Monday, June 17, 2013

Tomorrow's The Day

Okay, for you who haven't been following my 'Medical Crap' tag over the last few weeks, I've been booked in to get an ovarian cyst taken out and an IUD put in.  And the day it's going to all happen is tomorrow.  It's day surgery and I've been moved from the Wesley Hospital to Greenslopes Private Hospital.

This is good.  I'm happy this has been changed and it's still going ahead; as it's something I've been looking forward to because I've been in a bit of pain lately.  Anyway, it's going to been bugging me over the last week or so; and so I'm happy that it's being done tomorrow.
Yesterday, I did some modeling for a friend of mine and where I took some photos for him... but I could only manage a few poses before I was in pain again.  And today, I found it hard to tie my shoe laces or bend down as the cyst pushed against my hip.  This is a godsend right now; and I am looking forward to going into hospital - something which sounds funny when I read it back now.
So, I'll be admitted into hospital at 12:30pm and will have to fast from 8am.  I'm hoping to take some track pants in and Mum will be staying at my place for a day or so to look after me; and she'll be doing my shopping too.  

Well, just keeping you all updated with what's going on with tomorrow.  And it might take a few days before I'm back online again.  So, until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm still here.


  1. Good luck for tomorrow! I hope your day surgery will be successful. Remember to rest up once you get home and you probably won't be able to do any heavy lifting for at six weeks.

    1. I'll be okay... I've been told by the doctor that I'll need a week's rest and I'll be fine as it's key-hole surgery.
