Australia Day
This day is spent differently for all of us. For some of us, it's known as the day of invasion by the Western World; for others it's when they become Australians and they become citizens of this country. However, we look at it, it's a day where a lot of us think about what's happened to this place - good and bad.
For my family, we arrived here through the prison ships and
through free settlement. So, we have a little of both sides to remember. But we are proud Australians. So, we get together with family for lunch and have a few drinks; mainly to kick back to chill out. This year, it was off to Uncle Allan's place with my brother's girlfriend's dog, Jay, and the budgie, Stevie (I couldn't leave her alone here in the heat; it just wouldn't be fair). Once there, we all donned our hats, Australian flag gear and got lunch on. Stevie decided to take a bath in her drinking water (which is always hilarious) and Jay promptly found the coolest room in the house and went to sleep!
After the lunch of meat pies, pasties, mushie peas and salad, we chatted for a hour or so, then went for a swim in the delicious warm waters of the pool! And it was wonderful! I didn't want to get out; but did seeing we had dessert to go of Pavlova with mango and cream. After that (yes, there was more!), we had the traditional cup of tea and Lamingtons. By this time, it was around 6pm and we were stuffed with food and could do with a nice little nap. So, we packed up everything while the mozzies began biting us and left. I didn't eat
anything for dinner; just had a cup of tea and settled in for a bit of television and that was it for a few hours. Once it got onto around 9:30pm, I was off to bed. Australia Day was over for me; as it was for my little budgie. She had spent the day running around her cage enjoying the banter with other birds.
It's the next day and I'm still recovering. I'm still tired and wish I could just snooze for the day; now that'd be nice!
My thoughts exactly. couldn't have put it better myself