Over the weekend, you may have noticed that the moon was on the large side. Well, you weren't seeing things. The moon this month was the closest to Earth as it was going to be for this year. This happened in 2008 and over the Christmas period too; with spectacular results. I have some photos of Christmas Lights around Brisbane with a lovely and very big full moon in the shot it looks just wonderful!
But this year, there was an added difference... a visitor from our Solar System. It was Mars coming to visit our home for a few nights before taking off the orbiting the Sun again. It's that little white dot you can just seen to the left and below the moon. I know it's not much, but that's the Red Planet in itself.
Last night - and over the weekend - the full moon was called The Wolf Moon or Harvest Moon. The name of Wolf Moon came from the North American Indians as the hungry wolves used to howl at the full moon as it rose. However, to tell you how this larger moon came about, I'll paste in the numbers from another site:
The moon is, on average, 238,855 miles (384,400 km) from Earth. The moon's orbit around Earth – which causes it to go through all its phases
once every 29.5 days – is not a perfect circle, but rather an ellipse. One side of the orbit is 31,070 miles (50,000 km) closer than the other.
So in each orbit, the moon reaches this closest point to us, called perigee. Once or twice a year, perigee coincides with a full moon, as it will tonight, making the moon bigger and brighter than any other full moons during the year.
(If you'd like more information about how the moon works and how it manages to do this go to Yahoo News and you can read the whole article on this.)
I took some photos of this gorgeous moon and only a few worked out - and seeing I had to work with the clouds drifting quickly overhead and some showers of rain, I had to be patient to get the right photo at the right time. After all, I had all night to get it.
Almost five years ago, I bought a gorgeous male budgie at a pet store. He was named Stevie, brought home and taught a few nice, lovely words then, he got out, attacked another bird and got sick... then changed sexes on me. And Little Miss Stevie was here. She was naughty, in a bad mood almost all the time and then, accepted that I wasn't going to go away and thought it might be a good idea to be friends with me. So, I created a photo album for her on myspace and put her on all my profiles online and people have gotten to know me as the the woman behind the Blue Budgie.
In recent times, Stevie's been sick again and it nearly killed her. Thankfully, there's vets out there that care enough to learn about birds and what can help them; instead of just putting them down because they're too small or too hard to help. Stevie has made me laugh and had me worried about things. But she's my pet. And in the last few months, I've noticed something about her. She may not be able to see.
Over Christmas, she became very clingy and didn't like me leaving her alone; yet didn't bite anyone else. When she got home, she over-shot the cage or came up short when coming in to land - or worse still, she ran into it. Whenever she came
looking for me, she would run into the back door (with or without the curtain pulled) and more recently, Stevie's run into the door that leads out to the garage (which she's seen me use on numerous occasions).
On Australia Day, I was out on the back deck of my Uncle's house and I was able to get Stevie out of the cage and pat her without her struggling to get away from me for a 'Great Escape' type flight. She wasn't even aware that we had a dog in the car either; which concerned me because she's normally terrified of dogs.
So, it's off to the vets on Monday to figure out if it's because she's reached middle age or if it's something else that may be hiding in her that's causing the sudden blindness. I hope she's okay. I'm more concerned for her than worried sick; as I can deal with a bird that's blind. It's just a matter of being careful around her.
It's been so darn hot in the last few weeks that we've all been drinking a lot of water, our plants and lawns have been either turning brown and the leaves are curling and ants are invading our homes for a cooler place to house the colonies (and that's never a good sign!). But recently, I've been hearing Kookaburras laughing in the distance for a good minute or so. And if my late-Grandmother taught me anything, that means it's going to rain.
Yesterday, Brisbane got up to around 35 degrees Celsius and we sweltered - even in air-conditioning. Where I was, at the Logan Art Gallery, the place was struggling with the close heat outside. And it was made worse by people constantly walking past the automated doors. I felt like asking them to stop doing that just to keep the cool air in; but I couldn't. And last night, just around midnight, we all witnessed the awesome beauty of an electric storm passing over Brisbane; with it's lightning and grumbling thunder.It was such a relief to hear it after the building up of it over the evening where I think everyone must have either not eaten anything for dinner or eaten salad for the third night in a row (like I did)! Today, I got in and did some laundry; because we're in for another storm and then rain and showers for the next week. I'm grateful they have finally come because it's
been so hot and dreadful that we need the release and coolness of the rain to feed our lawns and fill up the dams. It is nice to see the sun; but not for weeks on end with lots of heat and humidity.
So, by next week when it does fine up again, I'll have more laundry to be done and I'll be able to fill up the clothes line in the yard completely. Otherwise, the rain will give me time to get into some much-needed reading of some books I've begun and I'll be able to work on My Reading List and keep it rolling along well with more books, discussions and reviews.
It's been an interesting one today. All the kids went back to school, the fire station construction workers started back at work after 4 days off and it's W.A. Mozart's birthday... not to mention, stinking bloody hot! Yep, today is a good day to either hang out in either an air-conditioned shopping centre or a swimming pool with sunscreen caked all over you so you don't have to suffer the consequences of heat stroke and sun stroke later on.
Today, I've been hanging out in my air-conditioned office here at home with a bottle of water to keep me company. There's towels on the line - which are without a doubt dry; and have been since lunch - and washing up to do downstairs, which I'll get into after I get off here in around half an hour. Otherwise, it's been a nice day.
For once, I didn't get woken up by the garbage guys. Yep, I slept through rubbish collection day! Woohoo! It's not often that happens! I must have been tired from yesterday to sleep through having a massive garbage truck collect around 10 wheelie bins right outside my bedroom window! I
swear the whole place shakes when it arrives and usually wakes me up at 5:50am... but not today.
Anyway, I still have some cleaning up around the place to do. Hay fever is bugging the life out of me and I'm hoping to get the vacuuming done before the week is out. Otherwise, I'm also hoping to get into some reading in the next few days; as well as some knitting. I've begun knitting a large blanket for the lounge this year. The squares are big and I can get 2 out of a 100g ball of wool... so long I use two different stitches, it'll look good! So, it's getting onto 4:10pm now. The computer is around 34 deg Celsius and so I better get off here before it does anything interesting (even though the air conditioning is on, this little puppy gets warm!).
Until my next post! Try and keep cool if your and Aussie and warm if it's Winter around your side of the globe.
This day is spent differently for all of us. For some of us, it's known as the day of invasion by the Western World; for others it's when they become Australians and they become citizens of this country. However, we look at it, it's a day where a lot of us think about what's happened to this place - good and bad.
For my family, we arrived here through the prison ships and
through free settlement. So, we have a little of both sides to remember. But we are proud Australians. So, we get together with family for lunch and have a few drinks; mainly to kick back to chill out. This year, it was off to Uncle Allan's place with my brother's girlfriend's dog, Jay, and the budgie, Stevie (I couldn't leave her alone here in the heat; it just wouldn't be fair). Once there, we all donned our hats, Australian flag gear and got lunch on. Stevie decided to take a bath in her drinking water (which is always hilarious) and Jay promptly found the coolest room in the house and went to sleep!
After the lunch of meat pies, pasties, mushie peas and salad, we chatted for a hour or so, then went for a swim in the delicious warm waters of the pool! And it was wonderful! I didn't want to get out; but did seeing we had dessert to go of Pavlova with mango and cream. After that (yes, there was more!), we had the traditional cup of tea and Lamingtons. By this time, it was around 6pm and we were stuffed with food and could do with a nice little nap. So, we packed up everything while the mozzies began biting us and left. I didn't eat
anything for dinner; just had a cup of tea and settled in for a bit of television and that was it for a few hours. Once it got onto around 9:30pm, I was off to bed. Australia Day was over for me; as it was for my little budgie. She had spent the day running around her cage enjoying the banter with other birds.
It's the next day and I'm still recovering. I'm still tired and wish I could just snooze for the day; now that'd be nice!
Well! What a month this turned out to be. I arrived home from beautiful - but damp - Brunswick Heads to a house without any 8-legged residents for a change. My plan had worked! Spray deadly and very smelly insecticide around the place and come back feeling very safe; even after a big electrical storm. Yay!
But this month has turned out to be very different for me. Here's my things I have done for this month of Do Something Different:
1. I joined up with 365project and have had fun uploading photos from around my holiday spot, home and surrounding area. I have begun following others from overseas too.
2. I learnt to change hyper text in to links; as you have noticed from the above piece. Very cool; and took a little while to get used to. But it has been useful in my blogs.
3. I cleaned out a drawer and my mugs collection in my kitchen. This is a step in the right direction as both were overflowing with items that I couldn't deal with. And so, soon after Christmas, I cleaned these things out and have decided to give them to charity.
4. I joined one of the neighbours for an afternoon drink. Well, I didn't drink, but they had some friends over and I had some marshmallows I thought their daughter would love; so brought them over. I ended up staying for a good few hours and chatting. It was good to get out of the house for a while.
5. I am keeping my kitchen as tidy as possible. Next is the dining and lounge; which is a work in progress.
6. I pulled the ligament in the arch of my left foot. This occurs with people who have orthotics when the orthotics are forward in the shoe a bit (you feel this a bit and usually fix it) or your foot is forward a bit in it a smidge (and you don't feel it; and this is where you do the most damage). Well, I did the latter for a whole day. I knew something was wrong, but just couldn't put my finger on it until I took my shoes off that night and walked on my foot... well, it's been strapped up until last night when I pulled the tape off and didn't have to put a plastic bag on my foot. Now, all I need to do is strengthen the arch again.
So, what have you been up to for this month for Do Something Different? No matter how big or small the difference in what you've done, it matters.
I've been single for over a decade now and I've had some people asking my folks - and myself - if I'm happy with my life. Personally, I do get a little lonely with my predicament. However, I didn't make it this way. Life hasn't always been fair to me right from the beginning; and being a once bitten twice shy kinda gal didn't make it any easier for me either.
Right from the start I knew I wasn't going to have kids and was most probably going to get hitched (or not at all) very late in life. I knew this when I was in high school... and that's bad. There seemed to be something other girls had that I didn't; and they thought it was a missing 'link' from me. They thought it was a bad thing. However, in my family, we have a lot of people like me. When I was in Home Economics, I knew how to cook, knit and sew already as my family had taught me from a young age.
As time went on, I dated and fell in love and enjoyed a love life; and I also got hurt... badly. It took me a long time to find my happiness. Before I found that it took me longer to realise that I wasn't happy in the first place. And it's not really a state of mind but it's how you can make yourself happy. Does your work make you happy? It doesn't matter if it's paid work or not; sometimes the best and most enjoyable work is where you don't get paid. It builds integrity and dignity.
Being happy is something of a journey though. For me it was. Once I found I wasn't happy, I had to figure out exactly where I had lost it and where I could find it. So, I looked around my house, my family and my garden. I had to start talking to a shrink (for a little while) to get things into perspective. He was really good and understood exactly where I needed to work on my life. I mean, I wasn't the nicest person around at the time; but I still feel like a mural... I'm never going to be finished, well, not yet.
I found that I needed to get online and start looking around at social networking sites and start working on my writing again. That was when I was the happiest; when my brain was engaged in the battles of my books and the worlds I've made up. I needed to do a lot of stuff around the house (and there still is), but I'm working on it room by room, little by little.
In the last few years, I have gotten into the happiest phase of my life I have ever been. I'm happier than before the relationship that hurt me so bad I didn't know what to do. I'm back on track to what I want to do with my life and loving it.
But there's a difference.
I'm not desperately searching for a man to fill a gap. Like I said when I was 15 or so: "...if a man shows up in my life and I want him to stick around, well, it's meant to be..." I'm in no rush to get married or have children. What I am looking for is to be happy with the life I have, to read the books I have collected, make my garden lovely and well-cared for, eat great food, play the piano, listen to some blues and jazz and just plainly enjoy my life for what it is: a journey.
There's no rush to be anywhere or do anything. And I'm getting on with what I'm doing on Bookcrossing , My Reading List and other sites I've taken on such as 365project . All of these are fun places to get into and have a look at. And I'm active in all of them every week.
So, what does happiness mean to you? Are you searching for it or has it found you in one way or another?
Yep, I've gone and hurt myself. On Monday, I went out for the day in the dreadful heat armed with an umbrella, good walkin' shoes and sunscreen as well as water. Well, I spent some time in the air-conditioned comfort of the shopping center, went to the doctors - as planned - and then came home. However, for the whole day, I felt like something was out of place; yet, I couldn't place what it was. It was something physical, but when I thought about it, I could put my finger on exactly what could be wrong, so I didn't worry too much about... not until I arrived home and took off my shoes and the pain started in my left foot!
At first it was small and niggled a bit. Then, by around 7:30pm, it was horrible and I wanted to chop off my foot... I called Dad and asked him what to do. After taking painkillers and putting heat against it, I felt I could go to bed.
But the next day, it was twice as bad and I found a compression bandage and wrapped my foot for the day and that night, I iced it and got an early night. Yesterday, I went out in the morning and got my grocery shopping done very slowly. Then, Mum took me off to the podiatrists where the wonderful man strapped my foot up and now it feels great... well better than it did before! Now, I have to stay off it as much as possible and not walk too much. Hmmmm... I do have some books to read, I might get into those for a change!
I've only been back from the coast a week or so and already I'm busy. Busy with housework (not that I enjoy it or actually finish any of it once I start it), busy with reading books, Bookcrossing and book reviewing on My reading List ; yep it's been a busy time. But I've begun hosting a few things on the Bookcrossing site that's going to make 2010 a very fun-filled year.
I've got a few promises I'd like to start off this year with. I know that my Mum will probably laugh at a few of these; I'll try them all out this year and see how I go.
1. This year, I'm going to try and keep my house a little tidier than last year. It won't be easy after years of having a messy house... but I'm going to try.
2. I'm getting my piano tuned and I'm going to get some lessons on how to improvise. You see I'm a classically trained person and was never taught how to ad lib; just play the notes on the paper. It's frustrating when you'd love to colour outside the lines and everything in you is telling you not to.
3. Read more books than I did last year. Now this is going to be a real feat... seeing I read 27 books last year! So, I'll see how it all goes and have a go at it. If I don't succeed, there's always next year.
4. Improve my back yard with more plants and repot what needs it... and there's a few that do. I just have to wait until Winter when they're dormant. Otherwise, my garden will look lovely once I get some of the Aloe Vera in to their own pots and a new one for the Frangipanni.
5. Finish some more paintings. I've done one and made it into a competition to give me something to work towards. And I've noticed that I've gotten better with age; as these paintings are old but what I can do with them is fun!
6. Make all the books in my office fit... without buying another bookcase. Yes, I've run out of room again. I'll be doing book baggies and other giveaways once I've read a book, I'll just give it to somebody who loves that genre to make more room; it's something I'll make sure I do.
7. Save more money for what I need and not what I want. Well, I'm doing that already; but reminding myself can't hurt.
8. Little by little, do out my house and give whatever I can to charities... I know that may sound like a big thing (and it is) but if I work through one room at a time - little by little - I'm sure to make my house a little less cluttered and more like a home.
Well, that's all I can think of right now. I know it's not much; however it covers a lot of things in my life. What are you looking at doing this year? And have you thought of making sure you get certain things done or are you going to see what crops up?
This year, I thought I'd do something completely different! Each month, I'm going to do a Do Something Different Section. This is where I go out of my way to challenge myself to do something I've never done before; be it cooking Indian food, taking part in a protest or going into a marathon, I'll give it a try and see how it all pans out.
So, wish me luck on my Do Something Different each month... and it doesn't have to be just one thing; it can be a few or many.
Will you take part? If so, let me know how it goes.
Okay, my first few things have begun this year...
1. I learnt how to turn hyper text into links in one of my blogs! Check out My Reading List and see what I mean.
2. I joined the 365 Project. This is where you go around every day, photograph something and upload it... it could be anything that catches your eye for the day. I'll see how I go with this one; and keep myself active as long as possible.
On the news the other night, I saw that Maria Carey was given an award for something. And with a voice like hers, she deserves any kind of award. However, when she approached the stage, she had had a few drinks too many was a little more than tipsy... okay, she was drunk. And this made world news... how I'm not quite sure. But it really made me angry.
I've been to all kinds of places where there's people of importance who go and get a little drunk and make an ass of themselves; but it doesn't make a bit of difference to the rest of us or the world. However, you get a singer, actor or an artist who is well-known and hey! They're a bad influence; they're drunk! They're our idols and shouldn't be acting this way!
They are humans just like us. And what you have to remember is that at one point in their lives, they were nobodys. They had the average life like you and me. They were scolded at school and given detention. They had a childhood where nobody noticed them (that is if they didn't come from the Hollywood background that some of them did). And some of these people who have become famous on their own through sheer hard work are allowed to have a bit of a good time and enjoy themselves with everyone saying how bad it looks!
If that's what we are looking at to compare ourselves with; we are looking in the wrong places. Hollywood and the music and fashion industries are not the places we should be turning to for inspiration as they are all just plastic, false and dark, dark worlds of corruption. Instead, people, look in the thing in the bathroom... the mirror. That where you'll see the real you; as mirrors don't lie
Unless you're trying on clothes in Target... ignore those ones. They're not good for you.
Well, it's been a few days, and I've been busy as hell trying to get this place back to how it was before I left. I returned on Tuesday afternoon around 4pm and haven't really stopped. The great thing - and smart thing - I did was spray really smelly and powerful insecticide around the doors, windows and in all the drains of the house before leaving. So, when I got home, I didn't have anything running around my house that had more legs than I did! Namely a spider or a roach.
Well... okay, I found a roach in the kitchen last night, but he could have shown up from anywhere; after all I've been here for more than a day.
So, yesterday, was shopping day. Yep, it was the day my house came back to life from being in hibernation for two weeks. I shopped at the Life Line at Woodridge and picked up three coin purses and a glow-mesh handbag. The handbag was still new; so much so that the sales tag was still on it! Then, I went and bought up big on the fresh produce and everything else I needed for the house.
I also started a new layby at 'Woodys' Music' of a mixed bag of movies ranging from 'The Lost Boys 2: The Tribe' to 'Wolverine: Origins' (the latter is a 2 dvd pack!). Then, I picked up 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show', 'Dirty Dancing' (20th Anniversary) and 'Marley & Me' (which by the way is a great book!).
And if yesterday wasn't busy enough, I had today's volunteer work at the Logan Art Gallery this morning. There was a kid's group in this morning and a lot of people came in to pick up their purchases from the last exhibition; also the phone didn't stop ringing. So, with 4pm rolling around yet again, I'm looking forward to being able to just do nothing much and read a little tonight... or knit some of my squares for my blanket for the lounge I'm planning.
Until my next post, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas (however you celebrated it) and a wonderful New Year.
Well, seeing I'm going home soon, I'd like to thank you guys for coming along with me; for enjoying yourselves and seeing the pictures (even if you have to wait for some of them until I get home!).
I've had the best time here in Brunswick.
I read a book, bought books and got sunburnt (the latter was not planned!) and then there was New Year's Eve and all the fun and games of
that night; even thought it was a little sedated for some of us (including me). But, the markets was the highlight of my holidays for me... the bargains and the coin purses, books and people... and I got sunburnt (again! Worse this time!). I saw a gorgeous blue Mustang; and got to sit in it too... pity I wasn't allowed to drive it! But seeing it was a left-hand drive, I
could see the point. Fortunately, I was allowed to photograph the monster and have a good look at her... and isn't she beautiful?
Even though it rained for a good part of my holidays - and yes that's how I got my book read - I've enjoyed my time here. I've heard that Brisbane
has had rain, rain and more rain since Christmas Day; so we're not the
only ones under the grey clouds at the moment.
So, until I return to my usual posts, I'll see you all soon!
The trip home was fun and cool. Riley kept us entertained with car games like I Spy and a rotating story-telling game that got out of control; in the way that only good marshmallow monsters innards do! We found
that her toy Giraffe, Harold, was a great source of entertainment the whole way home and here's the photos to prove it! Otherwise, I'm still recovering from the whole journey... and as tired as I am, I've had a great holiday. And I thank you for all following me along with it. It's been a lot of fun doing this; despite not being able to install the photos until I got home; but that's the problems of Wi-Fi internet; it's just not broadband.
Last night, Mum and Dad went out to Dominique's Italian Restaurant with a few others from a couple of other tents while I stayed here at the van with Riley and cooked her nachos. We used the Pizza-Oven for the first time ever and found it made a very delicious lot of Nachos and the sour cream topped it off! Riley told me that my Nachos were in her top 5 favourite meals; what a compliment! During our meal, a family friend dropped by to see Dad's new boat and we showed him it. He reckoned it looked beautiful - a real fisherman's boat - and we chatted for a few minutes and then I took Riley out to buy her an ice block at the service station for dessert. She thought it was really cool! After we got back, we played a weird game called 'Quatro' and then washed up; just in time to hear my parents come home. They didn't stay long, though, they were offered a card game at another tent; went. So, Riley and I stayed up and did some drawing, reading and writing until around 10:30pm when we turnd out the lights.
This morning, I was woken up by rain at around 5am. About an hour later, my alarm went off and I heard the sound of flocks of Corellas flying around; and are they noisy! So, I got up because the sun was shining through the zip of the annex and took a walk to the amenities; on the way back, I saw a good few of the birds walking around the road with a flock of Galahs and pigeons eating something off
the ground. They were having their morning feed... and the Galahs weren't about to share! The pigeons? Well, they were just running around after each other trying to mate!
I stayed in bed for a little while until my folks and my niece showed signs of life and then, I dressed, fed Little Miss Stevie and chatted with Riley until everyone was up and ready for breakfast. The day was slowly showing to be a sunny one; but by the time breakfast was finished, rain was pouring from the skies and everything was grey for a few hours. It was a stark contrast to the early morning blush of the sunrise. Since then, it's been a bit gloomy and cool and gusty. However, dark clouds have been threating rain all day. So, we are wondering whether to do our laundry or not.
In the last hour or so, Riley and Dad went to check the crabpots up the river. And Dad let her drive the boat almost all the way back. Riley really is having a lot of fun here. She's written a postcard to her Dad about the nachos for dinner last night and two fish she caught in the time she's been here. She's going to have a lot to tell the kids when she gets back to school; she's such a happy kid and I'm going to miss her when we all take off tomorrow to go home.
For lunch today, we had a pie each from the Brunswick Heads Bakery and an apple turn-over; which had fresh cream inside the pastry! It was all so delicious! And then, Riley sat and did some drawing while I read about 10 pages of 'Under The Dome' by Stephen King with a cup of tea. Mum and Dad had a cuppa too.
Now, I have to go and start packing to get ready for the trip home. I'll pack the necessities and I'll be ready for the drive back to Brisbane.
Yesterday, my sunburn killed. Yesterday, I was hurting like hell... last night, I was having really weird and unusual dreams (no it wasn't the heat of the sunburn; it was the fruit cake I ate before going to bed; does it every time!).
Today, I wasn't feeling like I was a boiled ham; and my skin isn't so red either. I finished 'Fahrenheit 451' by Ray Bradbury last night and found it a fantastic read! And now, I'm getting my nose into 'Under The Dome' by Stephen King; and there's so much about it that reminds me about 'The Stand' it's not funny! So, I'm enjoying it to the point that I'm getting a good giggle out of it every now and again when he mentions something about another book in it.
Today, Gabe and Katrina had to go home; picking up Jay(Katrina's darling dog) on the way through Caberetta. Unfortunately, that darling pet wasn't allowed in the hotel here at Brunswick and she also wasn't allowed in Massey Greene either; which is a pity because Jay is so well-behaved. Anyway, Gabe went for a snorkle in the cold high tide waters around the 7-wall and the boat-filled waters of Massey Greene's beach area before the boat harbour where there's a few trawlers, some yahts and catamarans moored there.
The other night, around 3am, I was woken by an almighty growling engine. It sounded like a boat was burning out. I frown, rolled over and went back to sleep. A few nights later - on NYE in fact, I was told that the horrible noise I heard from the darkness of the river was a trawler trying to get out to the bar to go prawn fishing. It had gotten caught on a sand bar on its way out, had to turn around and come back without being able to make it past the 7-Wall! How horribly embarassing it must have been for the skipper of the trawler the next day to tell people what happened the night before!
Today, though, we've had beautiful, Brunswick weather. After a few showers this morning, the clouds cleared and the sun shone through, clearing the gorgeous tropical blue skies; and the tangy sea air blowing in from the Pacific Ocean. We had our breakfast at around 9am and I walked down to the beach to find a guy had a bird in his hands in the water; it had been swimming with just its head out of the water, so he grabbed it to see if it was in trouble. While he held it and its head, I checked its feet and legs - fully extending them out and pulling the toes apart to make sure they were free. We found nothing wrong with its legs, so we thought it may have been exhausted from its long flight from the southern states.
Earlier this morning - around 8am or so - I was opening up the back of the
annex for the fresh morning air to get through and cool the place down when I stepped outside and found a baby bird sitting on the shade mesh. He still had downe feathers on him and was calling out to his parents; and of course I could stand really close to him... and did the stupid thing of touching him! I didn't even think that I shouldn't have until I came in contact with him... how silly of me! Once we touch a wild bird, their parents won't feed them anymore. However, this one was being taught how to fly and feed itself; so that was the fortunate thing about this. He spent a good part of the day in a tree out the back of our van jumping from branch to branch and calling out.
When we saw off Gabe and Katrina (but not Riley as she's staying with us for a few days), we were walking back when I looked into the sky and saw what I could only describe as a Cloud Rainbow. It was so pretty and gorgeous that I just had to take a photo of it! It's as though a heavenly artist
grabbed a watercolour brush and smudged the colours just so with the wrong colours; and said: "Oops! Wrong one!" then tried to correct it; by making it more beautiful! As the winds carried the clouds along, more colours came out and smeared along the sky. I've got plenty of photos of them, and will upload them when I return home.
Well, Mum and Dad are out tonight... which means, Riley and I are making Nachos for dinner tonight! Yummo! We may even do some drawing and reading; then off to bed so we'll have a good day of adventures, artistry and books tomorrow!
We went out last night and had a fantastic Italian meal at Dominique's Italian Restaurant last night. It was fantastic; and we had a ball! Beforehand, Mum, Dad and I headed up to Ocean Shores
Lookout; but seeing it had just rained, we didn't want to get out and get our feet and shoes wet. We drove around a little and I photographed a beautifully painted substation and a weird-lookin' letterbox! They are so gorgeous and original too!![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhhGrpQZkd65eFZt6Fe8tn4xgHcx-czvHXU0NXMVIlZDvt8CXFgBH59Rq8Fo8LW1IfAOENZiM3T_u-XqJwXdRPXuKTyI9EATdoOKtYdAlICWeAyHMcu5fC_WRgxZCF2P70oXKMirI8FfEA/s200/Picture+155.jpg)
Today, there were the markets in Memorial Park; and were they busy! I showed up there around 8am and
thought it was going to be a wet old Brunswick Day. However the sun came out and my arms were burnt, so was my neck... ouch! So, Mum and Dad brought my hat when they came to the markets an hour or so after I did.
I got an sms from my brother's girlfriend - Katrina - and we found each other near one end of the markets. And while I was helping my niece pick out a gorgeous stone and bead bracelet Katrina walked around on her own. It was a pleasure to look after Riley for the morning. However, my arms did get burnt pretty badly; seeing I thought it was going to rain and I brought an umbrella with me.
I scored two books I had been looking for, five coin purses (one of which I gave to Riley), a sand toy, a hair clippie thing, a nudie calendar of the Woodchop guys that celebrates the Brunswick Woodchop Festival's 50th Anniversary and a couple of coffees (one too hot to drink and I tossed it. The other was a delicious ice coffee from a machine!). Well, we all
met up again (Mum, Dad, Katrina and Riley) and met Katrina's friend from school and I went back to the hotel to pick up some of Riley's gear to bring her back to Mum and Dad's van. It was really cool to walk Riley back here at the van park where we had lunch and played a game of UNO, Rummy-Cub and then I had a shower to settle my sunburn
down. After I returned, I slapped on the Aloe-Vera After Sun Gel, the afternoon kind of wore on a little before Dad offered Riley to go fishing.
She got ready and now they're off fishing while Gabe and Katrina are out on the fly of the annex having a coffee with Mum. I'm going to join them soon.
I've had a great holiday; no matter how weird or wet it's been. I've had a ball blogging to you all about it too!
I hope you guys have had a wonderful holiday and New Year; as well as Christmas. Take care if you have to travel home from your holiday spot. If not, well, keep well and I'll see you soon.
The last day of 2009 turned out to be a nice hot, sunny one. The cerillion skies have came back and a cool ocean breeze came off the river as boats and water craft traveled along its glittering surface.
Fishing has been fair; crabs not so good, as thieves have been around stealing our catch. Otherwise, we've all been having a good time when it's not raining; and a good one catching up on our reading when it is.
In the mid-afternoon, the camp grounds went really quiet as everyone was asleep, readying themselves for the long night ahead of partying and seeing in the New Year in their own way; wherever they ended up being for their won parties this year. I stayed awake and read a bit out of both books I've been getting my nose into; I just can't sleep during the day, I
end up more tired than when I closed my eyes and stay that way all night.
Our party was a sedate affair until the cocktails came out and the music went on. There were kids who just ate everything in sight, Queen singing 'Big Bum Girls' and some of us women got up and wiggled our butts in front of everyone (with cameras going off left and right!) and yes, I was one of them up there wigglin' my toosh around with a few other ladies. A pair of red flashing
butterfly glasses made the rounds and everyone had a go at them; me included (but I switched off the flasher as they stuff with my eyes), and I got some funny photos of people wearing them. Then, out came the funny hats... well, it was on for young and old then; mainly the older folks wore them this year! And they were really original too!
And dinner was just lovely. Everyone pitched in and made a dish. I made my famous Turkish Carrot Dip and one of the kids ate a majority of it before anyone else could; I felt terrible (and thankful I hadn't put out the
whole lot it would have made them sick). The carnivores had their pick of meat and us vegetarians had our pick from the salads, Boston Beans and other lovely dishes.
Then, there was dessert! What a great lot of food! And seeing the adults weren't too interested, I got Riley to grab herself something while I did. She was happy to come up with me and get some Pavlova and other yummy things to eat including Rum Balls, Caramel Slice and some chocolate meusli slice thing that was really rich! Otherwise, it all went down really well. The only thing we missed out on was singin Auld Lang Syne; that was a real pity; as everyone just retired to bed after midnight and didn't stick around for Queensland's New Year's Eve... but we did.
This morning, there was a King Tide; stingers and all! And being a non-swimmer, I just took the pleasure of photographing the beauty of the water instead of swimming in it. Why I don't swim? Well, I can't. I was
taught, but I'm not a strong one; so I don't put myself in those situations where I'm out of my depth. And just look at how deep that water is! Isn't it gorgeous! Such a pity it's full of stingers and lice; but I was told the temperature was just perfect for how hot it's been.
I'm so grateful it didn't rain last night - as we've had some pretty bad weather during NYE and survived it. And overjoyed to see the sun out on the first day of a new decade on the new Century. It's just wonderful, too to know that my whole family are here in Brunswick - my brother, his girlfriend, Katrina, my niece, Mum and Dad and my little bird, Stevie. It was a great night last night; and I'm sure this year will be a wonderful one too!