Do Something Different
I've had a hell of a month; really I have... and it's because of how social my calendar has been. From the first week to this last weekend, I've been on the go and not stopping; not even a cold could slow me down. Actually, it nearly did on the first day of it when I went to the doctors and they couldn't do anything for me and advised me to take Zinc to help it on its way. I did and within the day it was outa here!
But I'll start at the beginning, shall I? My month began with an art opening... a very cool one... at Barsoma's in Fortitude Valley on the first Friday of July. I showed up after getting a little more than lost around the Valley and enjoyed myself. However, this weekend ended up being one of the coldest nights Brisbane saw in a long time! By the time we found our way out to The Bay, it was around 3 degrees, brrrrrrr! By the following Sunday, we had a unit fire. I was sitting out the front of my place reading in the sun when I heard a smoke alarm going off for around half an hour. I thought it was the Indians making Naan bread (as it can set off our smoke alarms when you make it from scratch) but we were all shocked to find it was one of our units down the front where an elderly lady lives. She had left a pot of soup on the stove and forgot about it before walking out the door. We were thankful nobody was hurt in the fire.
On 16th, we attended a Mexican Costume party which celebrated Katrina's 39th Birthday. We had a ball eating great food, talking and drinking and listening to live music put on by Gabe and his mate Darren. Gabe and Kat also provided the coffee and we had the most delicious dinner of Tortillas - with two different fillings! There was the one for the meat-lovers and one for vegetarians. Her cake was made by Kate Koppenoll (our cousin, who's a pastry chef) and we all took off before midnight. The whole party took part as the rain fell around us... and it was really cold outside, yet warm inside.
I received a great surprise the following the week from Triple M (this is a rock'n'roll station here in Brisbane) when they called me and said I had won a tour of the studios and a free 'Living End' cd - their new one! I could bring along one person and I chose Mum. Well! We had a ball. There was food and drink and three announcers from the daytime shows (Bangers, Jo and Woody). And we all got a tour of the place and the winners got to do promo work in 'The Cage's studio (the morning show of Triple M). I was so thrilled! It got funny when Mum lost my camera case for about 10 minutes, then realised it was in her hand the whole time with her camera inside it! Then, when we were almost at the bus station, I thought I had lost my Go Card, we got back to the station and I found it in my bag... the problem was that the lighting on the street isn't good enough to find stuff in your bag. Overall, we had a great night and the staff at Triple M were wonderful about our stuff ups. After being at the studio, I made a major decision about my portable music. I've found that my MP3 player isn't working all that great since Digital Radio has come into play. So, I think it's time to upgrade to an iPod. I'll be shopping around for one over the next month or so until I find one that I'm happy with.
Over the last weekend - including Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday afternoons - I was right into the Early Spring Cleaning Mode. I began in the back yard and didn't stop. Trust me to look at my back kitchen window and think it looked dirty... then get all clingy about it! Once I started cleaning, I just couldn't stop cleaning! It was amazing to note that once I was off this computer and the net, I'd attack the next room - or area - with vigor, not wanting to stop until I was happy with it. After I finished the office, I found that I had burnt myself out a little and took a day or so off; and really, I deserved it. Also, I couldn't fit anymore crap into my wheelie bin; so had to wait until the next afternoon to get back into cleaning again.
However, I didn't do anymore for a few days. I had to stop. I was just too tired and needed to kick back for a while. And kick back I did! I went out last night to Helensvale - you know - and enjoyed myself. It felt good to not have to worry about dinner, cleaning or organising for the first time in a few days. When I was asked what I had been doing, I said Spring Cleaning; and they said it does feel good when you can see your own house for what you want it to be, doesn't it? And you know, I have to agree that it does feel good to have a good proper clean out once in a while. But next time, I won't leave it for so long (which is 8 1/2 years!). Well, these are the highlights of the month; and what I got up to. This month was fun; and I felt like it was never going to end. I'm just thankful I didn't get sick this Winter - but then, it's not over yet, is it? Until my next post, take care, keep warm and safe and remember, I'm always here.
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