Saturday, January 28, 2012

Wet Old Week

It's Saturday and I just had to get my butt out of the house!  So, I jumped on a bus and traveled to Garden City for a few hours; besides I had a few errands to run and didn't want to wait until Monday.  It was nice up there.  There was air conditioning, more space, lots of stores to enjoy and I got all my errands done under one roof without having to go outside - lovely.
I picked up my 'Good Reading' Magazine which was dedicated to The Year of Reading this year.  I'm thankful this is the national year of reading; as I find books an integral part of my life.  They are oxygen to me and very textile.  I love the feel of them in every way; as well as the smell of a new one and an odour of an old one.  However, there are people who just don't understand that.  Oh well, doesn't matter.
Then, I went off to Best & Less and found myself some new knickers.  Yep, I was finally sick of my underwear having holes in them; and bought some lovely pairs for $3 and $5 each!  Such bargains!  I also found a cute little camisole for $5 too.
Then, it was time to feed my stomach.  Yep, I was starving and the Pancake Manor beckoned.  I was seated outside and ordered an ice coffee and a plain short stack.  All up, it cost me around $11.00 for my meal.  Not too bad if you ask me.  And I had a good read of my magazine too.
On my way to the bus stop, I dropped into the chemist for a bottle of Saline solution and some syringes as Little Miss Stevie had scratched her eye again last night.  So, I thought to get some to wash her eye out; and seeing the bottle only cost me $4.95 and the little tubes were .80c each, I thought it would be cost effective to go with the bottle; and then I bought 3 syringes for .60c ea.  
I didn't have to wait long to catch the bus.  However, the amount of people who didn't know where to catch a bus was amazing.  An elderly couple and I directed a rather flustered old lady and her daughter to the right stop downstairs to catch the 555 to the Hyperdome (where they wished to go directly) instead of catching the 554, then two other buses; as directed by the driver of the 554 which was sitting right next to me.  I reassured her - saying I caught the bus all the time and I had been catching buses for a good part of my life - and for her to relax and everything will work out.  Then, a young teenager came up and asked which bus it was to the Hyperdome... and we had to tell her too.  
The 545 arrived soon after and I was on my way home.  And just as well; about 20 minutes after I opened the house and took some photos of my gorgeous Gloxinia, it began to pour rain; just when it hadn't been raining all morning.  How lucky is that?
Well, this arvo, I did a small load of washing and hung it out on my small clothes horse... washing all my knickers (new and old).  This got me thinking that I need a new - bigger clothes horse.  So, this is going to be my next big thing to save for.  It won't take long to save for either... about six months; that's all, but it will be worth it to have something where I can hang up a full load of washing, things on hangers and everything else I want too... and it's on wheels and folds up and stores in the cupboard.  Well, until my next post, take care, keep warm and safe and remember, I'm always here.

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