Yesterday, I had the quietest day I've experienced in a long time. My mind was at rest and I felt very relaxed about a lot of things that had been running through my mind. It could have been a lot of things. Maybe it was because I finally went out for the first time in six months and stayed somewhere else. Or it was probably because I'm getting back into my art in a massive way (I'm onto my forth painting this year; and that's big for me). Or maybe it's because I've read over ten books and it's only July; and I'm reading two short story books that are looking great.
I'm not sure what it is. But I've been sleeping really well, enjoying my days and nights and I've been laughing more too. I think it's because I'm beginning to look at life differently, and yesterday was the day to do it.
It was so quiet around the unit complex yesterday, I could hear everything going on. It was spooky. I think it was also because all the kids were back at school too. They weren't running and screaming around the place to annoy anyone. However, it was cold yesterday - even in the sun - and so I sat outside and tried to read a few chapters of 'Owls Do Cry' by Janet Frame; but I only got through one chapter before Ruth from down near the front invited me to her place for a cuppa.
We chatted while she cleaned out her fridge and the boys ate their lunch. Then, she broke out their new birthday gift of 'Uno Stacko' which was a joining of two games in one: Jenga and Uno. It had the rules of both games and the fun of one. The boys loved it when the tower of plastic rectangular blocks collapsed; but Michael wasn't too impressed with it on the first time around until we kept playing saw it was all in fun and joined in again. After we played it for three rounds, we played Ker-Plunk and then I decided it was time I went; as the day had turned suddenly very cold (and it was only 3pm). So, I said my farewells and left to come home to cover Little Miss Stevie and close the house up for her and me as it was really beginning to get cold.
I got changed into my warmest painting outfit and worked on my new painting of a vase of flowers. It's going okay; but it's still early days. Yep, it's been a relatively quiet week so far. But as they say when you think it's all going well, it starts to fall apart. So, I won't say it'll stay this way, but I do hope it does... that is if my neighbours behave themselves and - at some point fix their plumbing so I don't hear it all the time. Until my next post, take care, keep warm and safe; and remember, I'm always here.
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