Friday, May 25, 2012

Towel Day, Wet Day, Cold Day

It's Friday and it's wet, cold and miserable; a great day to stay indoors and watch dvds all day.  And I may yet do that.  However, I haven't yet.  First this morning, I was off to the post office where I picked up the mail.  On the way there, I ran into Judy - the lady who lives across the road and I'm becoming fast friends with.  She and I chatted about everything.  Her daughter has moved out and she's not happy about it because she moved so far away.  And then her neighbour, Sam, walked up with his little dog, Tiger.  This little dog is such a cutie.  He came running up to us with his tail wagging sniffing us and letting us pat him... and he was so happy to get a scratch and a pat out of us.  And Sam asked how I was and I told him about Uncle Allan; and he passed on his condolences, saying that Prostate Cancer is a horrible thing to die from and should have more publicity.  It's a shame my Uncle's gone; and we're still sorting through all his things, but at least he's out of pain.  Sam went on his way and Judy and I stuck around and still chatted until he came back and little Tiger came running up to me and demanded another pat and scratch from me.  What a great little dog he is.  Sam said his dog loves his pats.  
The traffic sped along Kingston Road and there were some really bad drivers who nearly spun out on the wet, greasy roads.  One guy did a u-turn outside the complex and nearly lost control as he planted the foot and the back of his large landcruiser  kicked out into the next lane.  Idiot... he just kept his foot on the accelerator harder thinking it was going to help when it only got him into more trouble. 
Once I checked the mail, I found there was a postcard from New Zealand in amongst the mail for Mum and Dad and the few things for Uncle Allan.  I thought to brighten up Judy's day and show her the postcard.  She loved it and said the it was gorgeous and she hoped my folks were enjoying themselves.  I said they were but it's very cold there. 
When I arrived home, I got in and finished up baking a fruit cake I had begun the preparations for last night.  It only just finished baking an hour ago and is cooling off on the bench downstairs; and does it smell delicious!  I can't wait until I get to taste it!  This time, I made it with sweet potato.
This afternoon, I'll be listening to some music while I tidy up the house a little more.  I plan to have a weekend where I can laze around the house a bit and enjoy being home after volunteer work tomorrow morning.  I don't want to be working all the time over my weekend, I want to be able to enjoy some hours to myself to read.  Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here. 

1 comment:

  1. had abit more a quieter week during the working week but this weekend has been busy so far.
