Thursday, October 11, 2012

Lazy Wet Day

After such a stinker of a day yesterday, today is much cooler, duller and it's raining.  Yep, it's most certainly Spring here.  And tonight it's supposed to get down to single digits as though it's Winter again.  Well, I don't mind that in the least!  Bring it on.

But today, I've been hanging about on the computer a fair bit and finding out more about it than I ever have since I bought it.  You see, I've been busily organising a birthday present for a Bookcrossing Birthday Buddy across town.  She and I were matched up a few years back and now we have been sending each other gifts back and forth for a while now; and it's been fun!  However, we've never met, and that's even more fun because it adds a bit of mystery to it all.  
Now, I've gotten my birthday pressie from her, I'm organising her birthday pressie from me.  Actually I've began arranging this about three weeks ago; and I was good about this.  So far, I have the postal box, a few bags of lollies and her present and card.  Today, I burnt some favourite cds I love to listen to when I need a pick-me-up and found out that on this new computer, I've also got a cool and easy-to-use burning program.  So, I don't need to install my Nero Burner... how cool is that?  It was so easy to use, I didn't need the instructions, just read the screen and away I went!  Very cool.  Anyway, before I knew it, I had three cds burnt and I was back online and this part of her present was done for today.
Tomorrow, I'll be off to Sam's Warehouse to find streamers and balloons and party poppers... this will polish off her present; which is a Party In A Box.  And seeing her birthday happens on a Sunday, it'll save her shopping around for her party goodies for her birthday; and she can have a cool little party.  I might even put in some party hats and other funny things too just make her day fun. 

While I've been doing all this, it's been pouring rain outside.  Fortunately, I've been out already this morning to check the mail and it wasn't all that bad, so I thought to stay home all day as yesterday was so busy.
But, this afternoon, I'll be busily cleaning up, washing up and tidying up the house so I can go out tomorrow to my folks' house to help them out a bit with some basic housework.  Mum's not allowed to do anything right now and Dad's back isn't up to vacuuming the house or washing the kitchen floor.  So, I'll get in and do those for them as well as cleaning the bathroom for them too.  Well, until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.


  1. Do you prefer a cold rainy day or a cold windy day?

    1. Cold rainy day... because then nothing gets damaged by the wind and nothing falls off my building that I can't replace.
