For the last few days, I have had a stuffy nose. So, I've been taking antihistamines to keep it from ruining my life during the day and night-time ones to let me sleep through the night. In the mornings, I've been taking very hot showers to clean out my sinus' and make sure I have a clear head for the day... thus I'm avoiding having a rotten cold/flu at this time of year. And I'm also keeping up my walking every morning. But I can't avoid the sneezing I've had to put up with... damn! Oh well, can't win 'em all!
Today, I was out for the morning, catching the bus to go to Woodridge to pick up a stylus for my turntable that I had ordered in at Woodys'. It cost me $55 and I was thrilled to find it was the right one that came in! While I was down there at Logan Central Plaza, I also dropped into Coles where I bought some Zucchinis, potatoes and a small cube of Parmesan Cheese for what I'm going to make for dinner tonight: Ratatouille. I had bought a French recipe book last week and thought to try this one out as something that wasn't too hard to do, and yet a recipe I've been wanting to learn to cook for some time. And the only ingredient I was missing was the zucchinis.
I was home by around 11:30am and so, put on the stylus with some problems... but remembered that with my turntable most of the instructions were printed up where I had to do things completely opposite. So, when it said pull, I had to push. Really strange stuff, really strange. Anyway, I did that, and the stylus was changed over (and I had to call Dad back and let him know I was fine; as I had called him and asked for his help to start with and now didn't need it). I tested out the new stylus and it plays brilliantly! I love it!
So, here I am now stuffing around online and listening to my little bird chatting and throwing kisses to the stereo... the sun is out and it's really beginning to feel like Winter as the temperatures feel a little bit cooler during the day; and a lot cooler during the night. Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.
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