Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Slow Week

Since Sunday, I haven't really known what to write here; and didn't think I would begin writing until next week.  However, I'm here and feel as though it would be a good idea write here now.  
I haven't been sleeping all that well and feeling sick.  But once I get to sleep and get a little, I feel as though I didn't get enough.  So, over the last two days, I've been a walking zombi:  feeling tired, yet very much awake and feeling sick too.  Not a pleasant feeling.
On Sunday, I spent the afternoon watching 'Moonlight' on dvd and eating Maltesers and Grain Waves Chips and drinking home made ice coffee.  Yep, I fell off my usual healthy diet and straight back into my high school diet; not good for my body.  It made me feel very sick and horrible yesterday and today.
But this morning, I woke up to an overcast day and realised why I wasn't sleeping well.  Since Sunday, I hadn't been going for my walk every day; and so seeing my body had gotten used to it, I was feeling withdrawal from not going.  So, today, I put on my sneakers, ate breakfast and grabbed my iTouch and went for my morning walk.  This made me feel great!  After I got home, I mowed my back lawn, put out the rubbish and then began making a shopping list for Thursday (seeing tomorrow is a public holiday).  I was upstairs before I knew it on here surfing the net and checking my e-mails.
However, I still felt very sick in the guts; even after all that exercise, computing and making myself feel good.  And so, at around midday, I closed down the computer and went downstairs and vacuumed the lounge with the new filter on the hose.  I had empty the thing three times to get the lounge fully cleaned up!  Wow!  There was so much dirt and crap coming out of the carpet that it amazed even me how much was in it!  And when I did eventually take my shoes off, it felt so lovely on my bare feet; and less like it was just dusty and dirty between my toes.
Even after the housework, I felt sick... so I took two Gastrolytes in a glass of water and after drinking that, I was good.  And I could have gone to bed for a couple of days to catch up with what I had missed out on!  So, after this post is finished, I'll be doing just that:  going to bed immediately.  After all, it's raining outside now and I'll be able to drift off nicely.
Yes, this week is going slowly.  I decided what I'm wearing to Uncle Allan's service - right down to the handbag I'm taking and the shoes I'll be wearing.  I've thought to make sure I take it easy that day and make it a good day see family and help Mum through the day; as she was there for Uncle Allan to take him to his doctor's appointments each time.  I'll keep you all up-to-date with things as they progress.  Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.


  1. sorry to hear of your family's loss with the passing of Uncle Alan... please pass my condolences on to your family. take care of yourself ... get some rest and dream of uncle alan... he is at peace now and so must you be at peace with his passing... glad the vac is working well... must investigate one for my vac...

    take care

    1. Thank you for your condolences. I've been taking it easy this week and trying to get enough sleep and eating well. Today, I was out and about shopping and - yeah I spent more than I should have - but I now have a very full pantry and it's good to have more food than I need right now so I can just veg out when I need to.

      I've been sleeping well and thinking of funny times with Uncle Allan. He was such a good person; so kind and loving.

      Oh... you get those turbo things from Godfreys for $50... they're great. :)
