Thursday, September 13, 2012

Treasure Hunt!

Today, it was a beautifully warm day with a lovely breeze that moved the lace and kept my house nice and cool all day.  Yes, it was a typical Spring day here in Brisbane City.  And I found that it was time to get in, yet again, and do some housework and tidying up in my bedroom.
After making myself a drink, I grabbed the silver cloth, the phone and went upstairs to where I was going to work on the hap-hazard boxes that held all my jewelery.  Oh... yay.  Well, it had to be done at some point; the cleaning out of the jewellery, and it's better sooner than later.  So, I grabbed the large pink box I had hand-painted for myself some years ago and opened it.  It was full to the brim with boxes and little bags of things.  Some of the boxes were empty, so I set them off to one side and kept sorting through.  I found some jewellery I hadn't seen in years.  So, I polished it until it shone, put it back into its box and put it away. 
Then, I remembered there was a box in a drawer that had some stuff in it.  Pulling that out, I found it was mainly just empty boxes and junk.  Once it was all sorted out, I had an empty box!  How great is that?  I put that whole box into the charity bag to give away.  Yes, it's pretty, but I don't need it anymore.  
Within the hour, I found necklaces, rings and ear-rings that were locked away in their own boxes and hidden.  I polished them up, put them into their proper places and put them away.  Then, as I stood looking at the wall above my duchess, I had an idea strike me.  I could attach some plastic Command hooks on the wall and hang up my necklaces on them so they weren't on the duchess gathering dust so much.  This would make the duchess a lot easier to clean too!  What a great idea!  Or... I could buy a large stretch canvas and one command hook, paint the canvas and attach the necklaces in a different way so it looked like a work of art and very impressive and yet still useful.

After I finished tidying up the jewellery, I came back downstairs for half and hour or so.  It was 2:45pm.  I put out the recycling, moved some plants around in the back yard, washed the kitchen floor and put out the rubbish.  Then, I washed up and wiped down the counters and the sink.  By this time, it was around 3:30pm or so and I was tired.  So, I made myself something to eat, sat down and looked into my next project of knitting.  Another friend of mine has fallen pregnant in the USA - a bookcrossing friend - and I have begun making her a blanket.  It's just a matter of choosing the right needles and stitch before beginning.  I normally have a few false starts before I commit myself to a stitch.  And tonight, I think I've found the right stitch and set of needles - at last.  Well, until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm still here.


  1. thinks the canvas work of jewellery art is ideal to hang in your bedroom wall.

    1. Thanks. I have to go to Garden City on Monday. So, I'll buy a cheap blank canvas up there and paint it over the next week and install while the thought is in my mind. :D
      Then, I'll photograph it and show it to you all! :D
