Friday, July 29, 2011

End of the Working Week.

I saw this on the back of guy's shirt.I asked if I could photograph it.He said yes!
Yep, it's the end of the working week and I'm looking at the sun outside with clouds smattering the sky.  This morning, on my way to the bus stop, I heard the loud, distinct cackling of the Kookaburras in the tall trees between the unit complex and the fire station.  They let out all their laughter for a good two minutes, flew off to the next stand of trees and then did it all again!  Aaah, yes, we're in for rain this weekend.  So, it's just as well I decided to go out today.
I caught a bus to Garden City to get some last minute things done this week.  I had to buy some medications, the most current copy of 'Good Reading' magazine and make sure I have enough money to see me through until next week; which is always the way.  I only need about $10 to see me through until Tuesday night and that's it to cover me for milk and the Sunday paper.  Otherwise, there's enough food in the house to feed me.
I walked around the shopping centre - which I noticed was heated for some unknown reason.  As you know I've decided to look for an iPod to update my portable music.  I won't be getting anything too big, but something that can get the radio, but can also carry my favourite tunes as well.  So, I'm hoping to get it at a good price by my birthday.  
Anyway, I ended up getting all I needed done - the meds, magazine, pricing of the iPod and browsing through a bookstore (with the purchase of a slow cooker cookbook) - in time for a 20 minute break at Gloria Jeans and in time to catch the bus at around 11:30am.
On the way home, a lady caught the bus at Bunnings with her little girl in a stroller.  As they settled, the girl pulled one of the seats down and began writing (now this little girl is only 3 1/2) and she was very articulate, loved books and drawing.  The lady said her daughter is very smart and looks like she'll go far in life.  I said that I was similar to her daughter when I was young; and the funny thing was the young girl had red hair too!  It was like looking at myself at that age; her Mum was so proud of her daughter.
Soon, my stop came up and I walked up to the post office to check the mail - but I had none - and I came straight home.  I've been here since.  It was a nice morning out; and I arrived home while the sun was still out.  Yep, it's been nice and warm for Little Miss Stevie.  
It has been a busy week for me though.  I had a weekend of cleaning out the house and filling up the wheelie bin, a slow day on Wednesday, a very busy day on Thursday at the Logan Art Gallery and then, a morning out today.  Tomorrow night, I'll be out with friends enjoying a birthday party with them.  You know, this will be my third party this month!  A very social butterfly I've been this month; who-da-thought it?  Well, I better be going.  Until my next post, take care, keep safe and warm and remember, I'm always here.

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