Well, all my organising has been well worth the running around. I've had a good first day and night here at my brother's house and today I'm here on my own as he and his partner, Kat, are away for a while on an errand where I don't think I'd fit in.
Anyway, I've learned to feed the chickens, the dog and the cat next door - whose name is Watson and he's very affectionate - and I've only just washed up from eating Gabe's new invention of Electric Corn Cakes, which we had for breakfast.
Yesterday, we took a walk around the streets so I could find my way to the local IGA and they showed me that there was a St Vinnies here too. So, in the next week, I'll be going there as well to take a look around that place to see what kinds of thing people donate in this area. Should be interesting.
We ended up down at the water just as the sun was setting and the tide was coming in. So, we saw the lights of Sandgate and the Port of Brisbane glittering over the water. How pretty is that? I have some photos of it all and will upload it all onto my photobucket album at the end of the week for you all to see once I'm home again. We found some sea snails in the shallows as well - and I took some photos of them too! They really are amazing creatures.
I'm looking forward to seeing this week out with the animals and Little Miss Stevie here at my brother's house. But worry not, I do have a good neighbour of mine watching over my place while I'm away. He's a good person and has agreed to put out my bin on bin night too. Well, until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.
Anyway, I've learned to feed the chickens, the dog and the cat next door - whose name is Watson and he's very affectionate - and I've only just washed up from eating Gabe's new invention of Electric Corn Cakes, which we had for breakfast.
Yesterday, we took a walk around the streets so I could find my way to the local IGA and they showed me that there was a St Vinnies here too. So, in the next week, I'll be going there as well to take a look around that place to see what kinds of thing people donate in this area. Should be interesting.
We ended up down at the water just as the sun was setting and the tide was coming in. So, we saw the lights of Sandgate and the Port of Brisbane glittering over the water. How pretty is that? I have some photos of it all and will upload it all onto my photobucket album at the end of the week for you all to see once I'm home again. We found some sea snails in the shallows as well - and I took some photos of them too! They really are amazing creatures.
I'm looking forward to seeing this week out with the animals and Little Miss Stevie here at my brother's house. But worry not, I do have a good neighbour of mine watching over my place while I'm away. He's a good person and has agreed to put out my bin on bin night too. Well, until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.