Saturday, March 3, 2012

What Happened To Shine?

Today, it was raining and I looked at the television times to see what old movies were on channel 22 for tonight.  Usually, they put on a double-header of old classics from the 1980's or really old black'n'white ones between 8:30pm - 12:30am... and there's no adverts to interrupt them once they get started; which is great!  I look forward to seeing these movies each week and when I pull the television times from The Sunday Mail.
However, tonight - at around 6pm - I checked channel 24 for the weather tomorrow.  Then, at around 7pm, I turned it over to channel 22 to watch the show before the movie 'Shine' (which I was hoping to watch tonight; as I love it) when it showed that the channel didn't exist on my HD Box.  So, I rescanned the box and watched it carefully as it went through all the channels; only to find that none of the channels from the ABC were scanned in.  I unplugged and replugged the box, pulled out the antenna and switched off the whole system from the wall and restarted it from scratch (which is really annoying, but sometimes it works)... but no go.  I called my folks to see if they lost the channels too, but they hadn't. 
So, I did the last thing possible:  I called the ABC in Sydney.  The number is a local Brisbane number, but it sends me to Sydney.  They hadn't had anyone from here in Brisbane call them with anything like this tonight and asked if Brisbane had had any storms.  I said no, but we have had rain; but that couldn't have done it because the channels were working right up until around 6pm.  This puzzled the receptionist as much as it annoyed me.  She put me through to the trouble-shooting section (which was a voicemail which wouldn't be looked into until Monday; but she told me that it's best if I report it so they know something's wrong) and I left my name, number and what was going wrong with my HD Box.
I called my folks back and told them what I ended up doing and Dad said that's all I could do.  It was a pity I couldn't watch what I had planned; and I ended up writing down 'Shine' to be a dvd that I put on layby next year so if this happens again, I can just toss it on the dvd player.  However, it looks like I'll be in for a new HD Box next week if this doesn't fix itself up by Monday morning.  I'll just go to Retrovision and get another one and throw this old 5 year old one out.  After all, I only bought this one to clean up my television reception; not because it was the in thing to get.  Now, I need another new one, and the good thing is that it's not going to cost me as much as this first one; it'll be a lot cheaper.  After all, I don't record on these things, I just watch the shows.
So, did the ABC drop out on you tonight?  If so, let us know... this means all four channels disappeared on you as well.  Until my next post, take care, keep warm and safe and remember, I'm always here.

1 comment:

  1. You can now buy a new digital TV for around $300 now. We had to get a new TV because the old one died in the lounge room.
