Friday, March 9, 2012

Which Mug?

As quite a few of you know, I've got a good mug collection in my kitchen cupboard.  And also, a few of you Brisbane-based friends and relatives of mine have been to my place for a cup of tea or coffee and have been treated to a few of my favourites.  
Then, just yesterday, I was treated to a lovely post on the Romance Bandits where one of their writers talked about mugs and how many they have and what types, styles and colours.  Well!  We were asked about our own collections and I told them of mine.  I had never had so many questions about my own collection before.  To me, my mugs are just a part of my furniture; something that isn't all that special.  However, to my dear friends on that blog, these mugs are lovely and to behold.  So, I thought to talk about them here.
I have about twenty or so (which shocked a friend of mine on the phone yesterday; who has only 3 mugs in his collection).  
I have a JRR Tolkien mug which has a crack running through the handle - so I can't use it - but it stays in the collection.  I has a lovely drawing of him and a large paragraph down the side.  It's very nice and cool; all in black and white. 
Then, I have a Dr Who Mug, which I picked out myself at the ABC shop.  It was a good price at $12.95; and I love it.  I keep this one at the front of the cupboard and enjoy it because of what it's about and would love to get another one soon.
There's my two Gloria Jeans Mugs which I bought on two separate occasions; but they hold a lot of tea or coffee.  And to add to them, I have a Gloria Jeans Christmas Mug Collection (which stopped being made in 2010 because the coffee house found other things to support at the time and never made another lot of Christmas Mugs; what a bummer!).  I love these mugs; they hold so much tea or coffee!
There's my Stefen mug which I scored for free in 1998 at a jobs day at Brisbane City Hall when the man himself made an appearance to talk about how he made his money and where he came from.  I found it inspiring; and have never given away this mug because I love the colours.
I have the W.A. Mozart mug that Mum brought back from Austria for me (along with a collection of other Mozart things too).  She also bought me my Hawthorne Hawks mug that she found in - of all places - Mooloolaba!  How it got to be there, we still don't know.  But it was there and she bought it for me.

I have two Triple M mugs - one from the 1980's and one from the 1990's - and I love them both.  They are so brilliant and very cool; and I still listen to the same radio station after all this time too!  I also have an X-files mug as well.  I don't know anyone who has one of those!  And I also have a Phantom mug too - this one has his face all over it; something that they don't make anymore, so I don't use it much.
I have three sets of matching mugs.  One set is from a wine company which came around to my house last year and they offered up a set of free coffee mugs with matching spoons.  And so that's how I got those ones.  Then, I bought the next set from Coles of black, green and white ones that look like vines.  And then, I have a set of 5 Loony Tunes mugs.  I saw them and couldn't resist them!  They were so cute and I thought they'd be funny to use; and they are!
So, what kind of mugs do you have in your cupboards?  Are they old-fashioned and retro?  Or are they up-to-date and sophisticated?  Leave a comment and let us know.  Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.


  1. Wow, Mozette, love the mugs. Having a moment of great covetousness for the Mozart one. Mind you, someone called Mozette SHOULD have a Mozart mug!

  2. I've also got a collection of Mozart things to go with it including a nice collection of W.A Mozart vinyls that I do play once in a while. :D

  3. I used to own a Triple M mug but I don't remember what happened to it.
