I read in the paper today that society has been letting itself slip in its dress-style. People have been getting on buses, trains and walking in off the street and into fast food restaurants dressed in something that resembles last week's laundry. Some people have been pulling on their jeans and very little else (yes, I'm talking to you men out there) while others aren't wearing shoes in shopping centres when they go out to do the weekly grocery shop.
So, it's not just me who has been noticing this slacking trend in 'let's dress like a slob for the rest of my days' trend. It's the rest of society who won't get in and actually look in the mirror and realise they look like shit! Believe me, I know what I look like every day of my life as I have plenty of mirrors around the house to remind me whether there's a stain on my shirt or if I've done my hair. My feet are usually freezing cold if I haven't put shoes on them before breakfast.
Now, I live in Woodridge in Logan City and believe me, I wouldn't be seen dead outside my own unit complex without my hair brushed, deodourant on, sneakers on my feet and a clean set of clothing on. So, if I can pull off this decent bit of humane hygiene, why can't anyone else? And what is this thing about people shopping in their pajamas? For the love of God, people, you sleep in those things! Why would you want to be seen in public in them? I barely let anyone see me in my slippers let alone my pajamas or dressing gown; so why would you? And don't even think of giving me the excuse that it's wash day... even I have a set of clothes to get into on those few days of the week where I have to wash everything and it's all
on the line, or hung out in the car port (in case of rain) or in the dryer. So, whatever your excuse, I've heard it all. Get dressed in ordinary clothes and stop making a spectacle of yourself.
And if you think that dressing up in decent, ordinary clothes is something of a stupid, old-fashioned notion, well, it's not. Having your own sense of style, your own trend, you own particular type of wardrobe speaks volumes about who you are, what you think and how you live. It doesn't matter where you get your clothes, all that matters is how you pull off the outfit... and if nobody likes your wardrobe, well they don't have to live with it, you do. The best thing about having a wardrobe where you have designed it, picked out the shirts, skirts, jeans, suits and jackets, is that
I am glad I am not the only one who notices the odd one out with fashion. On the way I have seen young females are dress these days, I feel they are only asking for trouble.