I've been home only hours from my brother's house at Brighton where I spent the night minding my niece while he and his fiance went see Prince in concert. However, I spent half the day traveling by bus and train to get to his place; a very tiring way of getting from A to B.
Once at their place, Gabe made a pizza and we ate and they were out the door to the concert. I ground up a cinnamon stick to make cinnamon sugar to create Sweet Popcorn (something one of my English friends gave me the recipe for) and Riley practiced her French Horn for her concert that was on today. We picked out a movie and - after washing up the mess from the popcorn-making - took the popcorn into the lounge to watch 'The Artist' online. It was a cool, silent movie; all in black'n'white and well produced. I loved it and will be getting it on dvd so I can watch it again.
Soon after it finished, I tried to edit a book on the computer, but it didn't have Word for Windows on it, so I decided to get ready for bed and read a while. I put some milk to warm on the stove and offered some to Riley - to help her sleep - and soon enough it was a little past 10pm. Riley turned out her light and I finished up in the kitchen and read for a little while before turning out the light.
At around 11pm or so, Gabe and Kat came home with her sister (who had gone to the concert with them) and they were surprised we were both in bed; and that Riley was out like a light. They were off to bed soon after.
Today, we were up at 6:30am to go to an Open Day at Riley's high school; where she was playing in the school band. Gabe and I went, but Kat stayed at home. We took off at around 8am and arrived just on 8:30am... on time. Her band was great! It's been a long time since I heard a school band play great music. And I'm proud to see my niece take such an interest in music like she is. The French Horn may not be a leading instrument, but it's one of the harder ones to play in the orchestra and I'm impressed she keeps at it.
We stuck around the school for a while after the recital and Riley wanted to go to the Art Department to see what was on offer next year there and talk to the teachers there. I looked around the place and found some brilliant work lining the walls and exhibited on the tables. Unfortunately, I couldn't take any photos due to intellectual copywright of the students and the school - to protect the work and the rights of the students - but I did get talking to one of the teachers about the Logan Art Gallery and where it was (I think she may be thinking about a field trip there... let's hope so).
We left the school, and Gabe drove me home straight from there. Riley came inside and saw the fishies while I opened the house up and talked to Little Miss Stevie. She was amazed at how much the fish have grown! And that they were still around and she loves the castle I bought for them too. Stevie didn't talk to anyone, just sit in the sun and warm her feathers... well, that's my budgie. She was snotty at me for leaving her for so long in the dark.
Well, that's all from me for the moment; and it's only Saturday afternoon! A lot has happened in the last 24 hours or so. What else my weekend entails isn't known right now... but it ought to be good. Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.
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