backyard!  I was so pleased with it!  I still had to fix up a few things inside my house - but they were small things.  
And I couldn't believe I had spent the last four months driving around the place getting everything done... it's been so much fun!  And today, I'm just tired from this week.  

Over the last few weeks, I've been busily working on my Crafty Pegs and organising myself financially to get into The Creative Markets here in Logan City - at Springwood State School actually - and it's just been a busy, busy month for me.  I seems I don't stop with either the pegs, the garden or organising the banking details of the car Dad's hoping to buy me for Christmas.  I'm just looking forward to getting time to myself... and soon!  However, it seems as though the next few months are going to be busy as hell!

And with tonight being Halloween, I've been busily carving away at a pumpking this morning to have it ready for tonight.  I can't wait... I hope to have some children come by.  If not?  Well, never mind.  I don't care if they don't come by, so long I celebrate All Hallow's Eve.

Until my next post for next month, take care, keep safe and warm and remember,  I'm always here.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Busy Week!

If you thought my weekend was busy, well!  Ya haven't seen nothin' yet!  My week is only half over and it's very busy.

On Monday, I went to Craft Group and scored myself a sweet box of paint which was given to me by Nola.  She had a client who wasn't well and was giving away her painting gear.  There's a lot of paint which is okay, and a bit that isn't; but I'm working through it all.  but I've decided to add the box to my Crafty Pegs table, as it's well-made and very cute.  Such a pity when somebody has to give up something they love because of their health.

Yesterday, it was a stinker of a day, and a band of storms were brewing out west.  Mum went off to her Mah Jong day; which meant I had to dropp the car off over to their place early.  However, I got home after lunch... which wasn't what I had planned, but happened.
Dad was on the car hunting duties.  He took me to a few car yards and we looked at some small cars.  Oh! I never told you all!  Mum and Dad are buying me a car for Christmas!  I'll work it into my budget and it'll be great!  However, he keeps on thinking I won't be able to do this; which is something he can't see - and won't - not until it actually happens.

Today, I was at the banks working out my budget - as I planned.  I went to Suncorp and added a substantial amount of money going out into an external bank account where I'll be using it to pay for my car.  Then, I went to the other bank and worked on getting a card for the bank account I wanted the money to go into... after much stuffing around, I finally got it right, and I have more money going into my bank account for my future car per fortnight and I'll be working on making it work.  

I'm exhausted, but I'll be working on getting in an making more pegs tonight - as planned.  And then, Dad wants me to go out tomorrow with him and look for more cars.  I'm so tired, but it's all up to how he feels too.  He's had some sun cancers taken off him, so I think he should take it easy for a while before running around too much after having those done.  But he's insisting that he's okay... I hope so, because I'll have to tell him that I need a day off from running around on Friday; as I've been out every day.  

So, how's your week been so far?  Good and busy?  Or nice and slow?  Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

My Weekend

I've had a weekend of being at home and catching up with housework.  Now, that's a change from my other weekends of running around, cleaning, shopping and doing other things like paying bills and driving around in preparation for Mum and Dad to get home.

Yesterday, I put out the rubbish, watered the garden, washed up, did my hand-washing and hung it out and then had breakfast.  Yeah, I had to get in and do those few things before I sat down that morning because it was going to be a hot day.
For the rest of the day, I stuffed around online for a few hours, then spent 4 hours at my Crafty Pegs work station working on a few things things for the market next month.  I created some new designs for the Cool Pencils and then got myself into working on some pegs - Dolly and Sprung.  While I was waiting for the paint to dry, I looked to my right and found a large Blue Tongue Lizard meandering past.  He was just lovely... I said hello to him, saying how lovely it was to see him again (he's a regular visitor to my garden) and he picked up speed... poor little guy must be bullied by others around the place.

By around 4pm or so, I was stuffed!  I ended up having just an egg on bread and that was it.  I watched 'Richie Rich' and didn't want to do anything else for the night as I went off upstairs to stuff around online for a while and then off to bed.
But I didn't get to sleep all that easily.  My neighbours came home late, took a shower, used their toilet and then brushed their teeth and went to bed.  The water hammer was dreadful... and it was after midnight by the time they turned out their lights.  

Today, I had Mum and Dad over for a visit - their first since I fixed up my place.  They were really impressed with my place.  The front garden was lovely.  Dad was amazed at how simplistic it was, and yet impressive.  He asked me about the silver stones and I told him where I got everything and that I built the rock wall - which Mum adored!  She said it looked so rustic!
Then, when they walked inside, it was so tidy.  She was amazed I had it tidier than normal.  I said that once I tossed out one big lot of junk, well, I found I could manage better.  But the big thing was the Crafty Pegs Work Station... once that was all sorted out and done up properly and everything there had a home and place to go, I didn't have my art shit all over the house; it had a home and it stayed right where I wanted it to.  I told them I gave away quite a few things and haven't regreted it since... as it's good karma to do that.
Then, I told Dad about the taps and spouts being done; and how much it cost.  They were shocked!  I told them I did it for a few reasons.  I had to get the sewage vet out the back fixed up and the plumber's report... so I thought to kill 3 birds with one stone.  He understood this and knew I did it for a good reason.  We went outside and Mum loved the look of the yard and sat down in one of the chairs and she said it was very comfortable... she loved how the shady area of the yard felt so peaceful.  It was then she began noticing the fairies, frogs, the metal duck and other things around the place - just as I had designed it - and she thought I had placed things around in the right places to make sure people can see things at the right times.
Dad looked around and asked how much I spent on my gardens and inside... I said it was a lot.  He wanted to know.  I told them it was more than the plumbing bill, but worth it; that I went out and bought things that were on sale, I walked around Bunnings for over an hour trying to buy the right pots at the right prices just to save myself $10 on two pots... and made the right choices in the end.  And the outdoor setting?  Well, I went for style and comfort because I loved the way it made me feel when I sat down at it while I was at Bunnings.  Mum said that was the main thing... and it is.  When you buy something like an outdoor setting, you gotta love it for everything about it - the style, the colour, stability, what does for your garden, and most of all, it's gotta be comfortable to sit down in.  And you know... Mum and Dad kept on saying they needed to get going, but they didn't get up from the chairs.  Now, that says something about it.  They asked me how much it was and where I got it from.  And Dad even told me about this stuff he wanted to paint on it to keep it from rusting on me... so he really likes it too.  

Overall, today has been a great success.  Mum loves what I did with the house and gardens.  Both of them are impressed that I have my garden flowering again and that I have fixed up my house so it'll look good if we want to sell it in the future; and it hasn't taken me much to do.
I was concerned that they weren't going to like what I had done with the place - that I had overstepped the mark somewhere, in particular the plumbing - but Dad thankfully understood where I was coming from.  He did ask me if fixing up the taps and spouts stopped the hammering... I said no, and that was one reason why I did get them done - just in case it would stop the noise - but didn't.  So, he's going to get my neighbour's landlord to do what he's supposed to do, and fix his plumbing.  I hope this gets done before Christmas... or even better, in the New Year. 

So, how was your weekend?  Busy?  Social?  Fun?  Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Busy Old Week

It's been a busy week for me.  And it's not going to stop, as we cruise into the weekend.  On Tuesday, my folks returned from their 4-month holiday overseas.  They had a wonderful trip and are thankful to be back!  
Mum's happy her Pajero is travelling well - still in one piece, I haven't run into anything with it and it's not running roughly.  And they were both impressed I got the antenna fixed through the family; and so when she went to the hairdressers today, she watched happily as it went up automatically as soon as the engine started; and the signal was strong too.

Dad caught up with e-mails and other things he had to over the phone.  Meanwhile I sat out in the front room painting up pegs and working on the collection for next month's Creative Markets at Springwood.  I can't wait until it's all pulled together.

But the rest of the week has been busy.  I did my shopping on Wednesday.  I did some laundry on Thursday and worked out somethings here too, as well as delivered some parcels that were slow in arriving from overseas to Mum and Dad.  I also spent the afternoon with them as they gave me my Birthday present.  Dad really hated it that they missed my birthday; and wished they hadn't.

Yesterday, I bought my first item on e-bay with a Load&Go card I bought at the post office.  It was very cool!  I looked up Dolly Pegs and found them on there - but they there from the UK, none were found in Australia.  Damn!  Well... I had a good look at them and put in the card number, expiry and the number on the back (just like a regular credit card; but it's not!  I have money in it and it only uses the money on the card - and it's even better and safer now I have registered the card that nobody else can use it but me).  Then, I received a receipt number and an e-mail from the seller who posted it off later that afternoon!  Very cool!  The coolest thing yet, though, was that the pegs are coming from Kibworth!  This is a little town I've been to visit in 1997!  One of my friends lived there way back when I was touring around the UK, and I got to visit her and her Mum... I loved the place and bought Mum's little teddy bear from 'The Gift Shoppe' there.  All I need to do is wait for the pegs to arrive and then get in and paint them up.

Anyway, I'm stoked about this.  Otherwise, I'm painting up others I've managed to get - but only in dozen set packs for $2.00 a pack at at junk store.  But I need them in bulk. So, it's e-bay I'll be haunting to find them.  So, I'll be a busy painter for a while.  How has your week been going?  Until my next post, take care keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Tomorrow is a big day. 

Tomorrow Mum and Dad are coming home from overseas.  I'm looking forward to seeing them and they'll be getting home in the afternoon.

I spoke to them today and told Dad that it's been very dry here - and the rain we had on Friday/Saturday was the first we had in the four months since they left.  He was disappointed, but understood if some plants were dead.  I said it's been very hot here too... I hope he's not too mad about a plant that's died.

At least the bills are paid and the house is safe and almost all the plants are okay and alive.

I'll be over at their house doing last minute things to get the place in order.  But I won't be there all day.  I still have a few things to get done here in the morning, but then around lunch time, I'll have a shower, wash my hair and get ready, then take off over there and make sure everything is ready for them.  

I can't wait until they arrive!  

Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm, and remember, I'm always here.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Woah! What a day!

Today, I looked at my list of things to do and knew I wouldn't have time to scratch - well, okay, maybe an hour - but I was going to be busy!

I went out to do the big shop for Mum and Dad before they return home from overseas on Tuesday morning.  Now, normally, it's just milk, bread, some eggs, bacon and a few little things.  However, with them being away for so long, I have had to rethink about how to approach this.
So, I made proper shopping list a few days ago, organised myself some serious money from their account and took off soon after 9am - and after making sure I ate all my breakfast and wished my brother a happy 42nd birthday.

Shopping took me 3 hours to do.  I went to The Big Apple down the road and then took off to Coles, parked as close as I could to the Coles end and did a huge shop for Mum and Dad; buying all they'd need in the first week of arriving home.  
I got them ice cream, chocolates, ham, bacon, organic chicken thighs, chips/crisps, corn chips, milk, butter and... well, everything else I could think of they'd want to use.  I know they have a shopping centre down the road from them, but when they arrive home, they'll be thinking about washing their clothes and unpacking, not wanting to shop for essentials.  So, I've done that thinking for them.

Once at their place, I unpacked everything and put it all away, then sat down for an hour... I just had to because I needed it.
Then, I back into it.  I washed the kitchen floors, along with the bathroom and toilet floors, then vacuumed and dusted everywhere.  It was all done within a couple of hours.  After that, I washed and wiped up, after changing all the towels in the house, and then packed up all my gear and took off home.  By this time, it was around 3pm. 
On the way home, I spotted that petrol was 147.9 for unleaded; so I put $30 into the tank and now... now I'm home - thankfully.  I'm so tired!  All I want to do is crawl into bed and go to sleep; yep, I'm that tired. 

And now, this leaves me open for tomorrow to be a day to myself.  Then, on Monday, I'll pack up the car, take all Mum's gear to her house and unpack the car totally at their place, go to Craft Group and have a clean car to take to the airport on Tuesday morning... well, until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Four Months of Driving

It's been four months since I began driving a car and I've loved it and hated it at the same time.  I love the freedom I've had; and hated the idiots who think they own the road because they've been on there longer than I have.  I can't stand the 'P' Platers who fiddle and fart around in their cars putting on make-up and twiddling with their hair, who indicate too little - or not at all - when changing lanes, and I hate it when it's the end of the day, everyone's tired, and there's always some dumbarse in my blind spot who thinks I can see them - and I can't - and they wonder why I nearly run them off the road when I change lanes on them and don't see them.  Then, they grumble and mutter while sitting right up the arse of my car thinking I'll be intimidated by them sitting there when it'll get them exactly - well - nowhere really fast.

I'm a veteran driver who had to give away driving 15 years ago or so because I have Epilepsy.  Now back then there were nutty drivers everywhere, I owned a gorgeous Celica and 'Little Vroom' and I went everywhere and anywhere together... I had music blaring out of the speakers and I loved driving.  I had people trying to run me off the road all the time, but I learned to drive offensively and I didn't care who I cut off, so long I could get home safely.  And I never told my parents how rough it got out there.  But I did wonder if they knew... I'm not sure if they did.

Now all these years later, I'm driving again.  And even though I'm in a big 6 cylinder Pajero 4X4, I have no idea how people don't see me... I mean, it's twice the size of my old red Celica and has a louder, greedier engine... so just how in the hell nobody sees this vehicle on the road is beyond me.
But I've had people just pull out in front of me without looking (and these are people who are 60+ who think they own the road) and when I beep the horn, they flip me the bird!  I never cut people off - well not on purpose - and this man thought he's just pull out from the kurb and into traffic without looking and cut me off... I nearly ran up the backside of his car!  Now, you can imagine my frustration, can't you?

It's amazing what happens once people get their license... the laziness, the sheer weirdness they get up to and think it's okay.  I try to keep my driving as normal as possible these days - unlike when I was younger - as I don't with to break any laws I can't afford to pay for; seeing how strict things are these days.  So, what things bug you when you drive?  Or do you wish to keep quiet about it?  Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.

Monday, October 14, 2013

An Average Week Ahead!

This week, I'm going to be able to take it easy and get into some serious work, reading and writing.  Yep, it's time to get back into my old routine of what I used to do without a car... but I'll still use the car for other things.

Today, I was off to Craft Group at Springwood and picked up some sandpaper on the way there.  It was good to get in some work there and managed to get 3 pegs painted, one completed and one of the ladies has a Birthday this Friday coming... so there was Hummingbird Cake... Yummo!  

Tomorrow, I'm home, working on some Dolly Pegs I've sanded back with some new sandpaper and painted up with base colour.  I'll have the first set ready for varnishing by Wednesday afternoon or so.  And speaking of which, I'll be out for a good part of that day too.  
Wednesday... well, I'll be filling up the car with some money from Mum's account and going to Susan's house to pick up a book I lent her last year, then I'm off to Garden City to buy a can of spray-on varnish (for the pegs) and a book or two for my Birthday Buddy on Bookcrossing, then I'm going to see how I go at getting to the airport and back... shouldn't be too hard, I've been there as a passenger in the car before, it can't be too hard as a driver.  This will be a dry run before I actually drive there next week to help pick up Mum and Dad from the airport.  

However, on Saturday, I'll go and get some shopping done to stock up their fridge and pantry, clean the house and throw out any rubbish that needs throwing.  Then, water everything in the afternoon and I'll come home... it'll be a long day, but it'll be worth it.  

So, how is your week looking at shaping up?  Busy or average like mine?  Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Chill-Out Sunday

I've had a busy few days, so today, I'm not doing anything much.  Today, I got 2 loads of laundry done, hung out and that was it ... that's all I'm doing today.  I don't plan on doing much else except painting some pegs and pencils.

Yesterday, I was over at Mum and Dad's house to get in and start on their housework.  I washed Mum's car, changed their sheets from Winter to Summer sheets and brought their sheets home here to wash them.  Then, I gathered together all the junk mail and news papers into a large rubbish bag to toss out.  I also brought home all my toiletries so I could begin cleaning up the house when I was there next tomorrow afternoon.  I have yet to vaccuum, wash the floors and do the shopping; but I'll do all that towards the end of the week when their return time is closer.

All their bills are soon due to come in; and I'll pay them as soon as they are.  This week, I'm busily running around after a few things.  I'll be driving out to the airport, so I know where to go on the day, and then I'm off to a bookstore near Stones Corner after visiting a friend at Logan Central.

It doesn't sound like much, but really I'm going to be travelling a lot; and going on the freeway for the first time in a long time.  I think I'm confident enough to do that now.  So, what have you got planned this week?  Busy like me?  Or is your week quiet?  Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

I've Finished It!

At last!  I've finished it!  Yes!  My Four Month Makeover of my home and gardens has been completed; and I have 2 weeks to spare!  Sure, there's a few little pots to buy, but what's a pot or two and some potting mix?  All the majorly huge stuff is done; all thanks to having access to a car.  If I didn't have that, I wouldn't have been able to get all of the things I wanted to get done, well done.

This morning was the day I finally finished up on one of the things around the garden and now, I can kick back and enjoy the results of my hard work.  And you know, it's difficult not to find something to do around the place... a little plant here, repotting there... yeah, I've become addicted to fixing up my place.  But I'll have to push myself to just enjoy the work I've put into the place and make sure I don't buy anything unless I have to.  

There's still stuff I didn't get for the garden which I wanted to.  For example, there were the solar lights I missed out on buying - but I might ask for a good set for Christmas.  I want to also get a proper bird bath to attract birds to my garden again.  And now, I'm going to save up big for a couple of park benches I want to put around the garden to make it look and feel lovely.  I told Gabe about this plan - which is just a finishing touch really - and he thought it sounds great, but they're expensive, and he has warned me about getting addicted to home renovations.  I said I know I could get addicted (and I do feel the pull of it bugging me) and that I'm pushing myself to sit down and enjoy what I've done.  However, after working on a project for so long, I've found it hard to just sit down and enjoy it for what it is now... have you ever found it hard to do that?

Anyway, last night, I invited a neighbour over for dinner - he was moving out today and he was stuffed from packing everything - and we sat out in the back yard chatting.  He said I had done a great job on my yard; and the new setting was gorgeous; and the seats were very comfy... and for $179.00, it was well worth it.  However, we found we were being eaten alive by the mozzies!  How in the hell did I happen to get mozzies in my yard?  So, we rushed inside and today I looked around my little bit of dirt for stagnant water.  Sure enough I found 2 buckets of it with plants going rotten in the bottom both of them!  So, I tipped out the water and threw out the plants immediately.  By sunset, I won't have any mosquitoes!  And by next week, they won't be around my yard anymore.  

Well, anyway, for the next week or so, I'll be busily sorting out Mum and Dad's house, visiting a friend, shopping for a birthday gift and doing a huge shop for Mum and Dad for when they arrive home.  I can't wait until this month is finished... so much is going on in it.  Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Thank the Gods It's Friday!

Even though it's been a short little week, I've packed more stuff and outings into it than I ever thought possible.  On Sunday and Monday, I was recovering from my modelling gig on Saturday (a fair bit of me hurt from that day - mainly my feet and legs).  So, I slept and took it easy.
But once Tuesday was here, so were the lower temps.  I grabbed all the money, Bunnings vouchers and car keys and took off to Bunnings and picked up my outdoor setting I've been crushing on for the last 2 months.  Yes!  I finally picked up the major piece of furniture for outside that will make my little garden look like a haven for me.  Now, all I need to do it add a few more little pots for the plants that have outgrown the ones they're in, and the place will be right until next year.  I've already kicked back in one of those lovely chairs this week after shopping and totally enjoyed it - not wanting to get myself out it as it was just lovely and cool in the shade.  So, yes, my choice in this outdoor setting was perfect!

But after Tuesday, my week seemed to speed up - not slow down.  On Wednesday, I was off to do my shopping day.  I got away well before 9am so I could get all my shopping done in as little time as possible and return home well before the heat of the day was upon us.  I did get home at the right time (about half and hour before I usually do) but with $40 less in my pocket.  I bought a few things I needed that weren't on my list.  Oh well, doesn't matter, at least I knew I needed them.
Then, on Thursday, I was out again.  I took off to Bunnings and searched high and low for a pot for one of the plants next to my back door.  I found the pot and was meant to get sandpaper for my Crafty Pegs hobby business - but forgot.  Darn!  So, there I was sitting in traffic almost at IKEA when I remembered that I was I supposed to get the sandpaper.  Oh well, doesn't matter.  Next time!  
Once at IKEA, I got lost not once but twice!  I couldn't find the folding 2-step ladder I wanted for the kitchen and - what was worse - was that I couldn't find a staff member to save my life.  So, I looked around for one who was using a computer.  And what do you know?  I found one!  Yay!  The ladder I wanted was out of stock, so I bought one that was $10 more expensive and black... well, at least I can get to things on the top shelf now.  And the ladder comes with a hanger; which is just as great - but the hanger doesn't come with screws... which is just, well, dumb!
Once I got my butt out of IKEA, I headed over to Mum and Dad's place to drop off their big red esky and to water their plants.  Yeah, it was the middle of the day, but all the plants were in the shade.  So, I stuck around for a good 45 minutes and made sure the plants were well watered before taking off to the doctor's to drop off a Medicare cheque and then ask if there was an appointment available this arvo - fortunately there was - and so I returned 20 minutes later and saw one of the doctors to have her look at a spot I had noticed on my head but didn't know what it was.  Seeing I have a history of sun cancer, I didn't want it turning into something bad by ignoring it.  Fortunately, it's nothing and she said it's harmless and shows up on everyone and is a blister of blood but doesn't need removing or anything.  You can imagine how relieved I am!
After paying the gap, I walked off to Sam's Warehouse to look at their planter pots and found a nice square one for $15.00.  Well, I added that to the cargo of a planter pot from Bunnings and the ladder from IKEA... then I drove home.  In between all this, I had had lunch at Rocky's Bakehouse & Cafe down the road on my folks.  Mum said to go and do that and enjoy a lunch when I had the time; and yesterday was the day I had the time.  
Today... I'm catching up with my housework.  So far, I've changed a lightbulb in my spare room/office, put out 4 loads of washing on the clothes line, did some washing up in the kitchen, put a lamp back downstairs and cleaned the Crafty Pegs table (including the sticky mark off the corner where the bar code was with WD-40).  That was all done before 10am.  This arvo, after 1pm, I'll be cleaning up the place as I'm going to have a friend over for dinner before he moves out of the complex.  Ian has been a good friend to me and I offered dinner to him last night to show how much I appreciate him as a friend.  He asked what we'd be having, I told him home made pizza; he said he'd be here!  
Tomorrow, I'll be at my folks' place to wash Mum's car; it's filthy!  So, I'll take it out into their backyard and wash it there to water the lawn and wash it at the same time... and seeing the day will be a lot nicer and cooler, it'll be a nicer afternoon too.  Also tomorrow, I'll be cleaning out the fridge, changing the sheets on their bed and cleaning the house a bit in preparation for when they arrive home.  It won't take long, and I'm sure they'll appreciate it.  Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Busy Week Ahead!

I have one very busy week ahead; and I'm looking forward to it.  You see, so much is going to be done around here and at Mum and Dad's house, I'll be exhausted by Sunday... mark my words.  And I'll be working hard next week too!  

Today, I was out early to buy myself a new outdoor setting!  I had scored a few Bunnings Vouchers, cash and earned some money over the weekend to be able to afford it.  First off, I had saved up $50 towards it.  So, I'm pretty happy about this purchase; plus it makes my yard look and feel very complete.  However it's not.  I have to get the park benches to complete it the look I'm going for... I only need three and that's going to make my yard finished - well kinda - but you know what I mean.

Tomorrow, I have shopping day.  Grocery shopping is one thing I can't avoid; but it's a good day out for me to get away from my Four Month Makeover of this place.  It gives me a chance to get back out into the real world and just be myself for a change.  It's something I do enjoy doing it's a very social thing to do.  Weirdly true.

Thursday is another day out and about.  I'll be at IKEA looking at buying a 3-step ladder and then off to Bunnings to buy some pots for the little plants next to my back door.  It's not too late to repot them.  Then, I'll be home for the rest of the day.  Those two things shouldn't take me too long.  On the way home, I'll drop in to Mum and Dad's and water the plants and see how they're going.

Friday will be my clean-up day here.  I'll be hanging about my house, doing laundry, vacuuming, tidying up and cleaning up and doing what needs to be done around here before the weekend.
Then on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, I'll pop around to Mum and Dad's place to water and feed the lawn and water that into the place.  I've watered the plants today.  But by then, they'll need another watering.  While I'm there, I'll do some pruning of the hedges around the front of the place and clip back a few things to tidy up the place a little in preparation for their return.

Then, next week, I'll be there to do some housework.  I have to change the sheets on their bed from Winter to Summer, vacuum the house, dust, do the laundry and then water the plants outside again and make sure they're okay... it'll only be in the last few days before their return that I'll be out doing the shopping for them, so the house is ready for them to live in again.  Well, until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

My Birthday Was.....

... spent taking a friend to hospital.  Yeah, not what I really wanted to do, but I had to.  Geoff showed up at my place ready to help celebrate my 40th and within minutes began to feel sick.  Within around half and hour I had the ambulance there at my place and he was laying down on my bed looking horrible, red and his hands were clammy.  And yet the ambos said he was okay.  They took him off to hospital anyway and I followed them there. 
Once at Logan Hospital, I didn't know where to go.  You see, I'm usually the one being taken to the hospital in the back of one those big red and white buses... not the scared friend following that thing to the place.  So, I had to figure out my way there and home; really weirda and hard to make out I knew where I was going, when really I just guessing.

Well, I got there, got really impatient with the nursing staff - and didn't mean to - and then had to wait for a bit before they'd let me see him.  Once I did, I helped by just being there for Geoff.  He looked a lot better than he at my place.  But I was told to go back to my place as we were expecting another friend by around 2pm and it was half an hour away from that by that time... okay, time was getting away from us!  So, I drove back to my place (and didn't get lost) and then Mick showed up and we sat around for an hour or so and waited for Geoff to call us to pick him up.  This time, I remembered how to get to the hospital and back.  

Once back at my place, I got some food into Geoff.  He was starving... so I made up a platter of cheeses, grapes, nuts and cranberries; all the good and healthy foods and no junk.  I had a bottle of Root Beer and we all sat outside and ate some of the food before we decided to start on our work.
You see, I wanted to get in and do some modelling for some artists on my birthday at my place.  I was hoping to earn some cash.  So, I organised my place to have the room and feel of a studio; and it did.  I had picked out some vinyls, some costumes and thought of some poses to do and we were finally getting into working.  I did 20 minutes poses - four of them - and it worked out well.  We listened to Santana, INXS and totally enjoyed a cake that Geoff made and the day turned around for us.  Now, today, I'm sore through my legs and a bit of my back and shoulders as the soreness catches up with me; not to mention tired.  I used costume to make the whole thing a bit more of a challenge and it really made a difference.  By around 9pm, we had finished and I saw Geoff and Mick's work and they said they totally enjoyed the art... and were stuffed too.  I made some plunger coffee and by around 10pm, they were on their way home.  
I washed up a bit before locking up the house and finally checking the e-mails and going to bed.  I crashed and woke up to my alarm at 6am.  I'm still tired, but I made $35 last night for 3 hours work.  Totally worth the sore muscles from modelling.  And my friend, Geoff, is feeling tired, but he's told me he's feeling better than he was yesterday.

So, today, I'm here at home just chilling out.  I'll be taking down the decorations from my birthday, washing up, putting out the rubbish and plainly tidying up from yesterday... just little things to get me ready for this week.
For example, I've realised that I'm looking at being able to pick up the outdoor setting I've had my eye on for the last month on Tuesday!!!  Yay!  I was going to do that today, but I don't really feel up to driving a car.  So, that is something to look forward to.... and one step closer to finishing my garden.  There are park benches to go yet, but I'll get them in time... one at a time... as they're not cheap; and I love the look of them.  They'll be to replace the old outdoor chairs as they're beginning to fall apart now too, and so to have my place looking as pretty as possible is my main ideal, and the outdoor setting comes first, then the seats, and it'll look just the way I want it to.  However, the seats will be done up by next year.

Well, that's been my weekend.  How's yours been?  As busy and strange as mine?  Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.  

Friday, October 4, 2013

Birthday Celebrations Begin!

Tomorrow I'm turning 40.  Yep... life is supposed to begin at that age, but I guess I'm beginning the partying early!  Anyway, I've been receiving things in the mail this week and decided to wait until tomorrow to open them for my birthday.

On Monday, I received a big box in the mail from my brother and his girlfriend and he told me it was an early Birthday pressie... so it's been sitting in my living room for the last 4 days looking at me until tomorrow morning when I rip it open!  
Then, today, I opened my PO Box and found another parcel has been delivered just in time for my birthday.  This one was from my Bookcrossing Birthday Buddy - Wendy - from across town.  So, I added that to the big box in the corner of the living room.

However, I was going out today to have lunch with Aunty Helen, Kate and Oma at The Lion's Den at Springwood.  I arrived there on time and looked around to see just another football club.  I'm not a Lions Supporter, so I didn't join up.  Anyway, before long, Kate showed up and we picked out a table and she gave me a card with some money in it.  She didn't know what to buy me, but it doesn't matter, I'm putting the money towards my outdoor setting; and told her I was saving up for one at Bunnings I'd found.  Then, Aunty Helen and Oma showed up and Aunty Helen gave me two $20 Bunnings Vouchers!  She noticed I had been to and from Bunnings a lot and thought I'd enjoy a bit of help with the money side of it.  Kate said what I was doing at the moment and she suggested looking on e-bay and online for a outdoor setting; but I said that's what I had done first, but nobody was giving away one or selling anything like what I was looking for.  But the one at Bunnings folds up and I can put it away in a storm so it doesn't get thrown around; which she thought was a great idea.  
We had a lovely lunch.  Aunty Helen talked about Italy and Venice and Rome and it was so great to hear about those places.  Then, Kate had to take off to a hair appointment, and we all finished up our meals and were off to McDonalds for coffee.  Boy!  This place was busy as hell!  We sat down and Aunty Helen bought the coffee and we relaxed a little as we chatted more about everything.  Before long, it was time to go.  So, I walked Aunty Helen and Oma out to their car and I then I found my car and went to Mum and Dad's place to borrow the red esky for tomorrow and put some ice packs in it and brought it home.

Tomorrow, I'm having friends over to have a little get-together.  It'll be fun.  I can't wait to get it all working and together.  I have to put up some streamers and balloons and then it'll all be ready; but I'll be doing that tonight.  Anyway, I've had a full day I have some things to get done.  Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

September's Something Different!

September was very busy; but not in the way you'd think.  I concentrated on just one thing; which seem to feel a little monotonous, but getting this thing off the ground has been well worth the trouble and boring bits.  

I started my own small business on Facebook.  

I have wanted to do this for such a long time, I've not known where to start.  So, when my attempts to get my Crafty Pegs failed at the Logan Art Gallery last month, and then I was turned away from the Kingston Butter Factory a few weeks later (in an even worse fashion by a snotty old lady who said that 'anyone can paint a peg') I had one of my writer friends suggest that I open a business page on Facebook.  And so, on 1st, September, I did!  It took me a little over 3 hours to get it all set up, find all the photos I've taken of my pegs and set up photo albumes and then invite all my friends to 'Like' my page... and then I waited for 24 hours.

Then, I needed a work station.  This caused me to work on the art area to make it more efficient, tidier and easier to use, store and find things I needed.  So, I cleaned out the big black box and gave it away to a neighbour who needed it for his stuff.  Then, I was living out of 'green bags' for about a fortnight.  Within those two weeks, I bought a new table and a set of shelves.  I had to get business cards, set up, boxes with all my Crafty Pegs gear, get more ideas for other things to paint.  Had places to put my other art junk and had to find a new chair.  All up the art area cost me $100 - $25 for a table, $25 for a chair from IKEA and $50 for a set of shelves from Sam's Warehouse.  Not too bad when you think about how much I use it all.  And I'm really happy that the light I'm using now is a really old one from years ago.  

In between doing all this, I was floating between homes because of my next door neighbour doing laundry at 11pm at night.  The water hammer was driving me to distraction - and causing me to lose sleep.  I was over at her place asking her to stop it until the next day.  But my neighbour isn't a nice person, so I e-mailed Body Corporate - who sent on my e-mails to her landlord who set her straight.  He also sent me insulting e-mails back accusing me of 'defammation of character' and for me to cease e-mailing him or else!  I wasn't taking that crap, and he was wrong - I never defamed him, called him a name or did anything to insult him in any way shape or form... and if I was going to, I'd do it in a better way than in a stupid e-mail.
He asked me for a plumber's report and he'd look into fixing up the problems on his side of the fence.  I spent 2 weeks looking for my plumber, who came by and sent me a report to send onto my neighbour's landlord... to date, it's been a fortnight and nothing has been done.  So, I'll wait until Dad get's home.

But mainly, I've been feeling as though I've been bullied out of my own home by people who are renters.  So, I've dug in my heels and stuck to my guns about exactly who lives here.  My neighbour has slammed doors, when I've been doing ordinary things (like mowing my lawn with a spin-reel mower during that afternoon hours of around 3pm.  and I'm not hte only one she does that to).  And I still know when she flushes the toilet at 11:30pm just before she goes to bed (yes, she finally keeps ordinary hours now).  

Now, it's October. I've been looking forward to this month.  It's well and truly Spring.  A lot of plants in my garden are coming into flower and beginning to leaf for the Summer.  My Gloxinia is pushing through the dirt of a new pot; as is my Fragipanni and I have a whole lot of new things happening in my life right now.  I'm saving up for a new outdoor setting and everything is going well.  Right now, I'm waiting for the plumber to arrive... he's fixing up something big in my home.  He's replacing all my taps and spouts and a sewage vent in the back yard.... and I'm looking so very forward to them being replaced!  Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.