A couple of weeks ago, I promised to get a photo album together for you all. Well, this afternoon, I've gone and done that on photobucket.
Brighton Holiday Livin' Photos
Now, they might show up with the newest being on there. One the left hand side, there's a 'view by' title and you'll get a choice when you click on it. Click on 'Oldest First' and the whole album will make sense.
If it won't let you do that, let me know I'll organise something else. Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember I'm always here.
Brighton Holiday Livin' Photos
Now, they might show up with the newest being on there. One the left hand side, there's a 'view by' title and you'll get a choice when you click on it. Click on 'Oldest First' and the whole album will make sense.
If it won't let you do that, let me know I'll organise something else. Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember I'm always here.
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